Must-Read Quotes by Former Abortionists, Clinic Workers, etc.


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
“I’m Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the Roe vs. Wade decision that brought ‘legal’ child killing to America. I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped, and needed an abortion. It was all a lie. Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave. Please, don’t follow in my mistakes."

– Norma McCorvey ("Jane Roe" of Roe vs. Wade)

"I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name….. I would like nothing more than to have this law overturned, either by an act of Congress or a reversal in the Supreme Court."

– Norma McCorvey, Testimony before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Federalism, and Property Rights of the Senate Judiciary Committee, January 1998.



"Why did I change my mind? Well, to begin with, it was not from a religious conviction, ... I am an Atheist... In any case, the change of mind began with the realization, the inescapable reality that the fetus, that embryo, is a person, is a protectable human life. The change also began on the basis of my own secular belief in the golden rule: if you would not have your own life taken away from you, you must not take someone else's life."

– Dr Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL, former abortionist who presided over 75,000 abortions

'We fed the public a line of deceit, dishonesty, a fabrication of statistics and figures. We succeeded [in breaking down the laws limiting abortions] because the time was right and the news media cooperated. We sensationalized the effects of illegal abortions, and fabricated polls which indicated that 85% of the public favoured unrestricted abortion, when we knew it was only 5%. We unashamedly lied, and yet our statements were quoted [by the media] as though they had been written in law.’

– Dr Bernard Nathanson, quoted in John Powell, Abortion: the silent Holocaust. Tabor, Allen,Texas. 1981



“My 23rd abortion changed my mind about doing abortions forever. This patient was a little overweight and ultimately proved to be a little farther along than anticipated. This was not an uncommon mistake before ultrasound was readily available to confirm the gestational age.

Initially, the abortion proceeded normally. The water broke, but then nothing more would come out. When I withdrew the curette, I saw that it was plugged up with the leg of the baby which had been torn off. I then changed techniques and used ring forceps to dismember the 13 or 14 week size baby. Inside the remains of the rib cage I found a tiny, beating heart. I was finally able to remove the head and looked squarely into the face of a human being—a human being that I had just killed.

– Former abortionist Dr. Paul Jarrett


"Now I recognize that there is no difference between a first-trimester abortion, a second trimester abortion, or a third trimester abortion, or even infanticide. It’s the same human being in different stages of development.

I finally got to the point I couldn't look at those little bodies anymore."

– Dr. Arnold Halpern, former director of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic


"My heart got callous to against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me as to what abortion really was.”

– Former abortionist Dr. David Brewer


“I began to feel like a paid assassin. That’s exactly what I was.”

– Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino



"… that was probably the most difficult part of the abortion procedure with the suction abortions, you had to go through what you suctioned out of the uterus and identify perfectly formed little arms and legs and little hands, skulls were usually crushed. Eyes and cute little noses – you just killed a baby. And I don’t care what you do, you can’t bring them back."

– Former abortionist Dr. Grant Clark


"I was trained by a professional marketing director in how to sell abortions over the telephone. He took every one of our receptionists, nurses, and anyone else who would deal with people over the phone through an extensive training period. The object was, when the girl called, to hook the sale so that she wouldn't get an abortion somewhere else, or adopt out her baby, or change her mind. We were doing it for the money."

– Nina Whitten, chief secretary at a Dallas abortion clinic under Dr. Curtis Boyd


“The women are never allowed to look at the ultrasound because we knew that if they so much as heard the heart beat, they wouldn’t want to have an abortion.”

– Dr. Randall “Pro-Choice 1990: Skeletons in the Closet” by David Kuperlain and Mark Masters in Oct “New Dimensions” magazine


"I have seen hundreds of patients in my office who have had abortions and were just lied to by the abortion counselor. Namely 'This is less painful than having a tooth removed. It is not a baby.' Afterwards, the woman sees Life magazine and breaks down and goes into a major depression."

– Psychologist Vincent Rue, quoted in "Abortion Inc" David Kupelian and Jo Ann Gasper, New Dimemsions, October 1991


"We tried to avoid the women seeing them [the fetuses] They always wanted to know the sex, but we lied and said it was too early to tell. It's better for the women to think of the fetus as an 'it.' "

– Abortion clinic worker Norma Eidelman quoted in Rachel Weeping p 34


"Sometimes we lied. A girl might ask what her baby was like at a certain point in the pregnancy: Was it a baby yet? Even as early as 12 weeks a baby is totally formed, he has fingerprints, turns his head, fans his toes, feels pain. But we would say 'It's not a baby yet. It's just tissue, like a clot.'"

