NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time


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Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time

NASA has unveiled plans to test a nuclear-powered rocket that could be used to take astronauts to Mars in considerably quicker time than conventional chemical propulsion

Remote : Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:12:55 +0000
Local : 2023-01-25(Wednesday) 07 : 12 : 55

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i welcome the news, but i'm also a bit worried. what about failed launches that send a nuke reactor back into our atmosphere, likely in pieces even?
NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time

NASA has unveiled plans to test a nuclear-powered rocket that could be used to take astronauts to Mars in considerably quicker time than conventional chemical propulsion

Remote : Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:12:55 +0000
Local : 2023-01-25(Wednesday) 07 : 12 : 55
Found via

i welcome the news, but i'm also a bit worried. what about failed launches that send a nuke reactor back into our atmosphere, likely in pieces even?
The future is now, much of it owed to Elon Musk for shaking the cobwebs out of the minds of paralyzed government and innovators.
i welcome the news, but i'm also a bit worried. what about failed launches that send a nuke reactor back into our atmosphere, likely in pieces even?
My guess is that they would fly it up there in pieces, or with the most significant parts detached, and then finish the assembly and complete the prep up there.
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Using a nuclear thermal rocket allows for faster transit time, reducing risk for astronauts. Reducing transit time is a key component for human missions to Mars, as longer trips require more supplies and more robust systems. Maturing faster, more efficient transportation technology will help NASA meet its Moon to Mars Objectives.

Other benefits to space travel include increased science payload capacity and higher power for instrumentation and communication. In a nuclear thermal rocket engine, a fission reactor is used to generate extremely high temperatures. The engine transfers the heat produced by the reactor to a liquid propellant, which is expanded and exhausted through a nozzle to propel the spacecraft. Nuclear thermal rockets can be three or more times more efficient than conventional chemical propulsion.
So yeah, they're not going to risk crashing one taking off from Earth just yet.. Contrails of expanded "liquid propellent" will soon blot out the planets and stars..
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My guess is that they would fly it up there in pieces, or with the most significant parts detached, and then finish the assembly and complete the prep up there.
They need to do this with the private side doing the do. No equity. No lowering of standards and getting all of the 50 states involved raising the price into the stratosphere. The government needs to make its plans without total control like with the SLS and let others do it with their specifications.
NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time

NASA has unveiled plans to test a nuclear-powered rocket that could be used to take astronauts to Mars in considerably quicker time than conventional chemical propulsion

Remote : Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:12:55 +0000
Local : 2023-01-25(Wednesday) 07 : 12 : 55
Found via

i welcome the news, but i'm also a bit worried. what about failed launches that send a nuke reactor back into our atmosphere, likely in pieces even?
A nuclear reactor like this probably isnt big enough to do Chernobyl type of damage, and it probably only carries a very limited amount of nuclear fuel (aka small uranium rods).
Hmmm...I can see the spinoff now: "Climate Change in Space".........

Sorta like "Lost in Space" but The Robot glows!!!

The US navy uses nuclear reactors for propulsion.
Yes, they just have to be very careful when they launch the aircraft carriers. If one those explodes on the launch pad it could be dangerous.

NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time​

I read the title and my mind translated that as : NASA to test nuclear rockets ON flying astronauts...
NASA to test NUCLEAR ROCKETS for flying astronauts to Mars in ultra-fast time

NASA has unveiled plans to test a nuclear-powered rocket that could be used to take astronauts to Mars in considerably quicker time than conventional chemical propulsion

Remote : Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:12:55 +0000
Local : 2023-01-25(Wednesday) 07 : 12 : 55
Found via

i welcome the news, but i'm also a bit worried. what about failed launches that send a nuke reactor back into our atmosphere, likely in pieces even?
I'd (wild ass) guess they're thinking of an ion engine powered by a nuclear battery. Both the engine and the battery have already flown in space. They just have to make them both enormous.
I'd (wild ass) guess they're thinking of an ion engine powered by a nuclear battery. Both the engine and the battery have already flown in space. They just have to make them both enormous.
NASA is looking at two types of nuclear propulsion systems – nuclear electric and nuclear thermal propulsion.
NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced Tuesday a collaboration to demonstrate a nuclear thermal rocket engine in space, an enabling capability for NASA crewed missions to Mars.

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