Often nowadays Jews are discriminated and wrongfully accused... The fight is constantly over the Holy Land... Well, my thoughts are, the Jews have already given enough of THEIR land away... they surrendered so much, in my opinion, too much land over already... I'm half Jewish but the other half of my family is catholic... The Jewish side of my family is from Jordan and Germany... I have heard many views on this situation, and I think they are all nonsense... People need to be happy with the land they have and stop trying to steel others... it's all a selfish waste of time and lives... The Jews are actually peaceful people, and everyone is always attacking them... it's either their religion, eye color, land, customs, etc... Why should they have to give up Israel? If they give up that are the Arabs going to give up their land for them? Many Arabs and Muslims today have twisted the peaceful Quran into a bloodbath... And of course as in many many blood baths throughout history the Jews are drug into it.. And it's even more of a slap in their face that the new pope is a former Hitler youth.... Does no one see this shit? Great, so now a man with extreme political power is a former nazi... He's no John Paul, he actually stood up to nazis and refused to be one.. in Poland no less! But no, intead everyone will continue to attack the Jews and steal their land... One of the holiest places on earth is now demeaned to a death trap.. Well this turned out to be more of a minor rant than anything...