NBC's Face Value Stand Against Lyin' Brian Reeks


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'
Hillary taking a break too.

Sobering up, or, laying low while lies are a big story?
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'
Hillary taking a break too.

Sobering up, or, laying low while lies are a big story?

I've seen headlines but haven't explored them. Is Hillary embroiled in another lie controversy?
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'
Hillary taking a break too.

Sobering up, or, laying low while lies are a big story?

I've seen headlines but haven't explored them. Is Hillary embroiled in another lie controversy?
I think everybody's tall tales are going to be re-examined.

Beloved Peter Jennings probably told some whoppers too.

I always thought he was as full of shit as any of them.
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'
Hillary taking a break too.

Sobering up, or, laying low while lies are a big story?

I've seen headlines but haven't explored them. Is Hillary embroiled in another lie controversy?

Rumor has it she is having some plastic surgery prior to hitting the campaign trail.
Also lying low to avoid any comparison of her stolen valor moment to Brian Williams helicopter incident.
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

Of course they'll wait it out.

Once again, what TV sells is illusion. If the illusion sells, it's on the air. If it doesn't it's gone. Has little to do with integrity. Television has nothing to do with "integrity". It has to do with profits and how to manipulate them.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'

And in that they're correct. The fact that television still exists is proof of it.
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

Of course they'll wait it out.

Once again, what TV sells is illusion. If the illusion sells, it's on the air. If it doesn't it's gone. Has little to do with integrity. Television has nothing to do with "integrity". It has to do with profits and how to manipulate them.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'

And in that they're correct. The fact that television still exists is proof of it.

At a minimum, they have to sell the illusion of integrity. NBC is giving general viewership a slap in the face and gambling that most of their viewers are more concerned with Williams's likability as opposed to his journalistic backbone.
NBC suspended Brian Williams without pay for six months. The without pay is a no brainer. Paying a guy for lying would have creating a wave of bad publicity. And, they get to look like they're playing hardball (no pun on Mr. Thrill up the leg intended).

But if NBC really was committed to protecting their so-called integrity, they would've canned Williams. Now, they're just seeing what the ratings do over the next six months; and they're leaving the door open for Lyin' Bryan.

Of course they'll wait it out.

Once again, what TV sells is illusion. If the illusion sells, it's on the air. If it doesn't it's gone. Has little to do with integrity. Television has nothing to do with "integrity". It has to do with profits and how to manipulate them.

NBC is playing the public for fools. They're hoping that we're apathetic assholes who will just shrug our shoulders and say 'well he paid the price.' They are basically making a statement about what we all know about them already: 'On-air honesty is over-rated anyhow.'

And in that they're correct. The fact that television still exists is proof of it.

At a minimum, they have to sell the illusion of integrity. NBC is giving general viewership a slap in the face and gambling that most of their viewers are more concerned with Williams's likability as opposed to his journalistic backbone.

That's not a gamble; it's what Rumsfeld would call a "known known".
NBC is totally F'd up.
They hold Brian Williams to a higher standard than Al Sharpton.

They have different jobs.

But anybody who would hire Al Sharpton for a task involving speech can't be said to have anything that can be called a "standard" anyway.
NBC is totally F'd up.
They hold Brian Williams to a higher standard than Al Sharpton.

They have different jobs.

But anybody who would hire Al Sharpton for a task involving speech can't be said to have anything that can be called a "standard" anyway.

They draw their checks from the same source.

Sure -- but what's that got to do with "different standards"?
Different jobs always have different standards. If they didn't everybody would be paid the same.
NBC is totally F'd up.
They hold Brian Williams to a higher standard than Al Sharpton.

In all honesty, he should be held to a higher standard. Network (public) news by definition should have tougher standards than the infotainment on the cable channels.

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