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Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
Guns have enabled 572,000 deaths in USA 1999-2016.

Justifiable homicides are common in action films, but rare in real life.

For each justifiable homicide there are about 30 criminal homicides and 60 suicides.
Guns have enabled 572,000 deaths in USA 1999-2016.

Justifiable homicides are common in action films, but rare in real life.

For each justifiable homicide there are about 30 criminal homicides and 60 suicides.

Totally and completely wrong.
First of all, no gun ever killed anyone, since it is just a passive tool.
If someone is going to kill someone else of themselves, they are still going to do it regardless of what weapons or tools are a available.
Did murder and suicide not exist before guns were invented?
Not only was there murder and suicide before guns were invented, but clearly the murder rate was MUCH higher then.

And it is just a deliberate and stupid attempt at deception to claim guns are used more for harmful murders and suicide than for defensive murder.
Obviously the more than a million defensive uses of firearms each years does NOT have to result in a death.
There is no reason to shoot the one intent on murder, rape, or robbery once they find out you are armed and the risk is too great and they leave.

For every criminal homicide, there are over 200 homicides prevented by armed citizens.

And as for suicides, that is their own choice. At some point everyone likely want to and should commit suicide.
I don't particularly think a gun is the best way, but its not up to anyone else.
I missed that one!!

So, you also believe that guns don't kill people........people kill people, and a gun is just their means to an end of a life?

A gun is not a means to an end of a life.
It is how you prevent others from extorting, stealing, raping, or otherwise causing harm.
But if you did want to kill someone, you certainly do not need a gun.
We killed people just fine for thousands of years before they invented guns.
In fact, gun are so noisy they are nearly impossible to use without getting caught.
Something quiet, like poison, knife, or arrow, is much safer to commit murder after murder with, and not get caught.
Without guns there would be much fewer murders and suicides.

Firearms were only invented around 1500 or so, and clearly they reduced the rate of murders and suicides.
That is because before firearms, there were only edged weapons, which required more strength and experience, so then mercenaries ruled for their masters who paid them.
The death toll was vastly higher then, so much so that there were no democracies at all.
Every where was ruled by monarchies through the use of edged weapons.

Firearms were the equalized that ended monarchies and allowed the freedom of democracies.
Guns are a tool of suicide and murder.
Similarly, strong narcotics such as fentanyl enable enormous harm.

Totally and completely wrong.
Murder and suicide were much greater before there were firearms.
And it is the lack of health care access and lack of government credibility from trying to make drugs illegal when they should not be, that cause drugs to be a problem.
When drugs like opium and heroine were legal, very few people used them because warnings about their danger were more credible, and medical help could be sought if one did screw up and try them.
Cars are needed very much.

Motorcycles have fatality rate per 100,000,000 miles about 30 times more then cars.

Cars have only been around about 100 years, so clearly cars are not needed at all.
They are just fun, that is all.
We would do much better with mass transit instead.
And that is what we will have to return to when fossil fuel almost runs out.

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