
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
oops they really steped on their own report and actions this time.
Rod Jay Rosenstein serving as United States Deputy Attorney General comes forth with 12 indicted Russians for hacking the DNC computers and 0 indicted or talked about which attempted hacking the Republican servers (which also occured).
= proven bias by Rosenstein and times towards the embarassing questioning and summit is just stronger proof of a political issue.
Now where MSNBC helps prove what the DOJ failed to prove regarding bias, was the other bias in politicizing the indictments by claiming releasing the emails helped Trumps campaign, which means MSNBC admits FBI bias by certain top staff
players that helped Hillary's campaign by hiding the emails (which MSNBC analyst and host admits would have helped Trump as they said it did when finally released.)
Instead of admitting the emails are the problem they displaced it to the releasing them as the problem, even though by law they were requested thus the crime was in obstruction by Hillary and those in the FBI protecting that process and crime.
Aiding and abedding and collusion inadvertantly says a MSNBC analyst who set that standard in his own words.
Jill Wineback admits it's treason and a crime in her own words reflected back at what the FBI did for Hillary and for Hillary's act herself.
Busted by their own report if they'd just stop displacing and demonizing others for what they did then they'd see they once again hit themselves with their wildly tossed boomerang.
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oops they really steped on their own report and actions this time.
Rod Jay Rosenstein serving as United States Deputy Attorney General comes forth with 12 indicted Russians for hacking the DNC computers and 0 indicted or talked about which attempted hacking the Republican servers (which also occured).
= proven bias by Rosenstein and times towards the embarassing questioning and summit is just stronger proof of a political issue.
Now where MSNBC helps prove what the DOJ failed to prove regarding bias, was the other bias in politicizing the indictments by claiming releasing the emails helped Trumps campaign, which means MSNBC admits FBI bias by certain top staff
players that helped Hillary's campaign by hiding the emails (which MSNBC analyst and host admits would have helped Trump as they said it did when finally released.)
Instead of admitting the emails are the problem they displaced it to the releasing them as the problem, even though by law they were requested thus the crime was in obstruction by Hillary and those in the FBI protecting that process and crime.
Aiding and abedding and collusion inadvertantly says a MSNBC analyst who set that standard in his own words.
Jill Wineback admits it's treason and a crime in her own words reflected back at what the FBI did for Hillary and for Hillary's act herself.
Busted by their own report if they'd just stop displacing and demonizing others for what they did then they'd see they once again hit themselves with their wildly tossed boomerang.
View attachment 204852
Gee, what did those awful Clinton EMails that Guccifer and Wikileaks released have to say? Must have been top secret nuclear codes, or maybe Col. Sander's secret ingredient or something else monumental. I missed the content that everyone is tearing their shirts and pouring ashes over their heads about. What were the EMails about?
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
More proof of political bias and tactical game playing:
The Russian indictments came before any Pakistani arrests in the insider infiltration of our gov't data/computers and emails.
OR MAYBE THEY DID AND we never hear about it because of the said bias sweeps under the rug such embarassing missteps from the dem party.
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
"We will make sure Trump doesn't become president".

Their bias was uncovered a long time ago. Because there are still too many swamp creatures, no one cares.
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Gowdy is making sure we find out who the "we" are. Not being able to out the group is tripping them up for purgery charges which might out the list if nobody informing has one of those "40 coincidental accidents or natural causes". (or temporary amnesia)
"I don't recall writing that message" *LOL*
Just obtain all correspondances where he discusses that unrecalled message to prove purgery. Including his lawyer, raid his lawyers house......why not? ohhh proof of political bias and attack by doing that to one side only. See.
Last edited:
The e-mails exposed everything from DNC rigging the Dem primaries including debates.
Bernie Sanders: If My Emails Leaked, There’d Be Mean Things About Hillary
To exposing true setiment of Hillary regarding the American populace (liken to her deplorable comment).
There was pay to play schemes, and other gems which is why it was not handed over and why the smokescreens.
Now it gets worse; just type:
Hillary emails contained
in Google search andcwhat do you find?
NOTHING ABOUT THE CONTENTS (SWEPT UNDER THE RUG) and all you find is the smokescreens news=100% control of your info and enough control on your data to threaten & compromise every human being and even enough power to make up stuff to take anyone they want down, just ask Judge Moore.

PODESTAS emails were disturbing too.
IT SHOWED his flesh eating ritual partying and circle of friends and other problematic stuff.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Flynn and Sessions and Kushner were considered private citizens, that's who I referred to in private citizens were illegally spied on and worse done for election interference and manipulation/cheating.
HaShev, if there is nothing in Hillary's EMails about content good or bad, how do you know what Hillary wrote? Has anyone cited a proven pay to play scheme? I realize there are soft heads out there, like the guy who swallowed the Pizzagate garbage, but Smokescreens I am familiar with. I watched one yesterday for several hours.

