Muslim convert who killed 4 French police did NOT follow a radical form of Islam…he followed Islam

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

NO! NO! NO! The Muslim convert who killed 4 at French police headquarters did NOT follow a radical form of Islam…he followed Islam OCTOBER 5, 2019 BY BARENAKEDISLAM 12 COMMENTS

There is no radical form of Islam. There is no moderate form of Islam. Just ask the leader of Turkey:

EuroNews The man who killed four people at the Paris police headquarters followed a radical vision of Islam before the attack, the French anti-terrorism prosecutor said on Saturday. The attacker was shot dead by police at the scene on Thursday.

The employee who stabbed four people to death — including three cops — inside a Paris police headquarters had converted to Islam 18 months ago, according to a report. According to the prosecutor, the killer followed a “radical vision of Islam.”

The 45-year-old deaf IT worker — identified in media reports as Michael Harpon attacked three members of the police force’s intelligence division Thursday inside two ground floor offices, then went into a stairwell and assaulted two women, French newspaper Le Parisien reported.

In the weeks leading up to the attack, he had adopted an increasingly radicalized fundamentalist behaviour, the prosecutor said, justifying the terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo newspaper that left 12 dead in Paris in 2015, trading his clothes for traditional religious ones and stopping to have contact with women.

Only 30 minutes before he knifed three police officers and one administrative assistant to death in their offices, he sent text messages including the words “Allahu akbar”, prosecutor Jean-Francois Ricard said.

The prosecutor described a “scene of extreme violence”. In his killing spree, which lasted seven minutes between 12:53 and 13:00 CEST, Michael H., 45, the killer, entered his office of the police headquarters, mortally wounding two police officers who were having lunch, then trying to enter another office where three others were on a break but could not go past the locked door. He then attacked another employee, who died of her injuries, and wounded another before he was stopped by a 24-year-old intern, who shot him.


Yes, the Turkey dictator actually spoke the truth...AND NO ONE LISTENED!!!!!!!!


NO! NO! NO! The Muslim convert who killed 4 at French police headquarters did NOT follow a radical form of Islam…he followed Islam OCTOBER 5, 2019 BY BARENAKEDISLAM 12 COMMENTS

There is no radical form of Islam. There is no moderate form of Islam. Just ask the leader of Turkey:

EuroNews The man who killed four people at the Paris police headquarters followed a radical vision of Islam before the attack, the French anti-terrorism prosecutor said on Saturday. The attacker was shot dead by police at the scene on Thursday.

The employee who stabbed four people to death — including three cops — inside a Paris police headquarters had converted to Islam 18 months ago, according to a report. According to the prosecutor, the killer followed a “radical vision of Islam.”

The 45-year-old deaf IT worker — identified in media reports as Michael Harpon attacked three members of the police force’s intelligence division Thursday inside two ground floor offices, then went into a stairwell and assaulted two women, French newspaper Le Parisien reported.

In the weeks leading up to the attack, he had adopted an increasingly radicalized fundamentalist behaviour, the prosecutor said, justifying the terror attacks on Charlie Hebdo newspaper that left 12 dead in Paris in 2015, trading his clothes for traditional religious ones and stopping to have contact with women.

Only 30 minutes before he knifed three police officers and one administrative assistant to death in their offices, he sent text messages including the words “Allahu akbar”, prosecutor Jean-Francois Ricard said.

The prosecutor described a “scene of extreme violence”. In his killing spree, which lasted seven minutes between 12:53 and 13:00 CEST, Michael H., 45, the killer, entered his office of the police headquarters, mortally wounding two police officers who were having lunch, then trying to enter another office where three others were on a break but could not go past the locked door. He then attacked another employee, who died of her injuries, and wounded another before he was stopped by a 24-year-old intern, who shot him.


Yes, the Turkey dictator actually spoke the truth...AND NO ONE LISTENED!!!!!!!!

Bullshit. Most of the boots on the ground fighting ISIS are on Muslim feet, including Kurdish women. Jordanian and UAE pilots, including the King of Jordan and female pilots from these two nations, have dropped bombs on ISIS.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot dropped bombs on the Islamic State
Jordanian General: 'We Are Defending Not Only Our Country But Our Faith'

Why do right-wingers constantly try to incite hatred against Muslims in general? There is a radical extremist faction of the Muslim faith called Islamists, on which these bombs are falling. There unfortunately is a radical extremist faction among just about all religions.

