Nancy Pelosi Quotes Prophet Mohammad At National Prayer Breakfast


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The immense stupidity of leading American Demoncrats is beyond human comprehension!
A well-known pedophile who owned 24 wife ( one was only 6 years old ) and in whose name were killed 270 millions innocent victims has the same honor as St. John the Apostle.

So, she made quotes from several holy books......

Quran is not a Holy Book.

This satanic teaching killed 270 millions.

Have you counted how many women the Quran got pregnant also?

Quran is a Work of Satan, here is something about Quranic idiocy.

Oh please, people have killed in the name of their Gods, all of them......Even for Baby Jesus..It's not the Devil, it's humans behaving badly..No matter what religion is used...
King Solomon comes to mind here, and Benjamin got married at the age of 10, how old was his wife??
Can you imagine a politician actually quoting a book that isn't the Bible?

What was she thinking?
King Solomon comes to mind here, and Benjamin got married at the age of 10, how old was his wife??
But that's different....It wasn't done by a Muslim..In the USA marriage was to many girls starting at the age of 9 or 10...In our early spans were shorter, so of course you'd start as soon as the menstrual showed...
Can you imagine a politician actually quoting a book that isn't the Bible?

What was she thinking?

She was thinking she could attract more ignorant voters who think all religions are the same and inconsequential.

She was not worried about losing you, irrespective of what she said.
They have some of the Nastiest old bags in that nasty party. (Pelosi, Warren, Hillary, Schultz, etc), my gawd how many face lifts can these people get? she's a Catholic just like I'm the queen of England. she belongs to the party of death. they support abortion on demand. how anyone can belong in that party. give me the creeps
They have some of the Nastiest old bags in that nasty party. (Pelosi, Warren, Hillary, Schultz, etc), my gawd how many face lifts can these people get? she's a Catholic just like I'm the queen of England. she belongs to the party of death. they support abortion on demand. how anyone can belong in that party. give me the creeps
I bet you are a model....T Ford....
Can you imagine a politician actually quoting a book that isn't the Bible?

What was she thinking?

She was thinking she could attract more ignorant voters who think all religions are the same and inconsequential.

She was not worried about losing you, irrespective of what she said.
I know...what a stupid bitch

Doesn't she know that only Christians matter in this country?
The ACA does not work because if my memory serves, 18 states did not expand Medicaid, GOP states.

The ACA needs some work is what she said.

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