N.Y.C. will require workers and customers show proof of at least one dose for indoor dining and other activities.


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads

how is this not on the first page/top thread? I looked all over?

“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” he said at a news conference. “It’s time.”

“This is going to be a requirement,” he added. “The only way to patronize these establishments is if you are vaccinated, at least one dose. The same for folks in terms of work, they will need at least one dose,” he said, holding up a single finger.

how is this even legal????!!!

how is this not on the first page/top thread? I looked all over?

“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” he said at a news conference. “It’s time.”

“This is going to be a requirement,” he added. “The only way to patronize these establishments is if you are vaccinated, at least one dose. The same for folks in terms of work, they will need at least one dose,” he said, holding up a single finger.

how is this even legal????!!!

Gotta get them back in chains.

As a conservative, New York's guv has already proclaimed that there is no room in NY for those who disagree with liberalism, so I won't be going their anyhow.

how is this not on the first page/top thread? I looked all over?

“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” he said at a news conference. “It’s time.”

“This is going to be a requirement,” he added. “The only way to patronize these establishments is if you are vaccinated, at least one dose. The same for folks in terms of work, they will need at least one dose,” he said, holding up a single finger.

how is this even legal????!!!

Time to go into the fake vax proof business.

It's a cash game babe.

how is this not on the first page/top thread? I looked all over?

“If you want to participate in our society fully, you’ve got to get vaccinated,” he said at a news conference. “It’s time.”

“This is going to be a requirement,” he added. “The only way to patronize these establishments is if you are vaccinated, at least one dose. The same for folks in terms of work, they will need at least one dose,” he said, holding up a single finger.

how is this even legal????!!!
It's not.
I can't believe that the French, British, Germans and Aussies have protested this nonsense, and yet Americans are sitting on their hands for it.. . .

What the fuck . . . :dunno:
The "goalposts" moved because people refused to vaccinate and the Delta variant was allowed to spread
I can't believe you actually believe that bullshit they push on that idiot box.

If they told you it was nighttime outside in the middle of the day. . . you would believe them.

I can't believe you actually believe that bullshit they push on that idiot box.

If they told you it was nighttime outside in the middle of the day. . . you would believe them.

I sure ain't gonna believe you...or Facebook kooks
"The same people who told you Brexit would never happen, Trump would never win, that when he did win it was because of Russian collusion, then because of racism, that you must follow lockdowns while they don’t, that masks don’t work and then that they do work, that protests…

…during lockdowns are a “health intervention”, that ransacking black communities in the name of fighting racism are “mostly peaceful”, that Jussie Smollett was a victim of a hate crime, that men are toxic, that there is an infinite number of genders, that COVID didn’t come…

…from a lab and then that it probably did, that closing borders is racist and then that it’s the most important thing to do, that the Hunter Biden story is Russian disinformation and then that it’s not, that they would not take Trump’s vaccine and then that you must take the…

…vaccine, that Governor Cuomo is a great COVID leader and then that he is a granny killer, that the number of COVID deaths is one thing and then another, that hospitals are filled with COVID patients and then that many of them caught COVID in hospital…

These same people are now telling you the vaccine is safe, you must take it and if you don’t you will be a second class citizen. Understand vaccine hesitancy now?"

Konstantin Kisin

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