Ulterior motives seem to be in play here.
Due to enormous stupidity of traitorous european 'policymakers' Islam will run Europa not later as in 10 - 15 years
Since basically all we ever go from Europe was Yogurt and Abba ... who cares?

It's even much more worse. Erdogan and his vassals hate football - or "soccer", how your nation says. A short time ago the Turkish police for example confiscated the flag of the Gladbach fans (German soccer club) when they came to Turkey. The reason: There's a Christian cross on the flag (the emblem of the city Gladbach). As far as I heard Erdogan plans now also a new system of streets in Istanbul: without crosses ... ah sorry: without crossings. The knitting club of Istanbul is still knitting on this problem.

Erdogan has by the way meanwhile arrested lots of German citizens, who made holidays in Turkey - and much more Kurds, who live in Turkey - without anything, what someone could call a serios accusation. In Erdogans Turkey a pretrial detention is able for 6 ... no: not days, not weeks, not month: For 6 years someone is able to be there in jail without trial. Tyranny!

Nevertheless exists still a little hope the democracy in Turkey will perhaps be able to survive - despite of the totally mad politics in the world, specialy in the world of the Muslims including the Iran, in Israel, in Russia, in the USA and in Europe - not to forget the mad politics in and of Turkey itselve. To try to help refugees is by the way not part of a mad politics! And a ban of death penalty is also not mad politics!

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abu afak
You overestimate the USA and underestimate others. But that's the typcial prejudice of the people of the USA. The emoticon-language for your speechless comment "funny" comes for example from Japan. When you have the next time any product in your hands then try to find out, who used it the first time in history. After a short time you will find out, who made the things, which you really need or love and you will also see that all mankind remembers often the wrong people with monuments. Did you for example ever think about that every word, which you use, was invented by someone? ... Oh - I forgot: You do not use words.

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Bullshit. Most of the boots on the ground fighting ISIS are on Muslim feet, including Kurdish women. Jordanian and UAE pilots, including the King of Jordan and female pilots from these two nations, have dropped bombs on ISIS.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot dropped bombs on the Islamic State
Jordanian General: 'We Are Defending Not Only Our Country But Our Faith'

Why do right-wingers constantly try to incite hatred against Muslims in general? There is a radical extremist faction of the Muslim faith called Islamists, on which these bombs are falling. There unfortunately is a radical extremist faction among just about all religions.

Ulterior motives seem to be in play here.
Then they don't need the FIFTY (50) FIFTY Anerican ADVISORS that are going to be pulling out of north they now!!!....Ler the muslims kill each other....WIN/WIN situation!
Bullshit. Most of the boots on the ground fighting ISIS are on Muslim feet, including Kurdish women. Jordanian and UAE pilots, including the King of Jordan and female pilots from these two nations, have dropped bombs on ISIS.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot dropped bombs on the Islamic State
Jordanian General: 'We Are Defending Not Only Our Country But Our Faith'

Why do right-wingers constantly try to incite hatred against Muslims in general? There is a radical extremist faction of the Muslim faith called Islamists, on which these bombs are falling. There unfortunately is a radical extremist faction among just about all religions.

Ulterior motives seem to be in play here.
Then they don't need the FIFTY (50) FIFTY Anerican ADVISORS that are going to be pulling out of north they now!!!....Ler the muslims kill each other....WIN/WIN situation!

When Muslims kill each other then this is a win/win situation? Why are all US-Americans idiots? When the Turks - better perhaps to call them "Erdoganians" meanwhile - will slaughter the Kurds in Syria, as they had slaughtered once for example Armenian Christians too, then the USA lost their senseless war in Iraq, lost their senseless war in Syria and will lose other senseless wars - not only in this region of the world. It's one thing to do totally senseless wars - it's another thing to lose this wars. The USA makes clear in this way, that it is a deadly mistake to be an ally of the USA. You are a deadly threat, for everyone who agrees fully or partially with the USA. Unfortunatlly Senator McCain is dead. I'm sure he would had been able to explain such mechanisms much better than I. But who cares in the Trump States any longer about any plausibility or fact? The USA - as a child nation once born in enlightenment - seems to become meanwhile more and more a dark country - driven from hate and irrationality.

