New HealthCare Plan to be voted on by Congress in the New Year.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
The Republicans intend to pass a health reform bill in the new year. It will likely include Tort Reform, the ability to sell insurance across State lines, protection against cancellation due to pre-existing conditions, and expanded coverage for the uninsured. The difference...the Government does not mandate coverage and you have choice over what your insurance plan looks like, not the Government.

I think most reasonable people agree our healthcare system needs reform. The question is did it require a complete Government take over that denies individual choice over the policy that is right for you or your family, at generally much higher cost.

Here is a link to the plan. See what you like or don't like. Obamacare is an obvious disaster. Maybe this is a better alternative. 2300 Section by Section.pdf
I like the refundable tax credit. If we are going to do that, though, then we should just offer free coverage for anyone who makes less than a certain amount. That would take the government off the hook for the bill and out of the equation when it comes to "forcing people" to buy insurance, which I am not for.
I take it it never occurred to them that Obamacare was a starting point, and they could legislate necessary changes?

If you looked at it at all, or read my little blurb...there are elements of Obamacare in the proposal. Most people seem to like the exemption for folks with pre-existing conditions and kids being able to stay on their parent's plan until age 26.

What the majority of most Americans do not like per all the polling, is the Government forcing a one size fits all approach where everyone must get exactly the same coverage, and the Government forces you under penalty of Law to do exactly what they say.

The majority of Americans also do not seem to like the huge increase in cost for healthcare coverage, and the frankly stupid coverage requirements ....(e.g. making 60 year old women pay for prostate exams and 23 year old guys pay for OB/GYN visits). Millions are also not happy the insurance they liked was taken away from them, even though they were promised they could keep their existing coverage.

Reform is needed. Not the mess we were given.

Now what would you like to see? :)
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If Obamacare were truly a starting point, then why did it start by ravaging our healthcare system? Why are physicians going to be put out of business? Why did 5.5 million people have lose their insurance? Starting point? Yes, if by "starting point" you mean "the edge of a precipice."
I would like to see the GOP members of Congress do something other than obstruct and grandstand.

And LL, the GOP members aren't grandstanding, they are actually doing something productive, which is introducing an alternative to Obamacare. Some parts of Obamacare have merit and may very well be in the proposal, but not all of it does. If you don't like it, propose an alternative as the saying goes. So they have.
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If Obamacare were truly a starting point, then why did it start by ravaging our healthcare system? Why are physicians going to be put out of business? Why did 5.5 million people have lose their insurance? Starting point? Yes, if by "starting point" you mean "the edge of a precipice."

I don't agree. Any healthcare reform should include pre-existing conditions.

Neither should healthcare include a lifetime cap. Those are pretty good starting points.
I understand about forcing people to buy insurance, but I do not want the government bailing out hospitals, either.

Also, hospitals ... if not capped on at least how much they may charge, should at least be forced to post a price list of services. When they are forced to openly admit that they charge $75.00 for a box of gauze, they will lower it rather than have to admit it publicly.
If Obamacare were truly a starting point, then why did it start by ravaging our healthcare system? Why are physicians going to be put out of business? Why did 5.5 million people have lose their insurance? Starting point? Yes, if by "starting point" you mean "the edge of a precipice."

I don't agree. Any healthcare reform should never exclude pre existing conditions.

Neither should healthcare include a lifetime cap. Those are pretty good starting points.
I understand about forcing people to buy insurance, but I do not want the government bailing out hospitals, either.

Also, hospitals ... if not capped on at least how much they may charge, should at least be forced to post a price list of services. When they are forced to openly admit that they charge $75.00 for a box of gauze, they will lower it rather than have to admit it publicly.

I did say parts of Obamacare had merit, especially the part about preexisting conditions. But why would you ban lifetime caps? Would that not cause premiums to go through the roof?

