My prediction if Biden wins.


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.

Not as much as changing how we count them. That will be the real difference.

That is my point. DARE YOU ADDRESS IT?
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?

My guess is Biden mandates sugar pills from China for a mere $39.95 each and COVID goes away.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.

Why hasn't it anywhere else?
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.

Why hasn't it anywhere else?
It has happened everywhere. Italy, Germany, South Korea, China - Wuhan itself has done better than Dementia Don.
Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths. . .

. . . By increasing deaths from suicide, starvation, and undiagnosed and untreated medical conditions all the while closing more businesses for good, costing more people their life savings and making more things harder to get and life generally harder for all.

Meantime, Covid deaths remain a mere FRACTION of the normal amount of deaths we have everyday from normal, everyday causes that no one loses any sleep over.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Biden is clearly going to MAGA. But for real this time.
Counting. Yes. We’ll change from counting a LOT of deaths to counting very little deaths.

My prediction is that they will change how we count them, to get a lower number, and then claim "victory" and then you lefties will give Biden credit, even though it is all a mirage.

If I am wrong, you can use this thread to taunt me, as we go forth, wearing masks for months and the deaths still climbing.

Oh, that too. THe way they announcing new cases and "deaths" as though it is news, that will change too.

They will start talking about... declining death rate, based on the "new numbers" or some such shit, to gin up the APPEARENCE OF CHANGE.
Everybody wants freedom but not for pg women, gays, trans, or even Democrats.

China is growing as they got rid of the virus, and we still have 1000 or so deaths a day.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Biden is clearly going to MAGA. But for real this time.

So, you are going on the record, disagreeing with my prediction? Or you just here to talk shit?
Everybody wants freedom but not for pg women, gays, trans, or even Democrats.

China is growing as they got rid of the virus, and we still have 1000 or so deaths a day.

YOur divisive shit is noted and dismissed.

Do you want to comment on my prediction, ie the Thread topic? Or are you just here to demonstrate what a troll you are?
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.

After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.
If you want to decrease COVID deaths.....stop letting the biased media report the statistics....and end pay for COVID deaths.
Hospitals get federal cash for every COVID death they report.
Everybody wants freedom but not for pg women, gays, trans, or even Democrats.

China is growing as they got rid of the virus, and we still have 1000 or so deaths a day.

Your party calls Republican voters racist. Stop your lies.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Yes, tightening the lockdown will decrease Covid deaths.

Why hasn't it anywhere else?
It has happened everywhere. Italy, Germany, South Korea, China - Wuhan itself has done better than Dementia Don.

Look at the numbers of these countries, of much smaller size and how they have been impacted. Ontario just hit a record today 1042 cases and the deaths of some women in their 50's. We were totally shut down and only recently re-opened in some areas. Others are locked down tight. Number are skyrocketing.

There is no magic bullet. This is what makes this virus such interesting in it's timing. The conspiracies of all conspiracies.

There's just too many odd occurrences and coincidences to not consider it. Especially when it came from China of all places.
After he takes office, he tightens up the lockdown. About two weeks in, the cdc quietly releases new guidelines to get more accurate numbers on actual covid cases and shockingly the numbers start to plummet.

Within two months, Biden starts loosening up, and declares victory and the media spends the next two years making sure that he gets credit for saving the entire population from certain death and for the improving economy as the lockdown ends.

Any one doubt this and if so, why?
Biden is clearly going to MAGA. But for real this time.

So, you are going on the record, disagreeing with my prediction? Or you just here to talk shit?
He might do as you say, but he's for sure going to MAGA, for real though.

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