NATO chief warns of growing role of China – Observer


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Kudos to this guy for calling it out, too bad the Western world governments are much slower to understand the threat, as they enter new trade agreements and provide China with the fuel to do their damage.

He also mentioned closer ties with Japan and Australia. Again, it seems he gets it. America better as well because you can't expect Canada, or the seemingly compromised E.U to take up arms when necessary. Too many in our nations have been seduced and were happy to help China take on the U.S (I'm sure GBW or the John Boltons of the world didn't help the U.S cause for global influence).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday that Alliance countries should strengthen their ties against the growing role of China and that this will have “consequences” for transatlantic security.

The rise of China is a key issue for the transatlantic community, with potential consequences for our prosperity and our way of life, ”he warned at the Munich security conference, which took place. virtually, and while the American president called for combating “economic abuse”.

Jens Stoltenberg was present at the Munich conference via a video link, like the rest of the participants – US President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel or British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

At the conference, aimed at strengthening cooperation between the allies on both sides of the Atlantic, UN Secretary General António Guterres was also present, in addition to European Commission Presidents Ursula von der Leyen and the European Council, Charles Michel, or the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Stupid Trump

Why? He is the one who ensured NATO increased funding (this same guy gave Trump credit for this), and, confronted China openly. If Hillary had won, the Wests chance against China would be far less likely to succeed today. It's up to leaders to do what's right now and stop being seduced.
Stupid Trump

Why? He is the one who ensured NATO increased funding (this same guy gave Trump credit for this), and, confronted China openly. If Hillary had won, the Wests chance against China would be far less likely to succeed today. It's up to leaders to do what's right now and stop being seduced.
Exactly, but that was wrong when he did was wrong of him to point out NATO was weak......but now someone can parrot him and he' incisive
Kudos to this guy for calling it out, too bad the Western world governments are much slower to understand the threat, as they enter new trade agreements and provide China with the fuel to do their damage.

He also mentioned closer ties with Japan and Australia. Again, it seems he gets it. America better as well because you can't expect Canada, or the seemingly compromised E.U to take up arms when necessary. Too many in our nations have been seduced and were happy to help China take on the U.S (I'm sure GBW or the John Boltons of the world didn't help the U.S cause for global influence).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday that Alliance countries should strengthen their ties against the growing role of China and that this will have “consequences” for transatlantic security.

The rise of China is a key issue for the transatlantic community, with potential consequences for our prosperity and our way of life, ”he warned at the Munich security conference, which took place. virtually, and while the American president called for combating “economic abuse”.

Jens Stoltenberg was present at the Munich conference via a video link, like the rest of the participants – US President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel or British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

At the conference, aimed at strengthening cooperation between the allies on both sides of the Atlantic, UN Secretary General António Guterres was also present, in addition to European Commission Presidents Ursula von der Leyen and the European Council, Charles Michel, or the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Merkel and biden dont get it

they want china to grow stronger
thats absolute nonsense
You'd be better served not believing all you read and observe the evidence- China is several 1000 miles away- the US gov't infects everything you do- EVERYTHING- NATO does what it's told to do and says what its told to say by funders of it- it is a huge partner to our own MIC- what's best for the MIC is not what's best for Liberty, which is what this Country's foundation is- the US gov't "officials" swear to protect and defend the constitution- that document was crafted to help prevent tyranny at home and wars abroad- yet, here we are with both AND wars at home with the Never Ending Drug War and War on Poverty, the recent war (undeclared on the 4th amendment) and the blatant disregard for the rule of law and rules of conduct by the very ones you're ignoring- the US gov't, not China.
thats absolute nonsense
You'd be better served not believing all you read and observe the evidence- China is several 1000 miles away- the US gov't infects everything you do- EVERYTHING- NATO does what it's told to do and says what its told to say by funders of it- it is a huge partner to our own MIC- what's best for the MIC is not what's best for Liberty, which is what this Country's foundation is- the US gov't "officials" swear to protect and defend the constitution- that document was crafted to help prevent tyranny at home and wars abroad- yet, here we are with both AND wars at home with the Never Ending Drug War and War on Poverty, the recent war (undeclared on the 4th amendment) and the blatant disregard for the rule of law and rules of conduct by the very ones you're ignoring- the US gov't, not China.
You often mention the drug war

that seems to be a special complaint of yours

if America let you blow your brains out with powerful drugs would you love us again?
if America let you blow your brains out with powerful drugs would you love us again?
If a frog had wings would he bust his ass when he jumps?

If is a small word with a big meaning-

Now, about the Drug WAR- can you point out, to the less knowledgeable, where, in the constitution, the fed gov't was granted the authority to, 1) tell civilians what they can or can't consume, and 2), wage War on civilians because they consume something? I'll wait.
Billions of dollars and many lives have been ruined because of the Drug War- that is BILLIONS- and years and lives- as in FORVER and still there is a "drug problem"? I guess it doesn't occur to you and the like minded, you, nor the gov't has the authority to tell others what they can or can't consume- oh, I know- moral authority- yeah, right.

