My condolences to the USA


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
To be honest, it was a list of caricatures as candidates for republican nomination. Bunch of ignoramuses, backwards ass anti abortion, anti gay, anti Latino, and old school republican has beens. What was needed was new blood / new generation that mainstream America could relate to. Each of the candidates had his her her own major defects and the republicans ended up choosing the best in a bunch of bad choices. Romney's third debate on foreign policy was as bad as Obama's first. The other issues I believe contributed to this loss were people still blamed Bush for what had happened to the economy when Obama took over and were fearful (correctly or incorrectly) that Romney would take us back to those days again, and of course race played a major factor as all the blacks and minorities in highly populated urban areas came out in droves to vote for Obama. All in all we can credit the Democrat machine for an amazing ground game across the country and areas they needed to get the vote out, and a special award to David Axelrod for the genius behind this machine.

What worries me is what kind of country will we be left with after four more years of Obama.
I don't think you should be worried about what kind of country we will be in 4 years. I agree race was a major factor. I think Romney only did well with one demographic.
I don't think you should be worried about what kind of country we will be in 4 years. I agree race was a major factor. I think Romney only did well with one demographic.

White only is an antiquated ideaology that the repubs will need to adjust to.
To be honest, it was a list of caricatures as candidates for republican nomination. Bunch of ignoramuses, backwards ass anti abortion, anti gay, anti Latino, and old school republican has beens. What was needed was new blood / new generation that mainstream America could relate to. Each of the candidates had his her her own major defects and the republicans ended up choosing the best in a bunch of bad choices. Romney's third debate on foreign policy was as bad as Obama's first. The other issues I believe contributed to this loss were people still blamed Bush for what had happened to the economy when Obama took over and were fearful (correctly or incorrectly) that Romney would take us back to those days again, and of course race played a major factor as all the blacks and minorities in highly populated urban areas came out in droves to vote for Obama. All in all we can credit the Democrat machine for an amazing ground game across the country and areas they needed to get the vote out, and a special award to David Axelrod for the genius behind this machine.

What worries me is what kind of country will we be left with after four more years of Obama.

You are in fact dumb as a rock !
To be honest, it was a list of caricatures as candidates for republican nomination. Bunch of ignoramuses, backwards ass anti abortion, anti gay, anti Latino, and old school republican has beens. What was needed was new blood / new generation that mainstream America could relate to. Each of the candidates had his her her own major defects and the republicans ended up choosing the best in a bunch of bad choices. Romney's third debate on foreign policy was as bad as Obama's first. The other issues I believe contributed to this loss were people still blamed Bush for what had happened to the economy when Obama took over and were fearful (correctly or incorrectly) that Romney would take us back to those days again, and of course race played a major factor as all the blacks and minorities in highly populated urban areas came out in droves to vote for Obama. All in all we can credit the Democrat machine for an amazing ground game across the country and areas they needed to get the vote out, and a special award to David Axelrod for the genius behind this machine.

What worries me is what kind of country will we be left with after four more years of Obama.
More that half this country disagrees with you. :eusa_drool:
My condolences to the USA too. It has passed into history along with Camelot.

The majority is deviant, depraved and degenerate. The answer for republicans was not to become just as deviant, depraved and degenerate as democrats. Otherwise it would be a choice between what kind of democrat do you want.

The flame of liberty hasn't gone out but it will have to burn elsewhere.
To be honest, it was a list of caricatures as candidates for republican nomination. Bunch of ignoramuses, backwards ass anti abortion, anti gay, anti Latino, and old school republican has beens. What was needed was new blood / new generation that mainstream America could relate to. Each of the candidates had his her her own major defects and the republicans ended up choosing the best in a bunch of bad choices. Romney's third debate on foreign policy was as bad as Obama's first. The other issues I believe contributed to this loss were people still blamed Bush for what had happened to the economy when Obama took over and were fearful (correctly or incorrectly) that Romney would take us back to those days again, and of course race played a major factor as all the blacks and minorities in highly populated urban areas came out in droves to vote for Obama. All in all we can credit the Democrat machine for an amazing ground game across the country and areas they needed to get the vote out, and a special award to David Axelrod for the genius behind this machine.

What worries me is what kind of country will we be left with after four more years of Obama.
More that half this country disagrees with you. :eusa_drool:

They disagree, but they aren't right. They just disagree.
Condolences would have been in order had the radical rightwingnuts gotten the win.

Now maybe they'll learn to play nice.

Thanks anyway

Akin and Mourdock's defeat speaks volumes.

The Socials need to form their own party and let the GOP focus on things that matter to Americans.
then leave

I'm not leaving but I am starting a company to help business leave. Small and mid sized business is an underserved community. Everyone will help a company that will move 1,500 jobs out of the country. No one is looking at helping move a company with 100 or 200, or even ten or fifteen jobs out of the country. There's a market out there and I intend to fill the need.

I started planning this two months ago. I've already started identifying countries willing to provide incentives for small business and started forming the network to help owners and investors get out.
With no need to worry about re-election.

Obama is going to hold Israel accountable for it's apartheid/fascist behavior. :thup:

There is no doubt of that, obama has already sent his Iranian born advisor to Iran to make just those plans.

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