MSNBC: Bill Gates Repeatedly Met With Jeffrey Epstein After Epstein Was Convicted


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
I missed this report which is pretty amazing that it is coming from MSNBC. The second video is a Nation reporter who is digging a little more into the tangled web of influence by the Gates Foundation, its push for public policy to require vaccination of everyone on the planet (with below skin implant proof/ID and whatever else is in that needle) and the fabulous future profits of the new oil industry, the vaccine-for-everything industry.

If you have any doubt that Gates is a sociopath, read the highly respected Economic Times of India. In "Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?” A Gates program injected experimental vaccine into thousands of Indian girls from 9 to 15, thousands of whom got very sick and some of whom died. Some killed themselves. The committee found that "the objective behind the observation studies in India primarily was to collect and record data."

To Ghislaine Maxwell: tell us everything and anything you know about Bill Gates, and it's easy time for you. Nice rich-white-girl time. Not poor people time, which you do NOT want to do.

LOL so you are demonizing Gates for getting on Trump's gravy train?
I can ONLY imagine what Trump has done for himself and HIS company!
LOL so you are demonizing Gates for getting on Trump's gravy train?
I can ONLY imagine what Trump has done for himself and HIS company!
demonizing gates? wtf...gates demonizes himself everytime he opens up his geriatric i said before...where did this moron fuck get his medical degree...china...oooppppsss thats probably true....
Wonder why the left is suddenly mad about Gates. He must have resisted being extorted by one of his fellow sociopaths on the left for some fake 'Cause' they invented, like BLM or 'campaign contributions', since he was one of the main political backers for 'out-sourcing' and expanded MFN trade status for the criminal Red Chinese regime, along with the rest of Wall Street. The cognitive dissonance among the crazies is getting more hilarious every day.
LOL so you are demonizing Gates for getting on Trump's gravy train?
I can ONLY imagine what Trump has done for himself and HIS company!
demonizing gates? wtf...gates demonizes himself everytime he opens up his geriatric i said before...where did this moron fuck get his medical degree...china...oooppppsss thats probably true....
Indeed,well said.

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