NBC News anchor Brian Williams' comments about dead bodies, Hurricane Katrina starting to gain


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
NBC News anchor Brian Williams' comments about dead bodies, Hurricane Katrina starting to gain attention

Williams up-close accounts of the devastation, including a night spent inside the Superdome with others seeking shelter, got widespread kudos and helped win the network an Emmy. Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw — who allegedly called for Williams’ “head on a platter” over the false Iraq War story — praised Williams last year for his Katrina reporting, saying he “took ownership, if you will, of the anchor chair” after having succeeded Brokaw.

But now at least two of Williams’ Katrina statements are being questioned: that he saw a man “float by face down” from his hotel room in the French Quarter and that he caught dysentery after accidentally ingesting floodwaters, the New Orleans Advocate reported.

Since the French Quarter was said to have stayed relatively dry amid the devastating flooding elsewhere, some are questioning Williams’ account from a 2006 interview: “When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down, when you see bodies that you last saw in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and swore to yourself that you would never see in your country…”

Dr. Brobson Lutz, a former city health director who was working in an emergency medical trailer in the French Quarter during Katrina, told the Advocate that he and others “were never wet. It was never wet.”

And during his interview with Brokaw last year, Williams claimed he fell ill with dysentery during Katrina: “My week, two weeks there was not helped by the fact that I accidentally ingested some of the floodwater. I became very sick with dysentery, our hotel was overrun with gangs, I was rescued in the stairwell of a five-star hotel in New Orleans by a young police officer. We are friends to this day…”

But regarding Williams’ dysentery claim, Lutz added that he “saw a lot of people with cuts and bruises and such, but I don’t recall a single, solitary case of gastroenteritis during Katrina or in the whole month afterward.”

An NBC spokesman didn’t immediately respond Thursday to the Advocate’s questions regarding Williams’ Katrina statements.

In addition, a pair of video clips appear to show Williams recounting two versions of the story regarding a man who committed suicide during the hurricane.

In the the interview with Brokaw above (at about the 2:45 mark), Williams said he saw a man commit suicide; a second clip below has Williams saying he “heard the story of a man killing himself falling from the upper deck” of the New Orleans Superdome.

Brian Williams faces new scrutiny over Hurricane Katrina claims report says NJ.com



Do not tell us liberals. We know what you are thinking.

Aw.... Come on! He just likes to mike himself feel important by embellishing stories, just like Hillary Clinton did when she said she was under fire during a trip to Bosnia? If Hillary can still be seriously considered a canidate for president, I think we should give Williams a pass. After all, he is just a news anchor trying to be important, not a potential president of the United States.
NBC News anchor Brian Williams' comments about dead bodies, Hurricane Katrina starting to gain attention

Williams up-close accounts of the devastation, including a night spent inside the Superdome with others seeking shelter, got widespread kudos and helped win the network an Emmy. Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw — who allegedly called for Williams’ “head on a platter” over the false Iraq War story — praised Williams last year for his Katrina reporting, saying he “took ownership, if you will, of the anchor chair” after having succeeded Brokaw.

But now at least two of Williams’ Katrina statements are being questioned: that he saw a man “float by face down” from his hotel room in the French Quarter and that he caught dysentery after accidentally ingesting floodwaters, the New Orleans Advocate reported.

Since the French Quarter was said to have stayed relatively dry amid the devastating flooding elsewhere, some are questioning Williams’ account from a 2006 interview: “When you look out of your hotel room window in the French Quarter and watch a man float by face down, when you see bodies that you last saw in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, and swore to yourself that you would never see in your country…”

Dr. Brobson Lutz, a former city health director who was working in an emergency medical trailer in the French Quarter during Katrina, told the Advocate that he and others “were never wet. It was never wet.”

And during his interview with Brokaw last year, Williams claimed he fell ill with dysentery during Katrina: “My week, two weeks there was not helped by the fact that I accidentally ingested some of the floodwater. I became very sick with dysentery, our hotel was overrun with gangs, I was rescued in the stairwell of a five-star hotel in New Orleans by a young police officer. We are friends to this day…”

But regarding Williams’ dysentery claim, Lutz added that he “saw a lot of people with cuts and bruises and such, but I don’t recall a single, solitary case of gastroenteritis during Katrina or in the whole month afterward.”

An NBC spokesman didn’t immediately respond Thursday to the Advocate’s questions regarding Williams’ Katrina statements.

In addition, a pair of video clips appear to show Williams recounting two versions of the story regarding a man who committed suicide during the hurricane.

In the the interview with Brokaw above (at about the 2:45 mark), Williams said he saw a man commit suicide; a second clip below has Williams saying he “heard the story of a man killing himself falling from the upper deck” of the New Orleans Superdome.

Brian Williams faces new scrutiny over Hurricane Katrina claims report says NJ.com



Do not tell us liberals. We know what you are thinking.


The hipboots must have been for the bullshit he was spewing, as sandals could have handled the water his is in.
Fun to watch RWs' hypocritical outrage after they defend the 18% truth they get and accept from Fox.
Fun to watch RWs' hypocritical outrage after they defend the 18% truth they get and accept from Fox.

I don watch Fox, listen to right wing radio. I don't care what the dems do with Hillary, you comfortable with people that lie, that's fine. You want to listen to Williams lie, go right ahead. You want to excuse it, then excuse it all.

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I heard that Williams narrowly escaped being blown up in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, but that he parachuted out just in time!
I heard that Williams narrowly escaped being blown up in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, but that he parachuted out just in time!

When he landed he claimed the Shuttle was hit by an RPG.

He was in one of the jets that crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11, and saw that George W. Bush was piloting it!

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