National Day of Prayer


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
In 2020 that day is May 7th. This pandemic should lead to some serious efforts for all of us to be more virtuous. Regular repentance & reformation of mind is practiced in Mahayana Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Christian and other traditional spiritual traditions. On 7 May let us fast and pray for our personal & national repentance and reformation of mind!
..a lot of those who died prayed and it didn't help

Prayer is not to stop death, which cannot be done. Instead it is to "pray for our personal & national repentance and reformation of mind!"
what are we supposed to be repenting?

Dictionary says - "feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin", but to go further and stop or reduce our greed, anger, pride and other vices. Then replace vices with virtues.
..a lot of those who died prayed and it didn't help

Prayer is not to stop death, which cannot be done. Instead it is to "pray for our personal & national repentance and reformation of mind!"
what are we supposed to be repenting?

Dictionary says - "feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin", but to go further and stop or reduce our greed, anger, pride and other vices. Then replace vices with virtues.
..but ''sin'' is natural...everyone sins/etc....sounds kind of silly to be remorseful for doing something that can't be stopped
..we are human and make mistakes--
..but ''sin'' is natural...everyone sins/etc....sounds kind of silly to be remorseful for doing something that can't be stopped
..we are human and make mistakes--

So you are a slave to your desires and wants, with zero control over your own mind or emotions - too bad.

If humans can "make" mistakes, then we can correct them and even "make" virtuous thoughts, words and deeds.
..but ''sin'' is natural...everyone sins/etc....sounds kind of silly to be remorseful for doing something that can't be stopped
..we are human and make mistakes--

So you are a slave to your desires and wants, with zero control over your own mind or emotions - too bad.

If humans can "make" mistakes, then we can correct them and even "make" virtuous thoughts, words and deeds.
..ok---so answer this, please:
..if there is total free will/etc, how come over 85% of murders are committed by males? how come the females '''choose''' so wisely?
..also, how come blacks commit murder at four times the rate of whites?
..these numbers are too big to refute
..but ''sin'' is natural...everyone sins/etc....sounds kind of silly to be remorseful for doing something that can't be stopped
..we are human and make mistakes--

So you are a slave to your desires and wants, with zero control over your own mind or emotions - too bad.

If humans can "make" mistakes, then we can correct them and even "make" virtuous thoughts, words and deeds.
1.correcting mistakes is a lot different than making them
2. the fact is they do make them
Sociological numbers have nothing to do with an individual's will. Unless one cannot or will not think, speak or act from your own volition, which is the popular practice.
Sociological numbers have nothing to do with an individual's will. Unless one cannot or will not think, speak or act from your own volition, which is the popular practice.
so, you don't have an answer ......
you and I KNOW the answer--males are different physiologically--they are more aggressive [ like animal males ]
of testosterone that is also associated with increased aggression.
caps for emphasis only
Looks like you think all humans are only animals, controlled by glands & their bodies. Not true - which is why our true higher nature contacted in meditation, prayer is so needed.

We Mahayana Buddhists call that pool of wisdom, compassion & power within us, the Buddha Nature. Others think of it as God or Christ or Hashem or Allah or Krishna. But if one prefers to identify only with the animal nature - so be it.
Looks like you think all humans are only animals, controlled by glands & their bodies. Not true - which is why our true higher nature contacted in meditation, prayer is so needed.

We Mahayana Buddhists call that pool of wisdom, compassion & power within us, the Buddha Nature. Others think of it as God or Christ or Hashem or Allah or Krishna. But if one prefers to identify only with the animal nature - so be it.
you don't have much [ nothing ] to back up your posts--where I do
....and--you did not answer the question....why won't you?
- the truth is covid 19 may very well be the Almighty's answer to your type of prayer and the false desert religions and those of similar disregard for planet Earth.
Instead of prayer for blessing, which may be rather self-serving, call should be made for praying with repentance, to recognize wrong we have done and are involved in, to turn from those things. We can be more compassionate to other people and creatures, and avoid having the accusations of others who think or live differently than we do, we can care for contributing to equality for others and for stopping inequality in treatment, we can turn from contribution to damage and loss of natural environments with our choices, and the loss of many species continually, and the serious climate change. There is godliness to come to without those negative things remaining from us, that our prayers should be for, for God to work with us.
I fasted and prayed that day and God didn't listened: Most of you still are posting here...

It seems from that there is no relationship already with God. That is what Jesus Christ came for, that it would be possible for us.

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