MSNBC has yet to mention MO Senator Maria Chappelle assassination comment, but applaud her ...


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
If you watched MSNBC you wouldn't even know that MO Senator Maria Chappelle had called for Trump's assassination, but MSNBC was quite eager to report her direct on-the-ground participation of inciting riots against civil authorities during Ferguson riots.

State senator arrested at Ferguson protest
State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal: ‘This is our race war’

She says to MSNBC at Ferguson riots "This is OUR race war."

Other elected officials previously refused demands from officers. At a protest in August, Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal sat in the street and initially denied obeying authorities’ requests to move

Missouri Lt. Gov. to Radical Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal: Resign or We Will Remove You From Office

Even CNN got around to it yesterday!
Secret Service investigating Maria Chappelle-Nadal - CNNPolitics

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal hoped for the assassination of President Trump in a Facebook comment on Thursday

Federal law demands she does PRISON time not exceeding 20 years for advocating the desirability of Trump's assassination.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government

Shall be .... imprisoned ... twenty years.... ineligible for employment by the United States ... five years next following ... conviction.

It's even MORE important that she is imprisoned since she is a State Senator. A Senator is not your ordinary citizen. A Senator's opinion carries weight in society and is more likely than not to actually trigger a loon to follow through on her desires.

“I believe she should resign,” Webber said.

But Chappelle-Nadal told KMOX Radio she won’t quit.

“There is no way in hell that I’m resigning,” she said."
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Going to screen shot google search on MSNBC and this story

She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....
If you watched MSNBC you wouldn't even know that MO Senator Maria Chappelle had called for Trump's assassination, but MSNBC was quite eager to report her direct on-the-ground participation of inciting riots against civil authorities during Ferguson riots.

State senator arrested at Ferguson protest
State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal: ‘This is our race war’

She says to MSNBC at Ferguson riots "This is OUR race war."

Other elected officials previously refused demands from officers. At a protest in August, Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal sat in the street and initially denied obeying authorities’ requests to move

Missouri Lt. Gov. to Radical Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal: Resign or We Will Remove You From Office

Even CNN got around to it yesterday!
Secret Service investigating Maria Chappelle-Nadal - CNNPolitics

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal hoped for the assassination of President Trump in a Facebook comment on Thursday

Federal law demands she does PRISON time not exceeding 20 years for advocating the desirability of Trump's assassination.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government

Shall be .... imprisoned ... twenty years.... ineligible for employment by the United States ... five years next following ... conviction.

It's even MORE important that she is imprisoned since she is a State Senator. A Senator is not your ordinary citizen. A Senator's opinion carries weight in society and is more likely than not to actually trigger a loon to follow through on her desires.

“I believe she should resign,” Webber said.

But Chappelle-Nadal told KMOX Radio she won’t quit.

“There is no way in hell that I’m resigning,” she said."
Well we don't know the whole story. A lot of bad stuff has been said by BOTH sides. The Senator is a very fine person.
Well we don't know the whole story. A lot of bad stuff has been said by BOTH sides. The Senator is a very fine person.

It's hard to know the story when it's not reported, impossible actually. If no media outlets reported the story at all, she'd be an immaculate person.

Pulitzer said something along the lines of "If it's not in print it's not news" back in the early half of the 20th century.
She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....

Check that saying out and you will find a tiny group of people said it, and of course its made out like all of black lives said it. How dreadful these one liners can be, as deceptive as taking a sole verse out of the bible out of context and content.
She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....

Check that saying out and you will find a tiny group of people said it, and of course its made out like all of black lives said it. How dreadful these one liners can be, as deceptive as taking a sole verse out of the bible out of context and content.
Just like the small group of white supremacist represents the entire right wing, according to the left.
She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....

Check that saying out and you will find a tiny group of people said it, and of course its made out like all of black lives said it. How dreadful these one liners can be, as deceptive as taking a sole verse out of the bible out of context and content.
Just like the small group of white supremacist represents the entire right wing, according to the left.

Liberals only apply logic when it's convenient and play dumb when it's not.
If you watched MSNBC you wouldn't even know that MO Senator Maria Chappelle had called for Trump's assassination, but MSNBC was quite eager to report her direct on-the-ground participation of inciting riots against civil authorities during Ferguson riots.

State senator arrested at Ferguson protest
State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal: ‘This is our race war’

She says to MSNBC at Ferguson riots "This is OUR race war."

Other elected officials previously refused demands from officers. At a protest in August, Missouri state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal sat in the street and initially denied obeying authorities’ requests to move

Missouri Lt. Gov. to Radical Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal: Resign or We Will Remove You From Office

Even CNN got around to it yesterday!
Secret Service investigating Maria Chappelle-Nadal - CNNPolitics

Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal hoped for the assassination of President Trump in a Facebook comment on Thursday

Federal law demands she does PRISON time not exceeding 20 years for advocating the desirability of Trump's assassination.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government

Shall be .... imprisoned ... twenty years.... ineligible for employment by the United States ... five years next following ... conviction.

