Netanyahu's Chicken Little act.........I really mean it this time


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
When it comes to Iran and its nuclear program, Netanyahu is simply not a credible source. On no less than five separate occasions since 1992, he has warned that Iran was imminently within reach of a nuclear bomb, warnings that he has used to argue for a preemptive American strike. Each time his projected window ran out, he simply moved the date forward a couple years. Like the Friedman Unit during the Iraq War, Netanyahu has claimed that Iran is between one and seven years away from a nuclear weapon — for the past 23 years running.

The sky isn t falling Why Benjamin Netanyahu has no credibility on the Iranian threat

Most recently, he predicted before the U.N. General Assembly (complete with a bizarre Wile E. Coyote-style bomb diagram) that Iran would have a nuke by the summer of 2013 at the latest. But Al Jazeera recently reported that this assertion was completely at odds with the contemporaneous opinion of Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service.
It's worth noting that Netanyahu did the exact same song and dance before the Iraq War, too, testifying before Congress that "there is no question whatsoever" that Saddam Hussein was working on nuclear weapons and that he would thus pose an existential threat to Israel and world security.
Shrink the entire US down to the size of NJ, and place a majority of your population in an area the size of New York City and then think how concerned you would be about an enemy having nukes.
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.

Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.

if Runnin' Ronnie had done that the Nuclear world wouldn't have anyone to fear.
There was once a very foolish shepherd boy called, Israel.
He cried, "Wolf" so many times, so no bugger believed him.
Bloody good job too, turns out Israel is the wolf.
When it comes to Iran and its nuclear program, Netanyahu is simply not a credible source. On no less than five separate occasions since 1992, he has warned that Iran was imminently within reach of a nuclear bomb, warnings that he has used to argue for a preemptive American strike. Each time his projected window ran out, he simply moved the date forward a couple years. Like the Friedman Unit during the Iraq War, Netanyahu has claimed that Iran is between one and seven years away from a nuclear weapon — for the past 23 years running.

The sky isn t falling Why Benjamin Netanyahu has no credibility on the Iranian threat


Why don't you take your Jew-hating, bigoted rants elsewhere... Iran is the most prolific state sponsor of terrorism in the world today. And yes, they have vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth if given t he chance.

Now, I know that thought makes you drool.. be we don't all think that genocide is a such a great idea.. even if it is just those pesky Jews.
Netanyahu says jump

Republicans respond in unison .....How high?
Ole rightie got his panties in a wad, because Netanyahu showed Obama what a real leader looks likes and sounds like. He actually stood up for his country. Not continually apologizing for it, like Obama.

Netanyahus repeated proclamations of impending doom.......that the U.S. must take care of is not leadership

On the global stage, Obama is the one who has repeatedly shown leadership by not overreacting to perceived threats
Oh, give it a rest. Iran has stated it will wipe Israel from the face of the earth. If he's a little paranoid it's with good reason. And who's to say when Iran will do what? Maybe they already have nukes and are just working on a method of deployment. We should have taken out Iran back in the 80's.

Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?

You're disgusting.
Breaking news---just heard----CNN-----Iran has entered Iraq to face ISIS

I am crying WOLF----because this event is a really big bad WOLF---
wait and see
Netanyahu says jump

Republicans respond in unison .....How high?
Ole rightie got his panties in a wad, because Netanyahu showed Obama what a real leader looks likes and sounds like. He actually stood up for his country. Not continually apologizing for it, like Obama.

Netanyahus repeated proclamations of impending doom.......that the U.S. must take care of is not leadership

On the global stage, Obama is the one who has repeatedly shown leadership by not overreacting to perceived threats
Lol, the red line crossing and then whining about it, doesn't show leadership. Putin in Russia pillaging at will while Obama say stop, to no avail. Doesn't show leadership. Losing that successful war in Iraq, doesn't show leadership. Having Netanyahu come over and showing Obama how a real leader looks like. Definitely isn't showing leadership. You really have nothing. We are a laughing stock because of Obama, and to his voters.

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