Muslim Woman Response to Anti-Muslim Protestors - "Viral" ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
In an article by Aris Folley in The Hill, It is stated that a Muslim woman's counter-protest went "viral" after she tweeted that she "smiled in the face of bigotry and walked away feeling the greatest form of accomplishment."

She quickly got 62,000 likes on Twitter and 77,000 likes on Instagram as of Tuesday afternoon. I hate to rain in anybody's parade, but Twitter and Instagram are worldwide, and even the 77,000 likes on Instagram are tiny compared to the population of the world (7.7 Billion).

I wonder how many of these likes came from the United States, vs how many came from Islamic countries. I also wonder how many came from Muslims, and I could easily imagine that being about 90%.

The Hill article seems to be portraying the woman, Shaymaa Ismaa'eel, 24, as some sort of civil rights hero, for standing up against bigotry of anti-Muslim protestors. All of this is a textbook example of how far apart from reality many people like Aris Folley are, when it comes to Islam.

Actually, it is the protestors who Ismaa'eel was complaining about, who were the civil rights advocates against bigotry (of Islam), and it is women like Ismaa'eel who are one of the primary victims of Islam's bigotry (against women).

Lastly, to make all of this even higher on the scale of :wtf:is the fact that Ismaa'eel was attending the Islamic Circle of North America convention, which the protestors were protesting.

The ICNA is an officially designated Muslim Brotherhood front group, by the US Justice Dept, and in case anybody is clueless on that, the Muslim Brotherhood is still on record as vowing to destroy America and all of North America, abolish the US Constitution, and replace it with an Islamic state. 100% pure illegal sedition.

I guess what the protestors were protesting about, was how in the world are Muslim Brotherhood front groups like the ICNA, even legal in America, in 2019, and allowed to exist at all, when even in Islamic countries the Muslim Brotherhood, and all of its groups, are banned. (ex. United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Saudi Arabia)

Muslim woman goes viral after posing in front of anti-Muslim protesters
This woman is as brainwashed as anybody could ever be. She says >> "'What if we had a loudspeaker, so they can hear the beautiful things we're learning about our beloved prophet?"

I wonder if what she's learning in those ICNA workshops about her prophet, includes the mass murder (Koran 8:12,... 9:5,... 9:123) > 270 million people killed, wife-beating (4:34), rape (4:24), pedophilia (65:4), slavery, etc. Or is it all one big whitewash ?

Hard to believe someone could be taught about all these horrors, and still think it's "beautiful".
When a white man does something inherently evil like what happened in New Zealand, ALL White People are to blame.

When a mooslum pig does something like a mass-murder, setting POWs on fire, beheading people by the thousand, keeping sex slaves by the TENS of Thousands........

It's still White People's fault. White oppression, something stupid like that even though it's mooslum baby-rapers that have been persecuting Christians for the last 1,400 years, it's still our fault

Somehow, everything is.

Ever notice that?

If you believe the same way, vote for dimocrap scum. They do.

Here's a question for Aris Folley and THE Hill. It's the same question that Michelle Obama once asked Barrack >> "Whose side are you on ?"
So Shaymaa Ismaa'eel would like this to happen here in the US ? It appears to be the case.


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