Mueller testifying and why the GOP has it all wrong.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.
(Nice Mueller didn't put them together, but follow the timeline)

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both.

Also Mueller didn't know Barr would be working for the Potus, instead of the Constitution and the people of the US.

The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.
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Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both. The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.
So I used to have little respect for Mueller, now I have none, because the fucker cant even answer why he didnt bother arresting Steele or Struck for lying their ass off, but any Trump official they had no problem with jail. It is a mother fucking hit job, the Dems, are trying to get the president for obstructing "what again" Russian Collusion? Bitches like you need to be ran over by a drunken illegal alien or brutally have your heart cut out by MS-13. You deserve it..
Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.
(Nice Mueller didn't put them together, but follow the timeline)

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both.

The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.
O yeah, he is a traitor...
Mewler looks weak...and always has.

Disgraceful sob
Do you notice how when a Demonrat is questioning Mueller he seems to recollect everything that he said or did, but when asked by a Republican, he has selective memory loss, even when the date and who he is with is presented by the Republican. Talk about a partisan shill, I hope Mueller gets jailed by the AG, for his lying under oath.
So far, it has been nothing more than a circus. Nothing we don't know already.

Mueller knows nothing about the investigation because he allowed his hate Trump attack dog team to run the investigation....
So the Republicans must think that no way there is to be an investigation of the Potus, NEVER no matter what.

I ask how do you know someone is guilty of a crime if not investigated?? LOL

Anyone including the Potus.

He also said he didn't do the investigation to decide to indict just to give info to the AG, not knowing the AG would be working for the Potus and not the American people.
So the Republicans must think that no way there is to be an investigation of the Potus, NEVER no matter what.
This was a coup not an investigation and the dems and Obama couldn't even pull that wonder Obama was a feckless president....he's a fucking dumb ass....
So the Republicans must think that no way there is to be an investigation of the Potus, NEVER no matter what.

I ask how do you know someone is guilty of a crime if not investigated?? LOL

Anyone including the Potus.

He also said he didn't do the investigation to decide to indict just to give info to the AG, not knowing the AG would be working for the Potus and not the American people.
What was President Trump, obstructing justice from again? Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia.

What was it again?
So the Republicans must think that no way there is to be an investigation of the Potus, NEVER no matter what.
This was a coup not an investigation and the dems and Obama couldn't even pull that wonder Obama was a feckless president....he's a fucking dumb ass....
What do you call those who voted for the fucking dumbass? Dumberasses?
I ask how do you know someone is guilty of a crime if not investigated?? LOL

Anyone including the Potus.

I am sure you have heard "Innocent until proven Guilty". What is he even guilty of? There was no "obstruction of justice".
The Dems are and, have been, running circles around this from the start. It's getting quite antiquated.
Mueller just said that the reason why he hired the Democrat donors of $12,000 each to the Clinton campaign was because "He wanted to get the job done". This has been a hit piece since the liberals became butt hurt in 2016.
"I can't comment on that"........It's over folks. Mueller looked weak and confused.
Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.
(Nice Mueller didn't put them together, but follow the timeline)

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both.

Also Mueller didn't know Barr would be working for the Potus, instead of the Constitution and the people of the US.

The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.

I watched the Dems build a pretty substantial case in the first couple of hours while the Reps were playing "Gotcha". They never did catch Mueller on a thing. In fact, I watched the Reps get real flustered. The Dems proved that the obstruction of justice was done by trump and his band of criminals beyond any doubts. Score one for America.