It's even MORE important that she is imprisoned since she is a State Senator. A Senator is not your ordinary citizen. A Senator's opinion carries weight in society and is more likely than not to actually trigger a loon to follow through on her desires.

“I believe she should resign,” Webber said.

But Chappelle-Nadal told KMOX Radio she won’t quit.

“There is no way in hell that I’m resigning,” she said."
Well we don't know the whole story. A lot of bad stuff has been said by BOTH sides. The Senator is a very fine person.
The negro kunt called for the President's assassination then quickly took the post down then said she had a "right to free speech" and "stands behind her post".
So WHY did the negro hippo delete the post?????????????????
B/c she's an American traitor!
Karma is a bitch and she NEVER looses!
Hate is the moto of being politically correct/corrupt, the mainstream media encourages the hate that is progressivism.

It is impossible to have any morals and being politically correct at the same time… Fact
The negro kunt called for the President's assassination then quickly took the post down then said she had a "right to free speech" and "stands behind her post".
So WHY did the negro hippo delete the post?????????????????
B/c she's an American traitor!
Karma is a bitch and she NEVER looses!

She's going to stay and fight. She was the state senator that actively participated on the ground with ferguson protesters inciting them to riot against white cops. She then went on MSNBC and said in 2014 that "This is OUR Race War."

State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal: ‘This is our race war’
Ferguson turns protest into political power
State senator arrested at Ferguson protest

She "accidently-on-purpose" made and then deleted the assassination comment KNOWING what it would cause. She made a calculated move and actually wants to go through this ordeal in public while pretending it was a mistake. She WANTS CIVIL WAR.

She just made her self the de facto leader of the militant left by refusing to resign today saying "I refuse to resign and will fight to the end" to MO's Lt Governor.

This was a very bold and risky political move to truly overthrow the US Government, one that Machiavelli and GoT fiction character Littlefinger would be proud of.

If the authorities don't put on any pressure on her, she'll remain in office --- a slap in the face to all sense of law and order, opening the floodgates to any elected Democrat to call for his assassination.

If the authorities do put pressure on her, she's going to fight and play victim and stir up massive riots like she did in Ferguson, until shots are fired everywhere.

This was very well premeditated by her and extraordinary effective. She WINS either way.
The negro kunt called for the President's assassination then quickly took the post down then said she had a "right to free speech" and "stands behind her post".
So WHY did the negro hippo delete the post?????????????????
B/c she's an American traitor!
Karma is a bitch and she NEVER looses!

She's going to stay and fight. She was the state senator that actively participated on the ground with ferguson protesters inciting them to riot against white cops. She then went on MSNBC and said in 2014 that "This is OUR Race War."

State Sen. Chappelle-Nadal: ‘This is our race war’
Ferguson turns protest into political power
State senator arrested at Ferguson protest

She "accidently-on-purpose" made and then deleted the assassination comment KNOWING what it would cause. She made a calculated move and actually wants to go through this ordeal in public while pretending it was a mistake. She WANTS CIVIL WAR.

She just made her self the de facto leader of the militant left by refusing to resign today saying "I refuse to resign and will fight to the end" to MO's Lt Governor.

This was a very bold and risky political move to truly overthrow the US Government, one that Machiavelli and GoT fiction character Littlefinger would be proud of.

If the authorities don't put on any pressure on her, she'll remain in office --- a slap in the face to all sense of law and order, opening the floodgates to any elected Democrat to call for his assassination.

If the authorities do put pressure on her, she's going to fight and play victim and stir up massive riots like she did in Ferguson, until shots are fired everywhere.

This was very well premeditated by her and extraordinary effective. She WINS either way.
She's a product of a politically correct socialist society that is clueless about reality
Well at least she didn't say the President lied when he actually did lie, because that would be really bad...right???
She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....

Check that saying out and you will find a tiny group of people said it, and of course its made out like all of black lives said it. How dreadful these one liners can be, as deceptive as taking a sole verse out of the bible out of context and content.

That's not the only purely evil chant inspired by Democrats across the country and we could include assassinations, lawlessness, riots, mayhem and hate speech.. I'm kinda sorry you can't acknowledge the tactics being utilized by the left wing Democrats/fake media these days and inevitable results.
She's probably a member of a domestic democratic party terrorist organization as well like maybe .. Black Lives Matter.

"What do we want, Dead Cops when do we want them, Now"

I here Democrats inspired the assassination of 6 cops yesterday....

Check that saying out and you will find a tiny group of people said it, and of course its made out like all of black lives said it. How dreadful these one liners can be, as deceptive as taking a sole verse out of the bible out of context and content.

BLM is a domestic terrorist group.
They should have impeached her during Ferguson, when she was Inciting Violence, and cheering on her gang to thugs to burn Ferguson down to the ground and to actually attack law enforcement officers doing their duties.

She's a Mooslim to boot, so this is part of her duty to lead JIHAD!

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