AS for Podesta, do you think only Democrats engaged in 'strategery'? Wasn't the Trump Tower meeting looking for dirt on Hillery a similar form of operational planning?
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Flynn and Sessions and Kushner were considered private citizens, that's who I referred to in private citizens were illegally spied on and worse done for election interference and manipulation/cheating.
Are you sure they were spied on, or were they caught because they were on some commie's speed dial. FYI, I don't know. I do know Jared tried to set up a back door deep state with Russia. Remember? Said it could eliminate bothersome channels?
Rod the Mossad needs to go.

All he cares about is Zionism, and these "indictments" are all about Zionism's desire to slime Putin, the first 911 Truther.
So you speak of the Trump Tower and yet you never noticed the DOJ nor any agency ever told us the Russia involvement with email accusation happened right after Trumps joke about her missing emails, which means this mysterious new timing Rosenstein is stating PROVES TRUMP TOWER PRIOR TO THAT WAS ILLEGALLY SURVEILLED for purpose of politically gaining the same advantage over opponent that Clinton was "proved doing" in the Dem primary with Cheating Sanders.
"SMOKESCREEN" was not just to keep you off track of this but that Obama was involved in what would be worse then Nixon's Watergate.
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Flynn and Sessions and Kushner were considered private citizens, that's who I referred to in private citizens were illegally spied on and worse done for election interference and manipulation/cheating.
Are you sure they were spied on, or were they caught because they were on some commie's speed dial. FYI, I don't know. I do know Jared tried to set up a back door deep state with Russia. Remember? Said it could eliminate bothersome channels?
1)he never did the back door phone line and back doors are used all the time, remember Trump acted on Syria day 1 which required Russia knowing in coordinating and assuring no friendly casualty, planning such coordination requires prior contact before election to be ready day one, and secretive planing whereby thief Hillary would not use that plan knowledge to steal the idea or pounce on it for kicks like they do now sabotaging our diplomacy efforts.
2)the meeting with the banker that Kushner never took the bait, was set up by the Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak who met Obama at the WH a whopping 22 times according to WH logs. So since the ambassador was used in every set up situation has contacts connections to Obama and Sessions was ordered by Obama to meet him (set up) then Obama is caught using the Russian Sergey Kislyak as an agent to allow spying on opponent by way of said set up
image (a word Sztrok used) created the illusion of needing surveillance.
3)this is what info the Russian adoption lawyer was probably talking about when she said she had dirt on "Russia helping Hillary".
MSM tell you "dirt on Hillary" conveniently leaving out the actual wording of her email.
That dirt was that Russia Gov't was helping Hillary. The left claims Sergey Kislyak the Ambassador is "the Russian" Gov't so they were helping Hillary spy on the campaign and Obama was involved.=
Worse then Watergate
Joke? Trump's JOKE about missing Emails? Trump makes a 'joke' and the very next day DNC and/or Hillary EMails mysteriously appear? Rosenstein "Proves" Trump Tower was illegally 'surveilled for the purpose of political gain'? Nothing about tapping Russians and learn their contacts lead them to Trump Tower? Sez who? Oh yeah! The guy who sez Mexico will pay for the wall, the guy who sez Kim Jong Un will de-nuclearize, the guy who lies daily and probably doesn't even know it because, like God, if he says it, you will believe it must be true. Yes! Smokescreen.
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Flynn and Sessions and Kushner were considered private citizens, that's who I referred to in private citizens were illegally spied on and worse done for election interference and manipulation/cheating.
Are you sure they were spied on, or were they caught because they were on some commie's speed dial. FYI, I don't know. I do know Jared tried to set up a back door deep state with Russia. Remember? Said it could eliminate bothersome channels?
1)he never did the back door phone line and back doors are used all the time, remember Trump acted on Syria day 1 which required Russia knowing in coordinating and assuring no friendly casualty, planning such coordination requires prior contact before election to be ready day one, and secretive planing whereby thief Hillary would not use that plan knowledge to steal the idea or pounce on it for kicks like they do now sabotaging our diplomacy efforts.
2)the meeting with the banker that Kushner never took the bait, was set up by the Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak who met Obama at the WH a whopping 22 times according to WH logs. So since the ambassador was used in every set up situation has contacts connections to Obama and Sessions was ordered by Obama to meet him (set up) then Obama is caught using the Russian Sergey Kislyak as an agent to allow spying on opponent by way of said set up
image (a word Sztrok used) created the illusion of needing surveillance.
3)this is what info the Russian adoption lawyer was probably talking about when she said she had dirt on "Russia helping Hillary".
MSM tell you "dirt on Hillary" conveniently leaving out the actual wording of her email.
That dirt was that Russia Gov't was helping Hillary. The left claims Sergey Kislyak the Ambassador is "the Russian" Gov't so they were helping Hillary spy on the campaign and Obama was involved.=
Worse then Watergate
I doubt Syria day 1 was a back door tete a tete. As for Kislyak, I seriously doubt he ever met alone with the prior Prez.

