My neighborhood has it's first political yardsign up.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.

The Biden signs went up early here in SW Wisconsin. But over the last few weeks, Trump signs are springing up all over the place.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.

Easy for you to say---I live in a house with huge windows and really don't want any psycho libs tossing rocks or eggs at them. I might be inclined to shoot them and then I would be in trouble.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
Just like last election, all Hillary/Biden signs in the city and all Trump in the country

Same old, same old
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.
you are a total fuckin idiot!!!!!!!!!
the BLACKS will BURN the house down!!!! DUH
house wash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....are you blind!!!!!!!?? wtf planet have you been living on these past few weeks????
...blacks/BLM are VIOLENT and jackasses ---
they are exactly like NAZIS!!!!
I really don't understand the need to advertise your political stance with a yard sign. For me, it's personal and private. I don't to this day know who my parents voted for. And I have scant memories of their bedroom. Daddy always said that was their turf and to stay out. So we did. He didn't barge into our rooms either without knocking even if the door was open. That was my turf, and my sisters room was her turf. Nobodies business, period. Same with signs in your yard or on your car or on your head or on your tshirt. Has nothing to do with cowardice and all to do with personal privacy.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.

Easy for you to say---I live in a house with huge windows and really don't want any psycho libs tossing rocks or eggs at them. I might be inclined to shoot them and then I would be in trouble.
Ever read the transactional analysis book "The Games People Play"? This game is called "I would if I could but I can't, can you help me." Eh.., uh.., No. Sorry Buddy. I can't help you, but wish you the best of luck. :smoke:
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.
you are a total fuckin idiot!!!!!!!!!
the BLACKS will BURN the house down!!!! DUH
house wash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....are you blind!!!!!!!?? wtf planet have you been living on these past few weeks????
...blacks/BLM are VIOLENT and jackasses ---
they are exactly like NAZIS!!!!
Living easy on the Tennessee planet, bonehead. You should have moved somewhere safe (preferably not here) a long time ago. Get help, stay on your meds and try to remain calm.
And its Jorgensen lol. I do have a neighbor a few doors down that has 3 flags out on his deck overlooking his pool, Trump, American & POW flags but they've been there all year.

I feel like it's too early myself. I would like to put out a Trump sign this year but it's unlikely I will. I don't need my siding ruined with eggs or my vehicle vandalized and I just can't trust the unhinged left not to do those things.
I'm no trump supporter and don't do signs, not even bumper stickers, but if you would like to have one and don't because people will know what you stand for, you stand for nothing and are already beaten. Buy some house wash that hooks to your garden hose and live you life in a way you believe in as long as you are not breaking laws or harming others.
All of my neighbors know I'm a conservative and I dont give two shits what they think.

It is the morons who vandalize property for no reason that I prefer not to have to deal with. Some asshat slashes my tires or keys my vehicles in the night and my "feelings" don't pay the repair bills.

It's a sad state when freedom of expression is under assault.
There is only one political sign in my neighborhood and he is thankfully a number of blocks from me. He has a big Trump sign.You would know he was a Trump supporter regardless of the sign because his yard is full of cigarette butts, trash and feral looking dogs.
So you live in the white ghetto eh? Lol

Way to just shit on yourself

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