Need confirmation: Poroschenko family flees Kiev after death threats from Right Sector


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is out there breaking big on all sorts of blogs. I've lost my reading and writing Uk skills over the years (just verbal is all I have left) so if anyone can properly translate some of these links I'd be greatly appreciative.

Here's an english translation that I have found. I'd like to know if this is accurate.

Seemorerocks BREAKING Poroshenko s family flee Kiev after Right Sector ultimatum

In Kiev a new Maidan is brewing

Poroshenko’s wife left Kiev with the children on a charter flight. A real panic started In the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine.
Curators of the Security Service and other agencies urgently gathered for a meeting, which discussed a plan to eliminate a new Maidan. We also learned that Poroshenko for accidents, four hryvnia ready to disburse the people who will have to disperse the Maidan, but they will need to gather more people and to suppress the new Maidan. Tuesday should be held the first gathering of the people who will have to suppress the new Maidan.

As for the wife Poroshenko it with their children and with fear in her eyes she left Kiev emergency chart. According to the logic = it is clear that soon after Poroshenko and his entourage t for all the work that he has done.
The Debaltsevo cauldron, where thousands of soldiers and officers of the punitive units APU perished, was the last straw. In addition, it should be noted that the evil radicals of Yarosh long have been preparing Poroshenko a surprise that it is unlikely to please him for a long time, His owners in the USA will not be particularly happy either.


Политика Новороссии
Жена Порошенко в страхе покинула Украину
16-02-2015, 13:58 | Категория: Политика, Колонка главного редактора
Просмотров: 31208


В Киеве назревает новый Майдан.

Жена Петра Порошенко покинула Киев вместе с детьми чартерным рейсом. В силовых структурах Украины началась самая настоящая паника.

Кураторы СБУ и других ведомств в срочном порядке собраны на заседание, где будет обсуждаться план устранения нового Майдана. Также стало известно, что Порошенко за несчастных четыреста гривен готов проплачивать людей, которые и должны будут разгонять этот Майдан, но при этом они должны будут собрать еще и народ для подавления нового Майдана. Во вторник должен состоятся первый сбор тех людей, которые должны будут подавлять новый Майдан.

Что касается супруги Порошенко, то она вместе с детьми со страхом в глазах уже покинула Киев экстренным чартом. По логике итак понятно, что скоро за Порошенко и его окружением придут с целью осуществления наказания за все дела, которые он натворил. Дебальцевский котел, где погибли тысячи солдат и офицеров из карательных подразделений ВСУ, стал последней каплей. К тому же надо отметить, что злые радикалы Яроша давно готовят Порошенко сюрприз, который его вряд ли обрадует, да и хозяева из США им не особо довольны.

I have nothing but please let us know if there are any confirmations. I am going to make a post on my 'current events' thread but this is a huge turning point:
US Proxy War With Russia Over E. Ukraine Not in World s Interest
Last updated on: February 17, 2015 2:43 PM
The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it was not in the interests of Ukraine or the world to get into a proxy war with Russia over eastern Ukraine, a comment suggesting Washington is hesitant to arm Ukrainian forces.​

The fact that this came out on Voice of America and the State Department specifically stated that arming the Ukrainian army would be equivalent to a 'proxy war' would mean to me, and this is incredibly over optimistic but, war's over.
I have nothing but please let us know if there are any confirmations. I am going to make a post on my 'current events' thread but this is a huge turning point:
US Proxy War With Russia Over E. Ukraine Not in World s Interest
Last updated on: February 17, 2015 2:43 PM
The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it was not in the interests of Ukraine or the world to get into a proxy war with Russia over eastern Ukraine, a comment suggesting Washington is hesitant to arm Ukrainian forces.​

The fact that this came out on Voice of America and the State Department specifically stated that arming the Ukrainian army would be equivalent to a 'proxy war' would mean to me, and this is incredibly over optimistic but, war's over.

Hey thanks for the heads up. I'll follow that thread for updates. I'm hoping and praying that everything will settle down and that the civil war will come to a close. ButI've just picked up that Yorosh is standing by his position that his paramilitary troops will note abide by the Minsk agreement. That they reserve the right to continue the war. That a government aid has confirmed that the Right Sector refuses to obey the Defense Ministry.

He and his men are the wild card in this.
I have nothing but please let us know if there are any confirmations. I am going to make a post on my 'current events' thread but this is a huge turning point:
US Proxy War With Russia Over E. Ukraine Not in World s Interest
Last updated on: February 17, 2015 2:43 PM
The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it was not in the interests of Ukraine or the world to get into a proxy war with Russia over eastern Ukraine, a comment suggesting Washington is hesitant to arm Ukrainian forces.​

The fact that this came out on Voice of America and the State Department specifically stated that arming the Ukrainian army would be equivalent to a 'proxy war' would mean to me, and this is incredibly over optimistic but, war's over.

Funny, Putin just said that we have already armed Ukraine:

Optimistic Putin Says US Already Supplying Arms To Ukraine Zero Hedge
I have nothing but please let us know if there are any confirmations. I am going to make a post on my 'current events' thread but this is a huge turning point:
US Proxy War With Russia Over E. Ukraine Not in World s Interest
Last updated on: February 17, 2015 2:43 PM
The U.S. State Department said Tuesday it was not in the interests of Ukraine or the world to get into a proxy war with Russia over eastern Ukraine, a comment suggesting Washington is hesitant to arm Ukrainian forces.​

The fact that this came out on Voice of America and the State Department specifically stated that arming the Ukrainian army would be equivalent to a 'proxy war' would mean to me, and this is incredibly over optimistic but, war's over.

Funny, Putin just said that we have already armed Ukraine:

Optimistic Putin Says US Already Supplying Arms To Ukraine Zero Hedge
Yeah, I saw that. Another source however. Whether or not the U.S. is supplying weapons to Poroshenko without the Congressional approval clandestine shipments alone will not prop up Poroshenko for long. Poroshenko knows he just got cut off and he is squealing like a stuck pig to anyone who will listen. I am sure Bomb-the-Ukraine McCain is all ears.

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