Need help in Domestic Violence and Legal Document Preparation


Oct 11, 2012
Domestic violence in US is a prevalent crime and it refers to one or more members being abused in many ways. This kind of violent can happen between anyone. Preventing this crime is extremely important because the victim is not only harmed physically but also has to suffer a lot of emotional as well. Such experiences can scar a person for life and therefore proper steps must be taken for prevent domestic violence.

Blyth Sean
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Domestic violence in US is a prevalent crime and it refers to one or more members being abused in many ways. This kind of violent can happen between anyone. Preventing this crime is extremely important because the victim is not only harmed physically but also has to suffer a lot of emotional as well. Such experiences can scar a person for life and therefore proper steps must be taken for prevent domestic violence.

Blyth Sean

Very true. One of the best ways to decrease the incidence of domestic violence is for the victim to LEAVE THE RELATIONSHIP IMMEDIATELY on the FIRST INSTANCE of domestic violence and NOT COME BACK.

All too often, for whatever complicated and deep-seated reasons the victim may have, she (the vast majority of dom vio victims are women) is not only reluctant to leave the relationship, but actually enables the perp by wanting to drop the charges, etc.

If you are the victim of domestic violence, get out of the relationship and press charges. If more victims did that, there would be a lot less domestic violence.
It wasn't until a couple years after my divorce that I came across a newspaper article titled "The Seven Signs of Emotional Abuse". It described my 13 year marriage to a T.
Thanks a lot for your valuable advices. and yes its really very painful experience when you come to know that a person with whom you were sharing your life was a cheater. Any how to help all such people i have just started my this website where I think I can help others to get rid of such relations. Please let me know if you find it valuable. as your comments and feedback is very supportive for me


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