One the second 2 hours, I watched the Dems stay on track using the Report. A lot of non answers. That was to be expected. But a lot of answers that were damning for, may not for trump, but his band of criminals. And enough implications that Trump was involved or had either prior or latter knowledge of the Russian Involvement and used that information to his benefit. The second half was NOT necessarily to find if Trump was guilty about anything but it did come out anyway that at least his band of criminals were and still are. I can't remember the one GOP that did bring up how to prevent it from happening again. He's the only one of all of the Congress People that asked questions on preventing it from happening and got the most coherent answers from Mueller. He didn't play gotcha like the other Reps. I would vote for him myself. But the rest of the GOP should be home digging ditches for minimum wage. Gotcha.
This was going to be political theater no matter what happened. The Democrats wanted Mueller to elucidate on his report, while the GOP was was looking to castigate him for doing so. At the end of the day our elected reps get to say “Winning.......”
Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.
(Nice Mueller didn't put them together, but follow the timeline)

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both.

Also Mueller didn't know Barr would be working for the Potus, instead of the Constitution and the people of the US.

The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.

I watched the Dems build a pretty substantial case in the first couple of hours while the Reps were playing "Gotcha". They never did catch Mueller on a thing. In fact, I watched the Reps get real flustered. The Dems proved that the obstruction of justice was done by trump and his band of criminals beyond any doubts. Score one for America.

One the second 2 hours, I watched the Dems stay on track using the Report. A lot of non answers. That was to be expected. But a lot of answers that were damning for, may not for trump, but his band of criminals. And enough implications that Trump was involved or had either prior or latter knowledge of the Russian Involvement and used that information to his benefit. The second half was NOT necessarily to find if Trump was guilty about anything but it did come out anyway that at least his band of criminals were and still are. I can't remember the one GOP that did bring up how to prevent it from happening again. He's the only one of all of the Congress People that asked questions on preventing it from happening and got the most coherent answers from Mueller. He didn't play gotcha like the other Reps. I would vote for him myself. But the rest of the GOP should be home digging ditches for minimum wage. Gotcha.

All we heard from the Democrats is a lot of crap. Mr. Schiff had the audacity to try to cite ethics......What a JOKE!!! He wouldn't know much about that with his constant and blatant lying and Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think the whole thing collapsed when Mueller couldn't come up with the definition of collusion and stumbled and mumbled around. To be fair, Mueller looked a bit weak and feeble and showing his age. Maybe he has trouble with his memory OR maybe (as is probably more true) his report was largely done by staff. The Mueller report was not about 'preventing it from happening again' it was about Trump/Russia collusion....PERIOD. Everything else is nothing but distraction so the Democrats can get some kind of political capital.
Because the Obstruction went on while the investigation of the Russian conspiracy went on.
(Nice Mueller didn't put them together, but follow the timeline)

also they the GOP can't make up their mind what started the report,

Was it the Steele report or the Papadopoulos finding out about trash on Clinton? It can't be both.

Also Mueller didn't know Barr would be working for the Potus, instead of the Constitution and the people of the US.

The GOP are so mean to Mueller and treat him like a traitor. Anything for their cult leader.

I watched the Dems build a pretty substantial case in the first couple of hours while the Reps were playing "Gotcha". They never did catch Mueller on a thing. In fact, I watched the Reps get real flustered. The Dems proved that the obstruction of justice was done by trump and his band of criminals beyond any doubts. Score one for America.

One the second 2 hours, I watched the Dems stay on track using the Report. A lot of non answers. That was to be expected. But a lot of answers that were damning for, may not for trump, but his band of criminals. And enough implications that Trump was involved or had either prior or latter knowledge of the Russian Involvement and used that information to his benefit. The second half was NOT necessarily to find if Trump was guilty about anything but it did come out anyway that at least his band of criminals were and still are. I can't remember the one GOP that did bring up how to prevent it from happening again. He's the only one of all of the Congress People that asked questions on preventing it from happening and got the most coherent answers from Mueller. He didn't play gotcha like the other Reps. I would vote for him myself. But the rest of the GOP should be home digging ditches for minimum wage. Gotcha.

Seems Barr really muted Mueller with the letter he sent. The Dems stayed on track, good for them not following the GOP on their comments. I didn't see the last session.

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