New elites (highly probably fascists) will run European countries after 2022. Electricity prices goes up 500%


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Germany's industry has virtually come to a halt. There has not been such a shortage of exports to Germany since 1991.
Does anyone else have doubts that this war in Ukraine was provoked primarily against Europe and only secondarily against Russia?

Sanctions are planed to break up the EU in order to:

1. To provoke capital flight from the EU to USA/AUCUS
2. Shut down overlapping facilities with the US's ones
3. Move export-oriented production from the EU to the U.S., at the expense of which they will close the trade surplus with China and make a leap into the future.
4. Poach companies that buy U.S. treasuries. Right now 90% of the buyers are EU companies.
5. Decrease the purchasing power of both their own and EU citizens to undermine China's exports.
6. Deindustrialization of the EU - will reduce energy consumption and global demand for energy, which will put pressure on their prices. At the same time it will solve the problem of European energy independence.
7. Not to allow cooperation between the EU and Russia, combining resources with the technologies of industrious nations, covered by the military power is invincible! All the more so because Russia has an intensive core economy, which will allow to do without robbing someone from the outside.
8. The elimination of the middle class everywhere as a tool to reduce the consumption of Chinese goods.

Right now electricity price goes up 500%
For example

"Entrepreneur Martin Wimmer from Vienna describes: "A good 2 years ago, we signed a tariff with our electricity provider Montana at 8.88 cents/kwH for 100% green electricity. Now the contract has been cancelled and an alternative offer has been made with a tariff of 45 cents." Wimmer is stunned, "That's an increase of more than 500%!"

And this is just the beginning

It looks like the industry of Europe is gone in 2023

What happens next:

Outraged Europeans will swept away all corrupted communist parties ( all parties who run European countries are in reality corrupt communists ) and their paid-and-bought-for pocket 'opposition'
New leaders will come, not from dying parties, but directly from peoples

And they will go to Russia and make peace with it.

EU will be abolished, so-called 'democracies' too.
You can call new governing forms Fascism and you will be probably right.


Unfortunately European 'politicians' do anything possible today Europa will run by fascists tomorrow
This is coming from the same person who said tens of millions have died from covid shots.

And for the record, they won't be fascists, they'd be globalists.

The excess mortality after CONvid-1984 'jabs' is up to 50% and it's just the beginning
What can do globalists against 400m freezing starving outraged Europeans in February,2023 who can not pay their bills and their working places had been gone?
They've destroyed German industry incredibly fast
The people are next

I posted last week about rising levels of poverty in Germany. The following report focuses on energy poverty — the increasing difficulties low- and medium-income citizens have in paying their basic home heating costs.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Focus Online. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Middle class also affected
Poverty threatens: Every fourth German household can no longer afford energy
Every fourth household in Germany spends more than ten percent of its income on energy. This is the result of a study by the Institute of German Economics [IW]. The number of people affected has risen sharply — including in the middle class. What can now be done against the growing “energy poverty” and why the Swedes are doing it better.

They've destroyed German industry incredibly fast
The people are next

I posted last week about rising levels of poverty in Germany. The following report focuses on energy poverty — the increasing difficulties low- and medium-income citizens have in paying their basic home heating costs.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Focus Online. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Shutting off gas from Russia in Germany means a loss of $193 billion in 2022.
A sudden cutoff of gas supplies from Russia would lead to a 12.5 percent drop in Germany's economy. Nationwide, it will affect 5.6 million jobs.
- Germany's Bild.
Given the dynamics, multiply the losses by a factor of 1.5 to 2 next year, 2023. The German economy has been VERY strong, but minus 5.6 million jobs in 1 year is a death blow to the heart.

There's no point in hanging on to the EU anymore, rather the opposite, there are more reasons to break it up - too many stars aligned against it. The EU is like a shackle that pulls at the bottom. What cannot be avoided is better headed.
To give in and try to dodge at the expense of the energy of the enemy, to break out of the trap of their liberals. Agree with Russia on cooperation, launch gas pipelines, reduce the price of energy and fertilizers.
There is nothing to say about the other countries - everything there is several times worse in relative terms. The media say that the winter will be hungry and cold, not only for the poor countries, but also for the bottom 20-50% of the poor citizens of rich EU countries.
Many retirees from countries with strong EU economies now live in Spain/Portugal, because at home they do not have enough pension to eat. There are whole villages, German, Swedish, Finnish... Consumer inflation in Spain is already the official 20%. Soon food will be golden there too.

25% of French children before February didn't have enough to eat at home and were eating at school. For them, summer is the hardest time of the year because of the vacations. You can read the same thing about other "rich" countries in Europe.
The whole green agenda, the closing of coal plants, wind turbines, and solar panels, is a way of raising the price of electricity to make production uncompetitive. The Fukushima provocation to stop nuclear reactors.
That's not to say that EU industrialists didn't fight back - they caught the Greens in lies and falsifications, Snowden, Wikileaks and more. But, as I've written before, the right always loses to the liberals - it's a law of nature.
But Germany withstood it all and continued to increase exports. Electric cars are the liquidation of the European auto industry, on which tens of millions of jobs depend. Let them be "fueled" now, if there is enough money for the 5-10 times more expensive electricity.
Below two gravedigger of Germany



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