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Bullshit. Most of the boots on the ground fighting ISIS are on Muslim feet, including Kurdish women. Jordanian and UAE pilots, including the King of Jordan and female pilots from these two nations, have dropped bombs on ISIS.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot dropped bombs on the Islamic State
Jordanian General: 'We Are Defending Not Only Our Country But Our Faith'

Why do right-wingers constantly try to incite hatred against Muslims in general? There is a radical extremist faction of the Muslim faith called Islamists, on which these bombs are falling. There unfortunately is a radical extremist faction among just about all religions.

Ulterior motives seem to be in play here.
Then they don't need the FIFTY (50) FIFTY Anerican ADVISORS that are going to be pulling out of north they now!!!....Ler the muslims kill each other....WIN/WIN situation!

When Muslims kill each other then this is a win/win situation? Why are all US-Americans idiots? When the Turks - better perhaps to call them "Erdoganians" meanwhile - will slaughter the Kurds in Syria, as they had slaughtered once for example Armenian Christians too, then the USA lost their senseless war in Iraq, lost their senseless war in Syria and will lose other senseless wars - not only in this region of the world. It's one thing to do totally senseless wars - it's another thing to lose this wars. The USA makes clear in this way, that it is a deadly mistake to be an ally of the USA. You are a deadly threat, for everyone who agrees fully or partially with the USA. Unfortunatlly Senator McCain is dead. I'm sure he would had been able to explain such mechanisms much better than I. But who cares in the Trump States any longer about any plausibility or fact? The USA - as a child nation once born in enlightenment - seems to become meanwhile more and more a dark country - driven from hate and irrationality.

The difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate is this....the radical Muslim saws your head off. The moderate Muslim ties your hands behind your back and holds your feet down.
Bullshit. Most of the boots on the ground fighting ISIS are on Muslim feet, including Kurdish women. Jordanian and UAE pilots, including the King of Jordan and female pilots from these two nations, have dropped bombs on ISIS.

UAE's 1st female fighter pilot dropped bombs on the Islamic State
Jordanian General: 'We Are Defending Not Only Our Country But Our Faith'

Why do right-wingers constantly try to incite hatred against Muslims in general? There is a radical extremist faction of the Muslim faith called Islamists, on which these bombs are falling. There unfortunately is a radical extremist faction among just about all religions.

Ulterior motives seem to be in play here.
Then they don't need the FIFTY (50) FIFTY Anerican ADVISORS that are going to be pulling out of north they now!!!....Ler the muslims kill each other....WIN/WIN situation!

When Muslims kill each other then this is a win/win situation? Why are all US-Americans idiots? When the Turks - better perhaps to call them "Erdoganians" meanwhile - will slaughter the Kurds in Syria, as they had slaughtered once for example Armenian Christians too, then the USA lost their senseless war in Iraq, lost their senseless war in Syria and will lose other senseless wars - not only in this region of the world. It's one thing to do totally senseless wars - it's another thing to lose this wars. The USA makes clear in this way, that it is a deadly mistake to be an ally of the USA. You are a deadly threat, for everyone who agrees fully or partially with the USA. Unfortunatlly Senator McCain is dead. I'm sure he would had been able to explain such mechanisms much better than I. But who cares in the Trump States any longer about any plausibility or fact? The USA - as a child nation once born in enlightenment - seems to become meanwhile more and more a dark country - driven from hate and irrationality.


First: "America" is something else than the USA. Second: Who is doing wars has problems.


Then don't do wars and your "children" (=soldiers of a professional army) will not be able to die in a war. But if you do a war then win reputation and peace, because otherwise you win less than nothing.

In my eyes is by the way the USA on its own often only a kind of third world country too. California for example "solves" the problem of homeless US-Americans, who come from all over the USA to California. Would a wall between California and the USA make any sense? Was any war the USA is doing in the world solving such problems? In general: How do you solve such problems in your own country with war, with guns, with violent political speech or with economy wars and hate of every state against any other state, of everyone against anyone and anyone against everyone? So what are you really doing all over the world with your soldiers?

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The difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate is this....the radical Muslim saws your head off. The moderate Muslim ties your hands behind your back and holds your feet down.

And what is the difference between a radical US-American and a moderate US-American?


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