Nader: Why Democrats Had a Bad Election Day


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
For the second POTUS election in a row elite Democrats assumed that running as not-Donald Trump would be a winning strategy, yet, in spite of having twice as much money as Republicans, Democrats showed, once again, running weak candidates with no agendas for people who are not among the richest ten percent of Americans is a losing formula.

And they managed that while running against the worst, cruelest, ignorant, lawbreaking GOP in its 166-year history:

Apart From Defeating Trump, Why Did The Democrats Have A Bad Election Day? | Ralph Nader

"The Democrats failed to win the Senate, despite nearly having twice the number of Senators up for re-election than the Republicans.

"In addition, the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives.

"The Democrats did not flip a single Republican state legislature, leaving the GOP to again gerrymander Congressional and state legislative districts for the next decade!

"Will all this lead to serious introspection by the Democratic Party?

"Don’t bet on it.

"The GOP tried to learn from their losses in 2012, which led to their big rebound.

"Already, the Democratic Party is looking for scapegoats, like third party candidates."

Ralph doesn't often use the word "capitalism" to explain why those with the most money determine political outcomes regardless of "...which grey representative of the oligarchs win the 2020 election."

Two Capitalist Parties Compete, Humanity Loses -
For the second POTUS election in a row elite Democrats assumed that running as not-Donald Trump would be a winning strategy, yet, in spite of having twice as much money as Republicans, Democrats showed, once again, running weak candidates with no agendas for people who are not among the richest ten percent of Americans is a losing formula.

And they managed that while running against the worst, cruelest, ignorant, lawbreaking GOP in its 166-year history:

Apart From Defeating Trump, Why Did The Democrats Have A Bad Election Day? | Ralph Nader

"The Democrats failed to win the Senate, despite nearly having twice the number of Senators up for re-election than the Republicans.

"In addition, the Democratic Party lost seats in the House of Representatives.

"The Democrats did not flip a single Republican state legislature, leaving the GOP to again gerrymander Congressional and state legislative districts for the next decade!

"Will all this lead to serious introspection by the Democratic Party?

"Don’t bet on it.

"The GOP tried to learn from their losses in 2012, which led to their big rebound.

"Already, the Democratic Party is looking for scapegoats, like third party candidates."

Ralph doesn't often use the word "capitalism" to explain why those with the most money determine political outcomes regardless of "...which grey representative of the oligarchs win the 2020 election."

Two Capitalist Parties Compete, Humanity Loses -
The Democrats absolutely refused to admit to any part in their loss to Trump in 2016, even though those who voted for Trump made it abundantly clear.

On the positive side, I have seen a few stories about how moderate Democrats have opened their eyes and are looking to take more action to pull the party back to where it should be (such as, Centrist Democrats talk leadership changes after negative election results)

On the negative side, the hardcore "Progressive" Left is doing essentially what the Trumpsters are doing to the GOP, threatening to break off and refuse to support anyone who isn't as whacked out as they are.

For the zillionth time, the two ends of the spectrum are showing us how similarly they can behave.
On the negative side, the hardcore "Progressive" Left is doing essentially what the Trumpsters are doing to the GOP, threatening to break off and refuse to support anyone who isn't as whacked out as they are.
I wonder if any Republican can mobilize potential voters as effectively as Trump did?

If 70% of the voting age population turned out in 2020, I'm beginning to believe Bernie would not have done any better than Biden; however, if a Democrat capable of inspiring 90% of her eligible voters to cast a ballot turns up, I believe that will happen because of issues like millions of living wage Green New Deal jobs, Medicare for All, and free higher education for those who qualify will incentivize such a turnout.

The US is the richest country in history, and it has never been richer; it is the distribution of wealth that's the problem.
Oh your election is about to get worse now that there is massive election fraud discovered all over the country. Tell me this who authorized the Election Fraud software on all of these voting machines.

The GOP even with you cheating won at least 11 house seats, so when the hand counts start, not only are you going to be eating crow, and cry over Bungling Biden, but guarantee we take more seats away from you little DemNazis in the house and hand Trump a Super Majority.

Many people are praying for the president and fraud is beginning to be exposed all over the country. Get used to seeing Donald Trump declared the Winner right before Christmas.

