NASA Brands ALL Whites as Racist


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
THIS is another example of how institutional racism is DOCUMENTED, and in this case anti-white and in a meeting at NASA. If someone cannot give examples of a documented process in an institution that is a racial discriminatory process, then you do not have institutional racism.

Another participant in the virtual event was University of Pittsburgh adjunct professor Austin O. Richardson II, who used the virtual meetup as a chance to share extreme views with NASA’s imprimatur. Richardson stated that all white people on earth possess a secret knowledge of racial hierarchy, but may conceal it in order to oppress others.
“If you are non-white, and you come across a white person, and they act like they don’t know what’s going on, they are deceiving you, and they are trying to disarm you,” Richardson said. “Every white person over the age of 12 knows that they are white, and they know that racism exists…If they say ‘I’m white,’ they automatically know all the implications of what that means.”
At another point in his rant, Richardson said that the only reason any person identifies as white in the first place is to “practice racism.”
“For a human being to think that they are white…they are letting you know that they plan on being racist, and they plan on practicing white supremacy,” he said.
Richardson’s rhetoric was so impassioned, and so deranged, that it visibly made other panel participants uncomfortable. Nevertheless, he wasn’t the only one making ridiculous claims. One panel participant used stereotypical slave dialect to describe modern America, saying non-whites are required to “acquiesce” to racism if “you want to make sure massah don’t sell you down the road.”
During the portion of the event Revolver was able to view, all participants agreed that “white privilege” was a serious problem in American life. One claimed that “you are looked at and ostracized” for trying to highlight racism in America, when of course the opposite is true. Shrieking about “racism” is a path for intellectual mediocrities to gain wealth and power, while insisting that America is not racist is a way to lose one’s job and reputation.
..'''amazing''' how the MSM/blacks/Dems-politicians/etc make it out that ONLY whites can be evil!!!! hahahahah the other races are inhuman/perfect/special
.the blacks are MORE racist than whites--it's their main preoccupation
..and--blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa--so, --obviously--the whites should be protesting interracial ''problems'''--not the blacks
So... basically a klan rally in space?

Apparently Obama mucked NASA up real good!
Wow, how do you even get rid of (fire) people in positions like that? And it's all paid for with taxpayer money.
Obama screwed up our supply system in my military installation. He replaced everyone with people who don't make sure that what they order fits what we needed for the job. We ask for a specific model and they just give us what they think is closest to it. BTW, every one of the new employees is under 40 and black.
Here are a few things that we can do to end racism in America.
1) ban race based employee organizations
2) ban race based student organizations
3) ban race based scholorships
4) ban race based awards shows
4) demand that the Left Wingers live up to their own standards on what is racist
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Here are a few things that we can do to end racism in America.
1) ban race based employee organizations
2) ban race based student organizations
3) ban race bases scholorships
4) ban race based awards shows
4) demand that the Left Wingers live up to their own standards on what is racist
The truth is that the Democrat party is still full of segregationist like Biden. They want to end discrimination laws so they can pass laws against white people.

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