I also want affordable services from hospitals too. I would also like to add that doctors be given tax credits for serving the indigent. That would be a major step in reforming our healthcare system overall. The Hippocratic oath states "do no harm" and by charging these astronomical prices for procedures and the like, they are doing more harm than they are preventing.
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The Republicans intend to pass a health reform bill in the new year. It will likely include Tort Reform, the ability to sell insurance across State lines, protection against cancellation due to pre-existing conditions, and expanded coverage for the uninsured. The difference...the Government does not mandate coverage and you have choice over what your insurance plan looks like, not the Government.

I think most reasonable people agree our healthcare system needs reform. The question is did it require a complete Government take over that denies individual choice over the policy that is right for you or your family, at generally much higher cost.

Here is a link to the plan. See what you like or don't like. Obamacare is an obvious disaster. Maybe this is a better alternative. 2300 Section by Section.pdf

The ACA is here to stay...get used to it.

Here is what one right wing whackjob here said about insurance and our medical care in the USA:

Popular with the people? What people are you talking about? The American people never wanted this bill and the more it gets implimented the less they want it.

No one needs insurance. People have survived for most of human history without insurance. It's a luxary.

Possibly the dumbest thing ever typed here but there you have it....nobody needs insurance and medicine was fine. Something like 40% of all personal bankruptcies were due to medicine but long as it doesn't affect you (until you get sick) why should you care?
If Obamacare were truly a starting point, then why did it start by ravaging our healthcare system? Why are physicians going to be put out of business? Why did 5.5 million people have lose their insurance? Starting point? Yes, if by "starting point" you mean "the edge of a precipice."

I don't agree. Any healthcare reform should include pre-existing conditions.

Neither should healthcare include a lifetime cap. Those are pretty good starting points.
I understand about forcing people to buy insurance, but I do not want the government bailing out hospitals, either.

Also, hospitals ... if not capped on at least how much they may charge, should at least be forced to post a price list of services. When they are forced to openly admit that they charge $75.00 for a box of gauze, they will lower it rather than have to admit it publicly.

For dry materials I could agree with you. For procedures, that becomes problematic.
The Republicans intend to pass a health reform bill in the new year. It will likely include Tort Reform, the ability to sell insurance across State lines, protection against cancellation due to pre-existing conditions, and expanded coverage for the uninsured. The difference...the Government does not mandate coverage and you have choice over what your insurance plan looks like, not the Government.

I think most reasonable people agree our healthcare system needs reform. The question is did it require a complete Government take over that denies individual choice over the policy that is right for you or your family, at generally much higher cost.

Here is a link to the plan. See what you like or don't like. Obamacare is an obvious disaster. Maybe this is a better alternative. 2300 Section by Section.pdf

See.... this is why I have no fucking use for Republicans.... I couldn't even get past the first page without being slapped by this shit:

Title I – Tax Incentives for Maintaining Health Insurance Coverage

The mandate isn't going anywhere unless we vote every single Democrat and Republican who supports it out of office.
The Republicans intend to pass a health reform bill in the new year. It will likely include Tort Reform, the ability to sell insurance across State lines, protection against cancellation due to pre-existing conditions, and expanded coverage for the uninsured. The difference...the Government does not mandate coverage and you have choice over what your insurance plan looks like, not the Government.

I think most reasonable people agree our healthcare system needs reform. The question is did it require a complete Government take over that denies individual choice over the policy that is right for you or your family, at generally much higher cost.

Here is a link to the plan. See what you like or don't like. Obamacare is an obvious disaster. Maybe this is a better alternative. 2300 Section by Section.pdf

Looks a lot like this plan. A plan the GOP studied extensively

The Best Alternative to Obamacare - Clark S. Judge (

The GOP has come with an alternative to the ACA. One that doesn't have Govt fucking up the works.

Guess that flys in the face of Obamabots who think the ACA is workable.

Everyone is for HC reform. This plan is better and workable. Hope it gets somewhere.

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