Pray for the Republic and Pray for the next president of the United States, Donald J, Trump.

Donald Trump will be your president by Christmas due to massive Fraud and many Christians praying to Yahweh and Yeshua to have the fraud exposed.

This is not 1933 where the Nazis rigged the German Elections and thrust an illegitimate dictator like Hitler on the German Republic.

On the negative side, the hardcore "Progressive" Left is doing essentially what the Trumpsters are doing to the GOP, threatening to break off and refuse to support anyone who isn't as whacked out as they are.
I wonder if any Republican can mobilize potential voters as effectively as Trump did?

If 70% of the voting age population turned out in 2020, I'm beginning to believe Bernie would not have done any better than Biden; however, if a Democrat capable of inspiring 90% of her eligible voters to cast a ballot turns up, I believe that will happen because of issues like millions of living wage Green New Deal jobs, Medicare for All, and free higher education for those who qualify will incentivize such a turnout.

The US is the richest country in history, and it has never been richer; it is the distribution of wealth that's the problem.
Well, he's a unicorn. An ugly, arrogant, cartoonish, ignorant one-off. So I guess the question will be whether his influence has created an organism that can exist on its own.
All hardcore ideologues are the same - if only the party did more of what I believe, then we'd do better.

That's garbage.

The Democrats lost seats in the House because swing districts that moderate Democrats won in 2018 were taken back by moderate Republicans. And moderate Democrats said they lost because the Republicans were able to label them as "socialism" and "defund the police," things that scare moderates.

Nader is clueless. He's no better than the hardcore Trumptards who believe if only the party was more Trump, Trump would have won.
Oh your election is about to get worse now that there is massive election fraud discovered all over the country. Tell me this who authorized the Election Fraud software on all of these voting machines.
You should be ashamed ( don't worry; I realize that is a biological impossibility). Trump's ego-obsessed, dictator-in-waiting performance has made America a global laughingstock. His administration has committed serial violations of the Constitution, and turned the government over to big business. Look for Greedy Donald to die the same way as Epstein.
he GOP even with you cheating won at least 11 house seats, so when the hand counts start, not only are you going to be eating crow, and cry over Bungling Biden, but guarantee we take more seats away from you little DemNazis in the house and hand Trump a Super Majority
Can you supply any evidence of cheating by Democrats aside from Don the Con's belief any vote against him should not be counted?
Well, he's a unicorn. An ugly, arrogant, cartoonish, ignorant one-off. So I guess the question will be whether his influence has created an organism that can exist on its own.
I think Trump's legacy will depend on how many of his crimes committed while in office come to light once he no longer controls the Justice Department. Possibly, we will see a delayed reaction such that Republicans will have to choose between the GOP and Trumpism?
Well, he's a unicorn. An ugly, arrogant, cartoonish, ignorant one-off. So I guess the question will be whether his influence has created an organism that can exist on its own.
I think Trump's legacy will depend on how many of his crimes committed while in office come to light once he no longer controls the Justice Department. Possibly, we will see a delayed reaction such that Republicans will have to choose between the GOP and Trumpism?
That's the dynamic to watch. The Lincoln Project's work has just begun, and they know it.

The Trumpsters aren't going anywhere. BUT they may still be lucid enough to play along. We'll see.
The Democrats lost seats in the House because swing districts that moderate Democrats won in 2018 were taken back by moderate Republicans. And moderate Democrats said they lost because the Republicans were able to label them as "socialism" and "defund the police," things that scare moderates.
By "moderate" do you mean more economic inequality?

Roughly 70% of eligible voters cast ballots this year.
It's hard for me to imagine anyone could motivate Republicans any better than Trump.
Biden is the same moderate Democrat who's been telling working class Dems to vote Republican if you don't like NAFTA.
A socialist who can show another 20% of the voting age population a reason to vote for a Green New Deal, Medicare for All, and tuition-free higher education can win a national race, imho.
That's the dynamic to watch. The Lincoln Project's work has just begun, and they know it.

The Trumpsters aren't going anywhere. BUT they may still be lucid enough to play along. We'll see.
It looks like Don the Con will finish with more votes than Obama received in 2008; what do you make of that?:omg:

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