National Guard Ordered to Defend Chicago


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Let it burn. Democrats gotta do what they gotta do.

Let it burn. Democrats gotta do what they gotta do.
View attachment 481976
Need to use deadly force one time. These criminal rioters will get the message. Need more "Kenosha Kid" and less Seattle.
Let it burn. Democrats gotta do what they gotta do.
View attachment 481976
"When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
When going to war, it is better when it is not on your turf but on someone elses. Whether in foreign actions or domestic ones. The drawback is not being familiar with the surroundings. However a shoot first policy can overcome it.
Let it burn. Democrats gotta do what they gotta do.
View attachment 481976
Activated the National Guard? You gotta be kidding me! Read the article. " The governor’s office said 125 members of the Illinois National Guard will deploy to Chicago beginning on Tuesday to support the Chicago Police Department as needed."
125 members? That is about 1 company of troops, including it's mess team, as if they still cooked when they went anywhere, anymore. Unless putting at least 2 or 3 Battallions of Combat Arms troops on the ground (with their equipment and command and control), you don't have a significant enough force to make any possible difference. 125 can't even put a dent in protecting infrastructure. It is a useless gesture.
Let it burn. Democrats gotta do what they gotta do.
View attachment 481976
"When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
He was right about that. These democrat rioters have been shooting tons of people.

The Korean boys 100 percent.

I remember the LA riots, Koreans were on the roofs of their businesses and homes shooting anyone who came near them.

Their homes and businesses were still standing and unharmed while others burned to the ground. Good guys with guns. Good guys who weren't afraid to use them.
I'm surprised Lightfoot asked for help.

The guard will probably be given such limited rules of engagement that they will only be there for show, for her to say she "tried to do something."

If she had a brain in her head she'd tell them to shoot. You can bet they will be shot at. Of course that won't happen. She called them in for show and probably won't care if some of them get hurt or shot.
The cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief will certainly be there egging on the looting and murders.

The Hate Hoaxer/Community Organizer never fails to exploit race when race is not the issue.

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