New List Please...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Can I get one of you eco-nauts to post the latest list of "Alternate" Energy sources..

I'm sure it's long and well-conceived.. But I'm confused. Haven't we just about proven that everything on the old list is not as clean/green as we thought -- has severe reliability/cost issues -- or is really limited to a "peaker" source of power?

When you claim it as an ALTERNATIVE --- how about it really does almost REPLACE one or more of the EXISTING primetime energy generators (coal, nuclear, hydro, nat gas, etc). So no -- I'm not really jazzed about tidal power unless you can power Brooklyn 24/7/365.

Let's see what's left on the "OFFICIAL" list of Alternative Energy sources....
OK -- I realize the OP was too confrontational.. I apologize..
I promise to marvel at the progress we've made on "alternatives" in the past 20 years..

At least give a clue as to where "the list" is kept.. You know -- the one that has ALL of those "alternatives" that the left is selling daily..

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