Negotiations Work!- IRAN Military Drills Attack Fake US Aircraft Carrier-


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Nice... Our communist in chief Islamist terrorist who inhabits the White House keeps appeasing the Iranians and their desire to wipe Israel off the map

I'm glad Netanyahu is coming to congress before turning Iran to glass



Amid the to-ing and fro-ing of John Kerry and the nuclear program negotiations, it seemed quite ironic that Iran would unleash a major naval drill near the strategically vital entrance of the Persian Gulf. As AP reports, more than a dozen swarming Iranian speedboats assaulted a replica of a U.S. aircraft carrier, as the Guard's navy chief, Adm. Ali Fadavi, who last month boasted that his force is capable of sinking American aircraft carriers in the event of war, said on state television, "American aircraft carriers are very big ammunition depots housing a lot of missiles, rockets, torpedoes and everything else."

Iran Televises Major Naval Drill Against Fake US Aircraft Carrier In Persian Gulf Zero Hedge

Right, I'm sure it's got the navy quivering in its bunks.

Well, it is a threat the Navy takes seriously, unlike you....


What the Navy Shoots for Target Practice

Practice makes perfect. That includes the ability to accurately fire some of the biggest, baddest, and deadliest weapons systems in the US Navy. But since the indiscriminate shelling of passing ships is generally frowned upon by the maritime community, here's what US sailors take aim at instead.

The US Navy has long relied on radio controlled drones, like the MW-36A aerial drone or pilotless firefish, for bombing and gunnery exercises and, before that, used older ships no longer fit for combat for target practice. Today, the Pacific Targets and Marine Operations Division (PTMO) handles the operations of all airborne and seaborne targets used by the Navy. The division operates out of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC) at Point Mugu and Port Hueneme in Southern California and runs the targeting logistics at Point Mugu Sea Test Range and Southern California Offshore Range near San Clemente, as well as a number of open ocean events. From modified jet skis to remote controlled cargo ships, if the US armada needs to shoot it, the PTMO will supply it.


High-Speed Maneuvering Surface Target (HSMST)

Packing 46 knots (52 MPH) of speed into a hull length half that of the FACT or QDT-35, the 26 foot HSMST is fast and incredibly maneuverable—ideal for shallow water exercises. The HSMST shares its hull design with harbor patrol boats and is outfitted with a pair of 200 HP outboard engines. As with the previous two, the HSMST can be augmented to adjust its threat signature.
Put some Phalanx guns on that thing then include the normal complacent of ships and submarines that screen a US Navy carrier and try again. They won't get within miles with their little pesky boats
If a US aircraft carrier is in range of a Iranian short range boats, does that mean the US is the aggressor?
I don't think these little motor boats can reach California.
If a US aircraft carrier is in range of a Iranian short range boats, does that mean the US is the aggressor?
I don't think these little motor boats can reach California.

What defines International waters in the Persian Gulf?
If a US aircraft carrier is in range of a Iranian short range boats, does that mean the US is the aggressor?
I don't think these little motor boats can reach California.

They devastated that cardboard carrier. I hear Kim Jong Un is jealous over the might shown by those little motor boats.
The advantage that the speedboats have is a US presidunce that would tell the crew to stand down.
They devastated that cardboard carrier. I hear Kim Jong Un is jealous over the might shown by those little motor boats.
I think that cardboard carrier might have been doing the fabulous speed of zero knots as well.

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