NASA Denounces Space Exploration

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives

Then NASA needs to be disbanded as their mission to space is being castigated.
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives

Well done. I imagine that NASA working group is gonna get extra funding under a Biden Admin.

I vote we draft them for Space Force !!!
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives

Well done. I imagine that NASA working group is gonna get extra funding under a Biden Admin.

I vote we draft them for Space Force !!!
And launch them into the sun ?
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives

Well done. I imagine that NASA working group is gonna get extra funding under a Biden Admin.

I vote we draft them for Space Force !!!
And launch them into the sun ?

Only by accident.. I mean I KNEW NASA had some weirdos back when I worked at Kennedy Space Center.. But ya got have to have jobs for all those sociology, diversity training and liberal arts people in govt..
I am not @ all familiar with this topic of EDIWG??? Therefore I have to ask my fellow board members the following questions; NASA receives federal tax dollar 'assistance' am I correct here? If so, what is NASA doing projecting what to me sounds like some type of personal religious belief system(?) into what is supposed to be a purely science based/technology centered on provable theory of the physical realm??? I have read a few links in the past about the CERN/Hadron Collider that mentioned about some kinky religious practices going on there also? I know the statist left is into serious heavy out of this world kinky ideology/religion but religion is not to be a involved in the work a day science & business world by the statist lefts own request. Opinions?
I am not @ all familiar with this topic of EDIWG??? Therefore I have to ask my fellow board members the following questions; NASA receives federal tax dollar 'assistance' am I correct here? If so, what is NASA doing projecting what to me sounds like some type of personal religious belief system(?) into what is supposed to be a purely science based/technology centered on provable theory of the physical realm??? I have read a few links in the past about the CERN/Hadron Collider that mentioned about some kinky religious practices going on there also? I know the statist left is into serious heavy out of this world kinky ideology/religion but religion is not to be a involved in the work a day science & business world by the statist lefts own request. Opinions?
They're never gonna answer that....the weirdo ignorant boobs that they are
The only EDIWG I could find was from the Yale University School of Drama ... you folks got whooshed ... too funny ...

You didn't look deep enough, it seems real enough with numerous signatories and references, with no indication of it being a prank:



This article discuss this well

National Review

Wokeists Assault Space Exploration

Those aren't NASA documents ... [shrugs shoulders] ... this might surprise you, but NASA is required to accept any and all comments provided by the general public ... doesn't mean they have to follow these comments to the letter ...

That doesn't mean this isn't an active field of research ... care is taken to keep terrestrial microbes off of Mars and extra-terrestrial microbes off of Earth ... simple sanitation ... the notion that NASA is trying to prevent commercial exploitation of outer space is nonsense ... there's nothing out there to exploit ...

The dirty little secret is that the only scientific research being done in outer space is how to conduct scientific research in outer space ...
Those aren't NASA documents ... [shrugs shoulders] ... this might surprise you, but NASA is required to accept any and all comments provided by the general public ... doesn't mean they have to follow these comments to the letter ...

That doesn't mean this isn't an active field of research ... care is taken to keep terrestrial microbes off of Mars and extra-terrestrial microbes off of Earth ... simple sanitation ... the notion that NASA is trying to prevent commercial exploitation of outer space is nonsense ... there's nothing out there to exploit ...

The dirty little secret is that the only scientific research being done in outer space is how to conduct scientific research in outer space ...

Of course the document isn't part of NASA, that is because the group ( Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG), isn't part of NASA in the first place, here from the NR article you didn't read:

"In October 2020, NASA’s Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey committee received a manifesto from its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG). Written by NASA Ames Research Center public-communications specialist Frank Tavares — along with a group of eleven co-authors including noted activists drawn from the fields of anthropology, ethics, philosophy, decolonial theory, and women’s studies — and supported by a list of 109 signatories, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices” lacks technical merit. It is, nevertheless of great clinical interest, as it brilliantly demonstrates how the ideologies responsible for the destruction of university liberal-arts education can be put to work to abort space exploration as well. "

It is a WHITE PAPER, thus from outside of NASA.

