NATO agrees master plan to deter growing Moscow threat. Defend against any potential Moscow attack on multiple fronts, reaffirming the alliance's


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

NATO agrees master plan to deter growing Moscow threat. Defend against any potential Moscow attack on multiple fronts, reaffirming the alliance's core goal of deterring Moscow....​

"NATO defence ministers agreed a new master plan on Thursday to defend against any potential Moscow attack on multiple fronts, reaffirming the alliance's core goal of deterring Moscow....
Hodges, who commanded U.S. army forces in Europe from 2014 until 2017, said he hoped the plan would foster greater coherence in NATO's collective defence, meaning more resources for the Black Sea region. To me, this is the more likely flashpoint than the Baltics," Hodges told Reuters, noting fewer big allies such as Britain and France have a strong presence in the Black Sea, and Turkey is more focused on conflict in Syria....plan might also help to cement a focus on Moscow ....
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more resources for the Black Sea region. "To me, this is the more likely flashpoint than the Baltics. do you agree that the Black Sea region. is the more likely flashpoint than the Baltics, or Norway ?

Long Live the liberal order , death to Moscow´s Oriental despotic barbaric imperialism !
In just one day the narrative has changed from Nato mounting an offensive threat against Russia, to today's defensive threat narrative.

One may logically wonder on what the purpose of either would be? has another spin on the whole thing that might be enlightening for anybody who has a genuine interest in understanding.

Feelings of security being offered to the American people, in the face of Russian hypersonic missile capability?
Cold War rhetoric meant to encourage Russia to get into the race?
Mostly at our expense. has struck an interesting balance with their version of the story.

"Deter Moscow with nukes." has struck an interesting balance with their version of the story.

"Deter Moscow with nukes."
The American Deterrence Type II (against any treat other than direct attack at the US cities) would be credible if there were:
1) higher level of 'acceptable losses' (Russians say, that they 'can repeat' and their acceptable losses in self-defense is more than 40 millions, American politicians arn't ready to lost even 1 million of Americans to defend Europe);
2) better readiness of ABD (which isn't ready to counter the Russian missiles at all), the Civil Defense (which is much worse than Russian EMERCOM) and strategic reserves of the food, fuel, metals, fertilizers and other goods (the Russians have it, and we - almost no);
3) more or less credible plans of a first counterforce strike, able to eliminate at least 80% of the Russian nuclear arsenal (right now, with our obsolete weapons, it is impossible).
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There is another, less important question - the acceptable level of the European losses.
Yes, some American politicians would say "we successfully defended Poland" even if all Polish cities were destroyed and almost the whole population were killed. But the Poles (and their neighbors) wouldn't agree.
And they wouldn't have asked "Shall we allow Americans to defend us? " - answer is pretty clear.
They will ask: "What can we do to prevent such a defense? ", because it is much better to live under Russian occupation, that to die for American interests.
It looks like nuclear WWIII is unavoidable.
Psychopathic sexual deviant corrupted good-for-nothing liars prepare themselves for sudden attack on Russia.
If Scamdemic can't annihilate humanity NATO faggot bastards gonna to fulfill their satanic goal by war
Just imagine the reaction of USA if instead of Warsaw Pact NATO would have been broken thirty years ago and now the Warsaw Pact itself would be extended by Mexico and Canada.

NATO on Thursday is set to agree on a new strategy to counter potential Russian threats, Reuters reports.
The confidential strategy, called the “Concept for Deterrence and Defense in the Euro-Atlantic Area,” is aimed at preparing for attacks in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, which could include nuclear weapons and cyberattacks, the outlet reported.
German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said on German radio Deutschlandfunk that the plan was “a way of deterrence.”
“And this is being adapted to the current behavior of Russia — and we are seeing violations particularly of the air space over the Baltic states, but also increasing incursions over the Black Sea,” she said, according to Reuters.
NATO’s defense ministers arrived in Brussels for a two-day meeting on Thursday and Friday ahead of the upcoming NATO summit next June in Madrid.

In a news conference on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said defense ministers will "agree on an overarching plan for the defense of the Euro-Atlantic area, ensuring we have the right forces in the right place at the right time.”


The Russian cosmonauts & our astronauts are still sleeping in the same international space station so it can't be as bad as you fear!
already a thread on this.
1. chances of a WW3 is low
2. irrelevant because Bidumb/etc is destroying the US--fast
I think it's a pipe dream. I don't have a lot of faith in Europeans as military allies. Look how well Germans performed in Afghanistan; they were primarily concerned was with avoiding any dangers to themselves. I think western Europeans would be worthless in any real war, and half our people would be of no value. I can imagine the antiwar protest now. Russians are no lightweights, and they have absolutely no moral prohibitions about how to conduct a war. I know we have the Russians overmatched in terms of naval and air power, but they're not going to fight us on the high seas, and when it comes to air defense, they're not helpless. There most significant advantage is the quality of their people. Russians are a much tougher people than the western Europeans except for the Brits.

If the Russians decide to take Europe, I don't think we can stop them unless we are prepared to use tactical nukes, and I don't see any Democrat president doing that. We have an outstanding professional military, but they are not big enough to handle the Russians, and we have no civilian back up for the military. Maybe I am overly pessimistic, well perhaps I am, but I hope we never find out.
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These are all empty words. In fact, NATO has lost on all fronts. They were not allowed to implement a missile defense project in eastern Europe, and the withdrawal from Afghanistan may also be associated with pressure from Europe and Moscow. The United States has been thrown out of almost all spheres of influence, all of Reagan's achievements in foreign policy have been lost, and the United States need to think about its own defense, and not about foreign policy
more resources for the Black Sea region. "To me, this is the more likely flashpoint than the Baltics. do you agree that the Black Sea region. is the more likely flashpoint than the Baltics, or Norway ?
There can be no fire from a military point of view. The Russian army cannot even stand close in its capabilities to the US army, especially at sea. One US aircraft carrier is probably worth more than the entire Black Sea fleet of Russia, back in the 90s everything was stolen away for the sale of scrap metal, and there is not even an adequate basing there, it is moored right next to civilian objects and the civilian population has access to it. They can easily shoot it on their phones from a distance of several tens of meters and upload videos to video hosting sites. But it is the sales policy of the US government and not the army that decides there, so it is not known how it will actually turn out there.

If you think like that from the point of view of military capabilities, it turns out that the Taliban with bare asses drove the US army out of Afghanistan.

In fact, it is the offices and not the army that decide everything.
There can be no fire from a military point of view. The Russian army cannot even stand close in its capabilities to the US army, especially at sea. One US aircraft carrier is probably worth more than the entire Black Sea fleet of Russia, back in the 90s everything was stolen away for the sale of scrap metal, and there is not even an adequate basing there, it is moored right next to civilian objects and the civilian population has access to it. They can easily shoot it on their phones from a distance of several tens of meters and upload videos to video hosting sites. But it is the sales policy of the US government and not the army that decides there, so it is not known how it will actually turn out there.

If you think like that from the point of view of military capabilities, it turns out that the Taliban with bare asses drove the US army out of Afghanistan.

In fact, it is the offices and not the army that decide everything.
.....Europe and especially America will be destroyed from within long before a Russian attack...Bidumb is destroying the US--fast
With a leader like Joe Potatohead and his diverse woke military any claims of having a competent military is a joke.

What are our queers, transsexuals and worthless afrimative action Negroes and unqualified women going to do if ever faced real combat? Offer to give the enemy soldiers blow jobs to slow them down?

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