NBC Cuts Away From Biden When He's Asked Questions

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
On an NBC News “Special Report” that was covering President Biden’s news conference on Sunday, NBC News abruptly cut away from the news conference as soon as Biden started to take questions from the press.

Biden concluded his prepared statement by saying, “And I’ll keep you informed every day as we move forward. May God protect our troops and our diplomats who are serving in harm’s way. I’ll take a few questions. Darlene, from the Associated Press.”

Darlene Superville, White House reporter for The Associated Press, asked, “Mr. President: we’re nine days away from the August 31 deadline. Will you extend that deadline, or what is your thought process on extending the evacuation operation?”

NBC News’ Kate Snow nodded, possibly obeying an instruction given in her earphone, then cut in, “All right. We’ve been listening to President Biden with dual challenges on a Sunday talking about Tropical Storm Henri, all the preparations being made, also talking about Afghanistan. Let’s get right to Monica Alba, who’s at the White House.”

To looks like the NBC anchor got directions from NBC higher ups to cut in. I guess NBC wants to hide Biden from the public seeing him in real-time action. Yet another example of the MSM clearly acting as a DNC activist wing.
On an NBC News “Special Report” that was covering President Biden’s news conference on Sunday, NBC News abruptly cut away from the news conference as soon as Biden started to take questions from the press.

Biden concluded his prepared statement by saying, “And I’ll keep you informed every day as we move forward. May God protect our troops and our diplomats who are serving in harm’s way. I’ll take a few questions. Darlene, from the Associated Press.”

Darlene Superville, White House reporter for The Associated Press, asked, “Mr. President: we’re nine days away from the August 31 deadline. Will you extend that deadline, or what is your thought process on extending the evacuation operation?”

NBC News’ Kate Snow nodded, possibly obeying an instruction given in her earphone, then cut in, “All right. We’ve been listening to President Biden with dual challenges on a Sunday talking about Tropical Storm Henri, all the preparations being made, also talking about Afghanistan. Let’s get right to Monica Alba, who’s at the White House.”

To looks like the NBC anchor got directions from NBC higher ups to cut in. I guess NBC wants to hide Biden from the public seeing him in real-time action. Yet another example of the MSM clearly acting as a DNC activist wing.

Well of course they cut away. They know Biddum HAS no thought processes and that the POTUS will add nothing to the conversation. The last question they want to see asked of Joe is what will he do after Aug 31 when Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan and why a bunch of 15th century towelheads are calling the shots over a world superpower. They only covered Trump's comments in office as fuel for their constant ridicule, scorn and to add to their list of fake lies.
And Joe doesn't take one question that he hasn't pre read and has a canned answer for....its scary....this guy is only partly here....

True. When in a Q&A session, unlike Trump who just looked out into the crowd and picked someone, nearly always someone with a challenging and hostile, even disrespectful question, if you watch Joe, when he takes questions, he looks down at a list provided him first and gets their name off of his pre-written crib notes.
On an NBC News “Special Report” that was covering President Biden’s news conference on Sunday, NBC News abruptly cut away from the news conference as soon as Biden started to take questions from the press.

Biden concluded his prepared statement by saying, “And I’ll keep you informed every day as we move forward. May God protect our troops and our diplomats who are serving in harm’s way. I’ll take a few questions. Darlene, from the Associated Press.”

Darlene Superville, White House reporter for The Associated Press, asked, “Mr. President: we’re nine days away from the August 31 deadline. Will you extend that deadline, or what is your thought process on extending the evacuation operation?”

NBC News’ Kate Snow nodded, possibly obeying an instruction given in her earphone, then cut in, “All right. We’ve been listening to President Biden with dual challenges on a Sunday talking about Tropical Storm Henri, all the preparations being made, also talking about Afghanistan. Let’s get right to Monica Alba, who’s at the White House.”

To looks like the NBC anchor got directions from NBC higher ups to cut in. I guess NBC wants to hide Biden from the public seeing him in real-time action. Yet another example of the MSM clearly acting as a DNC activist wing.
It figures. I don't believe the Dems can hide Biden's worsening condition much longer. Thanks for the post.
As long as the Taliban is going to kill people, why do we have to honor any agreement with them?
Because they set the timeline...because they have control of the airfield. Because, if needed, they can blow holes in the run way. Because they control the narrative now.
Because they set the timeline...because they have control of the airfield. Because, if needed, they can blow holes in the run way. Because they control the narrative now.
I guess my question is... why should we be so worried about getting out on their timeline. It's not like they're not going to act against us either way. These are the worst people on the planet. Cold-blooded murders, who want the west and Israel gone.

Isn't it stupid to be like: "Hey, maybe we can make them happy and they'll be nicer!"
I guess my question is... why should we be so worried about getting out on their timeline.
Because they set the timeline...because they have control of the airfield. Because, if needed, they can blow holes in the run way. Because they control the narrative now.

It's not like they're not going to act against us either way.
Oh no? What gives you this confidence?

These are the worst people on the planet. Cold-blooded murders, who want the west and Israel gone.
Yet you are sure they wont act against us? Well that makes zero fucking sense.

Evil, horrible, ruthless killers who cannot be trusted!....but we are gonna ignore them with thousands of innocent lives at stake....lol!

Israel? WTF? How did they get shoehorned in here?

Isn't it stupid to be like: "Hey, maybe we can make them happy and they'll be nicer!"
No...they hold all of the cards...you want to be nice. Don't let that pride fuck with you. That gets people killed.
I guess my question is... why should we be so worried about getting out on their timeline. It's not like they're not going to act against us either way. These are the worst people on the planet. Cold-blooded murders, who want the west and Israel gone.

Isn't it stupid to be like: "Hey, maybe we can make them happy and they'll be nicer!"
what if in Sept 1 they use some of the weaponry Clusterfuck Joe gave them to bring down a C-17 as it is coming in to land and scattering it all over the one runway?

That would cut off everyone at a civilian airport surrounded by American armed Taliban troops.

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