The thing about Liberty is, there is a risk. The thing about tyranny is; there is a risk. Personally, I prefer my choosing the risk, not the gov't. Gov't is to secure our Liberty, not restrict it.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

You might notice, too, establish justice- how is asset forfeiture establishing anything other than legalized theft?
Insure domestic Tranquility- how is waging a War insuring anything other than more and bigger gov't securing Liberty?
You may also notice; promote the general Welfare- promote is not not provide jobs for bureaucrats at others expense in an immoral War.

So, yeah, I have a "problem" with it, and no I don't do drugs. Not even prescription if I can help it- I don't even do alcohol, or pot. My vices are coffee and cigarettes- they are the comp'ny I keep- so, don't start preaching to me, or questioning my knowledge or belittling my LOVE of Liberty- the intitiation of FORCE is IMMORAL- and the Drug War (all wars of pre-emptive nature I'll add) are IMMORAL.
So, yeah, I have a "problem" with it, and no I don't do drugs. Not even prescription if I can help it- I don't even do alcohol, or pot.
Not many libs are honest enough to admit that their love for dangerous drugs is strictly political and not personal

999 out of 1000 libs who post here claim to be the exception on every issue

I will argue that the War on Drugs is as constitutionally legal as the War on Poverty

in my opinion druggies should be free to blow their brains out with drugs as long as they and their family are equally free to starve or go homeless when they are too strung out to fend for themselves
I will argue that the War on Drugs is as constitutionally legal as the War on Poverty
Sure you can argue it, but you can't provide the evidence- where in the constitution is that authority granted?
999 out of 1000 libs who post here claim to be the exception on every issue
I'm libertarian- little l- I advocate for, and believe in Liberty- and justice for ALL- I know that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights- I know the constitution was written in simple English- I know that many, like you're trying to do, want to write off what I say as being "lib"- so be it. Prove I'm wrong.

First and foremost, I'm an Individual who thinks for himself and has great reading skills and English comprehension-
Sure you can argue it, but you can't provide the evidence- where in the constitution is that authority granted?
the point I am making is what I previously stated

if you want the freedom to be a drug zombie you should not expect the government to take care of you

but since government does provide welfare for the people society has the right to criminalize certain drugs it deems harmful
the point I am making is what I previously stated

if you want the freedom to be a drug zombie you should not expect the government to take care of you

but since government does provide welfare for the people society has the right to criminalize certain drugs it deems harmful
No. The point you're making is the rule of law is fine as long as you approve of its color-
Kudos to this guy for calling it out, too bad the Western world governments are much slower to understand the threat, as they enter new trade agreements and provide China with the fuel to do their damage.

He also mentioned closer ties with Japan and Australia. Again, it seems he gets it. America better as well because you can't expect Canada, or the seemingly compromised E.U to take up arms when necessary. Too many in our nations have been seduced and were happy to help China take on the U.S (I'm sure GBW or the John Boltons of the world didn't help the U.S cause for global influence).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday that Alliance countries should strengthen their ties against the growing role of China and that this will have “consequences” for transatlantic security.

The rise of China is a key issue for the transatlantic community, with potential consequences for our prosperity and our way of life, ”he warned at the Munich security conference, which took place. virtually, and while the American president called for combating “economic abuse”.

Jens Stoltenberg was present at the Munich conference via a video link, like the rest of the participants – US President Joe Biden, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel or British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

At the conference, aimed at strengthening cooperation between the allies on both sides of the Atlantic, UN Secretary General António Guterres was also present, in addition to European Commission Presidents Ursula von der Leyen and the European Council, Charles Michel, or the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

I guess China forgot to bribe that guy.
Too deep for you? imagine that-

try this on for size- WARNING: reading is required.

At the broadest level, the past half-century turns out to have taught me that drugs aren’t just drugs, drug dealers aren’t just “pushers,” and drug users aren’t just “junkies” (that is, outcasts of no consequence). Illicit drugs are major global commodities that continue to influence U.S. politics, both national and international. And our drug wars create profitable covert netherworlds in which those very drugs flourish and become even more profitable. Indeed, the U.N. once estimated that the transnational traffic, which supplied drugs to 4.2% of the world’s adult population, was a $400 billion industry, the equivalent of 8% of global trade.

In ways that few seem to understand, illicit drugs have had a profound influence on modern America, shaping our international politics, national elections, and domestic social relations. Yet a feeling that illicit drugs belong to a marginalized demimonde has made U.S. drug policy the sole property of law enforcement and not health care, education, or urban development.

During this process of reflection, I’ve returned to three conversations I had back in 1971 when I was a 26-year-old graduate student researching that first book of mine, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade. In the course of an 18-month odyssey around the globe, I met three men, deeply involved in the drug wars, whose words I was then too young to fully absorb.

The first was Lucien Conein, a “legendary” CIA operative whose covert career ranged from parachuting into North Vietnam in 1945 to train communist guerrillas with Ho Chi Minh to organizing the CIA coup that killed South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963. In the course of our interview at his modest home near CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, he laid out just how the Agency’s operatives, like so many Corsican gangsters, practiced the “clandestine arts” of conducting complex operations beyond the bounds of civil society and how such “arts” were, in fact, the heart and soul of both covert operations and the drug trade.

Drugs and U.S. Foreign Policy

An open mind and a removal of blinders is a prerequisite to learning-

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