– Kathy Sparks told in "The Conversion of Kathy Sparks" by Gloria Williamson, Christian Herald Jan 1986 p 28



“Every woman has these same two questions: First, “Is it a baby?” “No” the counselor assures her. “It is a product of conception (or a blood clot, or a piece of tissue)… How many women would have an abortion, if we told them the truth?

– Carol Everett, former owner of two clinics and director of four

There are lots more quotes like these, but I'll leave it at that for now.
It's a tough position to be in. Most people go it alone and don't particularly have any support. It's a fair question to ask how many women would go through with it if they were told the truth.

Seems humans are different than animals. Animals have only one goal in life. And that's to ensure the survival of the next generation. They live by the laws of nature. Humanity doesn't think that way. Not really.
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It's a tough position to be in. Most people go it alone and don't particularly have any support. It's a fair question to ask how many women would go through with it if they were told the truth.

Seems humans are different than animals. Animals have only one goal in life. And that's to ensure the survival of the next generation. They live by the laws of nature. Humanity doesn't think that way. Not really.

Yes, and I think it's truly sad that the young women in that position are taken advantage of by vulture-like people who typically do it for the money, and use dishonest tactics to "seal the deal." Here is a clip of former abortion provider Carol Everett. Some of the things she says in this video are truly astounding.

Crickets in this thread, huh?

Yeah, interesting. I guess people don’t want to acknowledge the dishonesty in the abortion industry (from the very beginning, evidently) and the fact that many doctors and clinic workers end up leaving so they can sleep at night and have a clean conscience.
Yeah, interesting. I guess people don’t want to acknowledge the dishonesty in the abortion industry (from the very beginning, evidently) and the fact that many doctors and clinic workers end up leaving so they can sleep at night and have a clean conscience.

Meh, more like they are terrified some religious nut will kill them because Jesus said so.

But here's the more important question...if you nuts do make abortion illegal, how will you enforce it?
Meh, more like they are terrified some religious nut will kill them because Jesus said so.

But here's the more important question...if you nuts do make abortion illegal, how will you enforce it?

How do we enforce laws against other forms of murder?

How do we enforce laws against theft, and assault, and rape, and other criminal acts?
How do we enforce laws against other forms of murder?

How do we enforce laws against theft, and assault, and rape, and other criminal acts?

Okay, Magic Underpants... here's the thing. We can enforce laws against murder because juries are willing to convict murderers...

Good luck finding a jury willing to send a woman to prison for having an abortion.

Here's a hint for you. This never happened even when Abortion was "Illegal" prior to Roe. Women weren't arrested for having them, and providers weren't arrested for performing them unless a patient was serously injured... Even when providers were arrested, they weren't charged with homicide...and this was at a time when it was a lot less accepted as a practice as it is now..

Tell you what, if I find myself on a jury on an abortion case, I'm voting to acquit I don't care if they have film of him with his hands up her whooha!
Everyone should read these quotes. And it's remarkable that some of the biggest abortion proponents (like 'Jane Roe' of Roe-v-Wade and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the co-founder of NARAL) ended up becoming pro-life activists.
It's a tough position to be in. Most people go it alone and don't particularly have any support. It's a fair question to ask how many women would go through with it if they were told the truth.

Seems humans are different than animals. Animals have only one goal in life. And that's to ensure the survival of the next generation. They live by the laws of nature. Humanity doesn't think that way. Not really.

Yes, and I think it's truly sad that the young women in that position are taken advantage of by vulture-like people who typically do it for the money, and use dishonest tactics to "seal the deal." Here is a clip of former abortion provider Carol Everett. Some of the things she says in this video are truly astounding.


No, dummy. Demonic is punishing a rape victim more severely for getting an abortion than the rapist who got her pregnant.

Everyone should read these quotes. And it's remarkable that some of the biggest abortion proponents (like 'Jane Roe' of Roe-v-Wade and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the co-founder of NARAL) ended up becoming pro-life activists.

Not really. McCorvey was a weak creature to start with...

again, I'm still waiting for you guys to tell me how you are going to enforce these laws once you've put them on the books.

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