NATO strafing Libya ..why not Afghanistan?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
According to insiders, the Troops in Afghanistan have to go through a complicated chain of command just to call in an artillery strike on suspected enemy positions or be charged with murder if a civilian is killed. It seems that NATO doesn't have that problem in Libya. American piloted NATO jets seem to have no restrictions on bombing missions in support of the rebel muslem brotherhood.
Am I exaggerating? The greatest Military in the world is forced to fight according to the enemy's rules because libs set it up that way. Meanwhile NATO is strafing and bombing at will to support the rebels in Libya who are poised at victory. Doesn't anybody see the disconnect?
I see it like this:

A. Our forces are in Afghanistan helping the local farmers grow opium, that's all.
B. Our forces (CIA Included) are in Libya to help install Al Qaida backed "rebels" who will install Sharia style gov't.

I'm not a fan of either strategy.
I see it like this:

A. Our forces are in Afghanistan helping the local farmers grow opium, that's all.
B. Our forces (CIA Included) are in Libya to help install Al Qaida backed "rebels" who will install Sharia style gov't.

I'm not a fan of either strategy.

Pretty cynical stuff madman. The farmers were doing well in the opium industry before we came along. I doubt if either the Bush or the Obama administration has a dog in that fight. I agree that NATO seems to have a vested interest in creating chaos and supporting the muslem brotherhood. We have a regular cheerleading squad in the mainstream media rooting for the Libyan rebels but little support for American Troops in Afghanistan. The world is upside down under liberalism.
Look at the freaking war in Afghanistan folks. American Troops are inching along taking sniper fire from the enemy while the greatest Air Power in the world is strafing Libya. WTF?
hey, don't worry, we're leading form behind, so when Libya goes south the One can claim to have no real connection, other than proving NATO is a complete sham.
You have a point Trajan. "Blame it on a shadow force called NATO" seems to be the cowardly way to use the US Military in missions that the people do not necessarily support or approve of.
President Obama HAS to be able to "blame NATO." Why?

Because he has YET to articulate ANY coherent U.S. Policy position explaining how or why it is in our national interest to commit any of our military capacity to engaging in any military action in Libya.
Wouldn't it be great if NATO's US planes entered into the fray in Afghanistan and supported US Troops in their effort to inch their way across the landscape? The world is upside down under liberalism?
Look at the freaking war in Afghanistan folks. American Troops are inching along taking sniper fire from the enemy while the greatest Air Power in the world is strafing Libya. WTF?

There aren't very many Al Qaeda left in Afghanistan so the only air power they need is drones. Makes you wonder why we're still there.
Pretty cynical stuff madman. The farmers were doing well in the opium industry before we came along. I doubt if either the Bush or the Obama administration has a dog in that fight.
Geraldo Interviews Marine who admits Opium fields guarded by U.S. troops in Afghanistan // Current
Before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban had imposed a ban on opium production. This resulted in opium production collapsing by more than 90 per cent. It was the U.S. supported Northern Alliance that came to the rescue and began protecting the production of raw opium.
According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 per cent in 2002 in relation to its 2001 level. The UNDCP estimated 2002 opium poppy cultivation would cover an area between 45,000 and 65,000 hectares. Opium cultivation in 2001 had fallen to an estimated 7,606 hectares. According to the UN, in 2006 alone Afghanistan supplied 92 percent of the world’s supply of opium.

Started under Bush, continued under Obama.

The world is upside down under liberalism.
Correction: The world is upside down under Bilderberg, CFR, Tri-Lateral Commission and International Banker control.

Democrats and Republicans are like the American League and National League in Baseball. It doesn't matter what league wins because they're both playing the same game.
Don't give me any shit about opium fields or whatever Raldo Rivera thinks. We have kids coming back from Afghanistan with arms and legs missing or in body bags and it seems tha Barry Hussein and the liberal media are only focused on the muslem brotherhood rebels taking Tripoli. Am I the only sane person in the room? There were no American boots on the ground while Clinton was bombing Yugoslavia under NATO cover so nobody gave a damn. Today we have American kids inching along the Afghanistan landscape trying to get permission for Artillery fire and the US bombers and fighter jets are supporting the rabble in Libya. WTF is going on?

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