OMG! Take your meds!

"So since the ambassador was used in every set up situation has contacts connections to Obama and Sessions was ordered by Obama to meet him (set up) then Obama is caught using the Russian Sergey Kislyak as an agent to allow spying on opponent by way of said set up" You make no sense. Let us end this. I cannot follow your thought trail on this. Bottom line is we both think the other is full of codswallop. Guess that ends any conversation. Sorry
Rod the Mossad needs to go.

All he cares about is Zionism, and these "indictments" are all about Zionism's desire to slime Putin, the first 911 Truther.
laDexter...why do you say that? Russia interferes with our election so Rosenstein is only interested in Zionism. There must be a connection somewhere, but I don't see it. And just for the heck of it, what is your definition of Zionism?
But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. Rosenstein still hasn't proven the method of knowing it was Russian military because it would cause an uproar on the type of spying done. And how does a few military men equate "Russians" or "Putin" when we have rogue agents in our gov't like Rosenstein himself and the cast of characters in question who arenot doing the will of our Gov't or President?
Sounds Xenophobic to me unless he can connect the dots with evidence/proof.
See this was supposed to be about "election tampering" and not just the Russia angle smokescreen tactic, so in focusing on Russia and not "all tampering" he is revealing proof positive of bias and game playing for political motives thus using his position and office for grand standing and political play.
So he has to answer to why only go after Russians? Doesn't he have to indict DNC campaigners and Hillary herself for cheating Bernie and trying to cheat this election=tampering? How about Obama for his involvement to spy on opponent when presidents are not to get involved in such ways, including using his activist orgs to comit a treasonous soft coup(Resist movement through Move On and staff leader ties to him)?
Can't Israel now decide to indict Obama's campaign guy who interfered with a foreign election and thus call Obama also to be on trial for his involvement?
Rosenstein is opening up a big can of worms, one being he just proved there is a bias double standard=guilty of bias and he proved it himself. -oops!
<<But then you are saying they already existed in someone's possesion before Trump spoke, which makes all the accusations false, & still makes the spying illegal especially since it was done on private citizens. >> Actually I'm not saying it was done on private citizens. I'm saying it was done on Russians who contacted American private citizens. It's the commies who were tapped, and their calls let to Trump Tower. I'm not sure about protocols, but I think if a GRU calls an American, the listener does not have to hang up because the recipient is an American. So your whole premise is based on a false assumption IMHO.
Flynn and Sessions and Kushner were considered private citizens, that's who I referred to in private citizens were illegally spied on and worse done for election interference and manipulation/cheating.
Are you sure they were spied on, or were they caught because they were on some commie's speed dial. FYI, I don't know. I do know Jared tried to set up a back door deep state with Russia. Remember? Said it could eliminate bothersome channels?
1)he never did the back door phone line and back doors are used all the time, remember Trump acted on Syria day 1 which required Russia knowing in coordinating and assuring no friendly casualty, planning such coordination requires prior contact before election to be ready day one, and secretive planing whereby thief Hillary would not use that plan knowledge to steal the idea or pounce on it for kicks like they do now sabotaging our diplomacy efforts.
2)the meeting with the banker that Kushner never took the bait, was set up by the Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak who met Obama at the WH a whopping 22 times according to WH logs. So since the ambassador was used in every set up situation has contacts connections to Obama and Sessions was ordered by Obama to meet him (set up) then Obama is caught using the Russian Sergey Kislyak as an agent to allow spying on opponent by way of said set up
image (a word Sztrok used) created the illusion of needing surveillance.
3)this is what info the Russian adoption lawyer was probably talking about when she said she had dirt on "Russia helping Hillary".
MSM tell you "dirt on Hillary" conveniently leaving out the actual wording of her email.
That dirt was that Russia Gov't was helping Hillary. The left claims Sergey Kislyak the Ambassador is "the Russian" Gov't so they were helping Hillary spy on the campaign and Obama was involved.=
Worse then Watergate
I doubt Syria day 1 was a back door tete a tete. As for Kislyak, I seriously doubt he ever met alone with the prior Prez.

OMG! Take your meds!

"So since the ambassador was used in every set up situation has contacts connections to Obama and Sessions was ordered by Obama to meet him (set up) then Obama is caught using the Russian Sergey Kislyak as an agent to allow spying on opponent by way of said set up" You make no sense. Let us end this. I cannot follow your thought trail on this. Bottom line is we both think the other is full of codswallop. Guess that ends any conversation. Sorry
Your reply was all your subjective opinions and even countering facts you made your opinion knowing you didn't know=human ego, then you turned to ad hominem response and lowered yourself in doing so.
But thanks for sharing with us your distaste for disabled people (that you think those you disagree with are).
So if we are all disabled, then why is Maxine Waters not asked to step down for calling on all us disabled people from being served, and even to harass us disabled people.
So you are now the party of discrimination go figure!
Hey you traped yourself with that response, I just shined a light on your tolerance and compassion. :)

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