Do you have evidence this is a fake paper, the group is fake?
How can you not despise the wokers? Each time a woker dies the world is just a bit better place.
Nov 24 2020
NASA Denounces Space Exploration
Formerly, the point of NASA was to explore outer space. But it has been so grotesquely deranged by moonbattery that it now embraces the opposite mission — preventing space exploration:
NASA’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group (EDIWG) publishes an anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist manifesto which, if followed, would effectively ban the USA from exploration of Mars, our Moon and other planetary bodies.
The manifesto is entitled, “Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices.” National Review has details:
[T]he EDIWG authors say that human space exploration must be stopped because it represents a continuation of the West’s tradition of resource development through free enterprise. “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds,” they say. “Violent colonial practices and structures — genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation, and more — have governed exploration on Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mindsets we carry forward into space exploration. . . . It is critical that ethics and anticolonial practices are a central consideration of planetary protection. We must actively work to prevent capitalist extraction on other worlds, respect and preserve their environmental systems, and acknowledge the sovereignty and interconnectivity of all life.”
So far as we know, there is no life on other worlds. But just in case there is, we better not go out there, lest we infect it with free enterprise.

Look what happened when our ancestors discovered America. Stone Age savagery was displaced by a civilization that placed men on the moon. You wouldn’t want more of that, would you?

Even if there are only microbes on other planets, humans must be kept from disturbing them, because according to cutting edge progressive ideology, microbes are people too.
“There must be further discussion of what moral consideration microbial life on other worlds should have, beyond their scientific significance,” they say. “Consideration of ‘intelligence’ or ‘non-intelligence’ should not be used as a framework in this discussion. Not only do biological distinctions of intelligence have a racist history, they do not hold scientific merit. It is clear that microbiology is foundational to Earth as we know it, and microbes are deserving of moral consideration.”
Maybe it is just as well if we are kept from exploring outer space. If we do find microbes out there, liberals will want to given them voting rights and sign them up for welfare.

There is probably no life on Mars anyway. Humans still must be kept away:
“Even if there is no extant microbial life on Mars or beyond, we must consider the impacts of our actions on geological timescales,” they say. “A human presence on an astrobiologically significant world could disrupt evolutionary processes already in place. What moral obligation do we have towards potential future life that our presence on Mars could impact, or to hybrid forms of life that our presence could potentially create? These questions must be addressed by planetary protection policy.”
We have to stay away from the moon as well, because we might spoil the scenic beauty of a wasteland even more remote and uninhabited than the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and also because the moon might be sacred to indigenous peoples, and indigenous peoples are sacred to moonbats.
“Aesthetics should also be considered. If Moon mining is to be an extensive enterprise as planned, these changes will be visible from Earth,” they claim, “fundamentally changing one of the few communal human experiences of gazing at the Moon. In addition, the Moon and other planetary bodies are sacred to some cultures. Is it possible for those beliefs to be respected if we engage in resource utilization on those worlds?”
The EDIWG authors assert that the moon has a right to remain unchanged. Human rights for microbes were not the final extreme of absurdity. Now rocks floating through outer space have rights.
If NASA can’t explore space because it would be unethical to inflict colonial oppression on microbes and rocks, how about private industry? No dice:
[H]elping to meet the needs of humanity by entrepreneurial development of resources from space would be a bad thing, because “enabling those with the wealth to privately engage in space exploration efforts could exacerbate already extreme wealth inequality in the immediate future.”
Mankind cannot explore space or strive upward in any other meaningful way until it has first rid itself of moonbattery.

On a tip from Steve T.
All links highlighted
Why in the hell does nasa have a " Equity Diversity and Inclusion Working Group"

I wonder what the taxpayers are paying these useless waste of lives

Then NASA needs to be disbanded as their mission to space is being castigated.
Cease all funding and give it to Elon
The rumor is we will delay the moon landings. However the Lunar gateway is a possibility. The NASA head will most likely be replaced by Biden if he is installed as Chairman in January. The taxpayers have paid a lot of money for the development of the Space Launch System Rocket. You can almost sense that it being used one time a year may be the norm if that.
I am not @ all familiar with this topic of EDIWG??? Therefore I have to ask my fellow board members the following questions; NASA receives federal tax dollar 'assistance' am I correct here? If so, what is NASA doing projecting what to me sounds like some type of personal religious belief system(?) into what is supposed to be a purely science based/technology centered on provable theory of the physical realm??? I have read a few links in the past about the CERN/Hadron Collider that mentioned about some kinky religious practices going on there also? I know the statist left is into serious heavy out of this world kinky ideology/religion but religion is not to be a involved in the work a day science & business world by the statist lefts own request. Opinions?

Because it's no longer about science.. It's about "social engineering".. The govt issues "general policy proclamations" that EVERY agency must follow.. Which is why DOD has an "Office of GWarming Analysis" for instance.. So you get this "marshmellow fluff" coating laid on EVERY corner of the "minion of morons" in the bureaucracy.. And it'll never be reviewed or disbanded once it's proclaimed.

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