My political study


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2020
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?

It is not possible. 5G is scrambling their brains.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
Who was your English teacher in elementary school? I want to know so that I may go slap them upside the head.
Much of what Trump has done has been confrontational, outrageous and even incomprehensible. You love him for that. You want friendly conversations then pick a friendlier politician to worship. Until then you will play defense for this train wreck of a presidency or perhaps you can just find something else to talk about.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?

What happened is Donald Trump's presidency. Allow me to elaborate. During the Obama administration certain plans were put down by the internal enemies of America to follow his presidency with a second, more radical POTUS—in the form of H. Clinton—who would follow through on the damage Obama wrought on all facets of America, bring American civilization to its knees, and usher in a new age of extreme radical leftism, sadism, hedonism for those so endowed and otherwise transform our nation into a green communist utopia of death and despair for the average citizen. In other words, the "forces of evil" believed they had permanent victory in the bag, that they would be able, after Obama, to get away with forcing any psychotic cultural and/or social change on the American People, essentially bring hell on Earth to a city or town near you. The election of Donald Trump foiled their plans, took away their evil candy, set back their ideological conquest of America by many years. And that's why Donald Trump's spoken name alone is like holy water on the skin of a vampire for the democratic party—why the brainwashed masses of zombie democrat voters seem to catch fire with rage simply over sight or mention of the man.

I can sympathize with you, however. I've got in-laws so thoroughly brainwashed by the anti-Trump MSNBC narrative they regularly hang up the phone on their own daughter when the conversation runs to politics. They can go from normal, decent, intelligent folks to rabid monsters between blinks of an eye. Quite the phenomenon really, is TDS.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?

It is not possible. 5G is scrambling their brains.
What brains?
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
No it's not possible. Here is a list of known behaviors the vile scum are guilty of on message boards, all proven and seen time and time again.
Progressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/ Alex Jones/ Brietbart/ Infowars/ Stormfront/ Gateway/ Hannity/ Rush

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!

20. Science denier! But men can menstruate and have babies.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
No it's not possible. Here is a list of known behaviors the vile scum are guilty of on message boards, all proven and seen time and time again.
Progressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/ Alex Jones/ Brietbart/ Infowars/ Stormfront/ Gateway/ Hannity/ Rush

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!

20. Science denier! But men can menstruate and have babies.
This is what i find as well. Are there even one honest democrat? I think not.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
Who was your English teacher in elementary school? I want to know so that I may go slap them upside the head.
Point made right here.
Much of what Trump has done has been confrontational, outrageous and even incomprehensible. You love him for that. You want friendly conversations then pick a friendlier politician to worship. Until then you will play defense for this train wreck of a presidency or perhaps you can just find something else to talk about.
So sorry trump is for America and Americans. Must be hell for you democrats.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?

I've never experienced a meaningful conversation with one. The more progressive the more they raise their voice irrationally. Change the subject, make accusations, only to change the subject again and again seeking validation that cannot exist -typical behavior. Just best not to get involved, which as you say is a shame.
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
So, obviously there are many political opinions on these boards.myself leaning way more right then wrong , oops i mean left.and i just cant figure out what is happening to the lefties in this country. I mean i remember a time not so long ago where you can disagree with a democrat over a few drinks. What happened?

My study . I tried to talk calmly and politely about america and trump. I could not find even one that could even last ten min. Without becoming visibly angry, raising their voice, storming off hollering or grumbling. Im wondering if maybe there is a technoligy in cell phones that takes over democrats brain cell. And brain washes them to get so aggitated and violent .

I am looking for anyone that has had any kind of experience where they tried to have a friendly conversation with a democrat when they didnt get mad, call you names .
How many dems in a row have to get nasty before we call it proof that dems are programmed? Please help me find one rational dem that does not get triggeredwhen you show them documented truth that obama spied? And helped American hating terrorists more then working Americans.

Is it possible?
Hmmmm... I know someone who refuses to even look at facts or data. He thinks Bernie is a godsend. The only reason we should take from people who have money, is because they have too much. What?
My good friends brother . The most sensible person i know.. was to the point of throwing blows with his own brother. Because he thinks obama was scandle free , inspite of evidence ... and trump is a treasonous dictator despite zero evidence. Shocking really.
I know what you mean. My good friend since high school invited two of us to DC for a birthday thing for him. While we waited for an Uber, he mentioned that gay people may be at the bar and I should not say the word fag. Ok. I didn’t even know if there were any there.

Secondly, he introduced us to his two black lady friends. One a lawyer who was kinda hot, the other is friends with spike lee, so.

Well, I was talking with them and misheard them. So, I said oh you are from Virginia also? One said and the other nodded her head in agreement that Virginia is so racist they’d never live there. Being that’s it’s my home, I politely asked if I should have white guilt? They kinda went quiet. this was in 2017

Short answer-Morning comes friends and I start talking and I mentioned the conversation to him. Literally, all he cared about was how it affected him, I guess his reputation. My other friend was dying, too funny.

same guy sent me a text about our good friend who told him he was banging a chic from high school for over ten years under the table, AND WANTED ME TO TELL EVERYONE WE KNEW! That was two days ago. I didn’t, I would never.

leftists are strange

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