MSNBC and CNN collusion with the Russians to over throw our Gov't.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Using Silly STANDARDS of the MSM we now find;
MSNBC collusion with the Russians to over throw our Gov't.
Ex-MSNBC Anchor Ed Schultz is Now Working for Putin's Russian Network.
What MSNBC favors did he offer for his job and was he compromised by the Russians?

And both CNN and MSNBC has Employees who are Russian.
*oh my*
CNN and MSNBC were both tied to and involved in the Jill Stein call for recounts and Jill Stein has ties to Putin.

Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe"
She has ties to Russia and MSNBC has ties to her, and worse they knew Trump tweeted the Truth about Obama Spying and covered that up by outright lying and calling him crazy for the tweet.
Why cover it up unless you are PART OF THE CONSPIRACY AND COLLUSION.

MSNBC you are guilty of Treason. MADDOW WILL now go on a 24 week rant about you connecting the dots with a Hasbro Lite-Brite.

By the way this actually happened, my browser refused to allow me to look up the MSNBC Russian employees connections to Putin/Kremlin, it actually censored into an error page each time I mentioned MSNBC connection to Russia.
*L* What the hell is going on here?
It would be funny except all dictators and petty tyrants want to and try to control information and the press. But lifting sanctions on Russia would have helped Russia and also helped our real estate presidency. One has to remember this presidency is about two things only, keeping the base and its media happy with tweet length intelligence and establishing friendly relations with dictatorial nations where oligarchs etc rule and real estate will make Trump INC rich. People have to wake up and stop taking this farce serious, when Trump road the gold escalator to landlord power unknown in modern times, the money gods smiled and all was well in the plutocracy. (I may post this in econ section with adds.)

'Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich'

The rise of the new global super-rich

"Men of factious tempers, of local prejudices, or of sinister designs, may, by intrigue, by corruption, or by other means, first obtain the suffrages, and then betray the interests, of the people." Federalist 10

'The Trouble with Reality: A Rumination on Moral Panic in Our Time' by Brooke Gladstone
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.

No, after 7 months in progress and not one shred of evidence of "Russia meddling," it is only beginning according to the SWAMP PEOPLE! :p The investigation into what is what insane Crooked Hillary idiots need to ask themselves.
Using Silly STANDARDS of the MSM we now find;
MSNBC collusion with the Russians to over throw our Gov't.
Ex-MSNBC Anchor Ed Schultz is Now Working for Putin's Russian Network.
What MSNBC favors did he offer for his job and was he compromised by the Russians?

And both CNN and MSNBC has Employees who are Russian.
*oh my*
CNN and MSNBC were both tied to and involved in the Jill Stein call for recounts and Jill Stein has ties to Putin.

Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe"
She has ties to Russia and MSNBC has ties to her, and worse they knew Trump tweeted the Truth about Obama Spying and covered that up by outright lying and calling him crazy for the tweet.
Why cover it up unless you are PART OF THE CONSPIRACY AND COLLUSION.

MSNBC you are guilty of Treason. MADDOW WILL now go on a 24 week rant about you connecting the dots with a Hasbro Lite-Brite.

By the way this actually happened, my browser refused to allow me to look up the MSNBC Russian employees connections to Putin/Kremlin, it actually censored into an error page each time I mentioned MSNBC connection to Russia.
*L* What the hell is going on here?
LOL Anything to prevent what the connections to the Trump campaign and Russia really were. But it looks as if there are going to be some real interesting things come out of the investigations.And once one of the miscreants starts singing, the rest will join in harmony. And it looks like Flynn is ready to sing. LOL
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.

No, after 7 months in progress and not one shred of evidence of "Russia meddling," it is only beginning according to the SWAMP PEOPLE! :p The investigation into what is what insane Crooked Hillary idiots need to ask themselves.
Really? Is that why we now have a criminal investigation going on concerning the Russian ties to the Trump campaign? Is that why the fat old senile orange clown is in a panic concerning the investigation?
Using Silly STANDARDS of the MSM we now find;
MSNBC collusion with the Russians to over throw our Gov't.
Ex-MSNBC Anchor Ed Schultz is Now Working for Putin's Russian Network.
What MSNBC favors did he offer for his job and was he compromised by the Russians?

And both CNN and MSNBC has Employees who are Russian.
*oh my*
CNN and MSNBC were both tied to and involved in the Jill Stein call for recounts and Jill Stein has ties to Putin.

Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe"
She has ties to Russia and MSNBC has ties to her, and worse they knew Trump tweeted the Truth about Obama Spying and covered that up by outright lying and calling him crazy for the tweet.
Why cover it up unless you are PART OF THE CONSPIRACY AND COLLUSION.

MSNBC you are guilty of Treason. MADDOW WILL now go on a 24 week rant about you connecting the dots with a Hasbro Lite-Brite.

By the way this actually happened, my browser refused to allow me to look up the MSNBC Russian employees connections to Putin/Kremlin, it actually censored into an error page each time I mentioned MSNBC connection to Russia.
*L* What the hell is going on here?
GOP Trump is colluding with Russia and insulting our allies. WTF
We have a Government?

Oh, wait, yeah, that's right...

We're not talking about the Joke-of-an-Administration currently occupying the White House...

We're talking about the Deep State that won't let Drumpf tear-up the Constitution...

I seriously doubt that MSNBC and CNN want the REAL government (Deep State) brought down...

The OrangeAde salesman temporarily sitting in the boss' chair, however, well...

Let's hope that Special Counsel Mueller finds enough to bring The Creature down...

The sooner that happens, the safer for the Republic...


BTW... the OP is just dripping with faux logic and faux conclusions and good ol' fashioned hor$e$hit... terrible opening gambit... just awful.
Last edited:
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.

No, after 7 months in progress and not one shred of evidence of "Russia meddling," it is only beginning according to the SWAMP PEOPLE! :p The investigation into what is what insane Crooked Hillary idiots need to ask themselves.

It's not seven months...

Mueller was just appointed last week...

More like seven DAYS...

Patience, little Trump-Believer...

The trouble you seek may be coming...

But we'll never know until the newly-minted Independent Investigation does its work...

Looks like we may see those Tax Returns, after all...


Special Counsel Mueller's work has only just begun...

Enjoy the ride.
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
and as it does, meanwhile all the left will scream GUILTY just the same, even though when pressed for hard evidence they will quickly say "duh - it's ongoing and we don't know!"

"we don't know" - yet, GUILTY!!!

funny, the left.
Using Silly STANDARDS of the MSM we now find;
MSNBC collusion with the Russians to over throw our Gov't.
Ex-MSNBC Anchor Ed Schultz is Now Working for Putin's Russian Network.
What MSNBC favors did he offer for his job and was he compromised by the Russians?

And both CNN and MSNBC has Employees who are Russian.
*oh my*
CNN and MSNBC were both tied to and involved in the Jill Stein call for recounts and Jill Stein has ties to Putin.

Former Obama aide,
Evelyn Farkas, who left her position as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia in the Obama White House in 2015, disclosed that Trump’s staff was indeed spied on.
She claimed in a brief March 2 MSNBC "Morning Joe"
She has ties to Russia and MSNBC has ties to her, and worse they knew Trump tweeted the Truth about Obama Spying and covered that up by outright lying and calling him crazy for the tweet.
Why cover it up unless you are PART OF THE CONSPIRACY AND COLLUSION.

MSNBC you are guilty of Treason. MADDOW WILL now go on a 24 week rant about you connecting the dots with a Hasbro Lite-Brite.

By the way this actually happened, my browser refused to allow me to look up the MSNBC Russian employees connections to Putin/Kremlin, it actually censored into an error page each time I mentioned MSNBC connection to Russia.
*L* What the hell is going on here?
Oh my God! The horror! We must get to the bottom of this! It's the apocalypse! Sorry...I lost control...had a liberal moment.
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
and as it does, meanwhile all the left will scream GUILTY just the same, even though when pressed for hard evidence they will quickly say "duh - it's ongoing and we don't know!"

"we don't know" - yet, GUILTY!!!

funny, the left.

Much like the right did with HRC and the Ben-Gotcha witch hunt.... The Dems just need to drag him back and fourth through the mud for 6 years.... a trick they learned from the GOP
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
and as it does, meanwhile all the left will scream GUILTY just the same, even though when pressed for hard evidence they will quickly say "duh - it's ongoing and we don't know!"

"we don't know" - yet, GUILTY!!!

funny, the left.

Much like the right did with HRC and the Ben-Gotcha witch hunt.... The Dems just need to drag him back and fourth through the mud for 6 years.... a trick they learned from the GOP
what's funny though is we had evidence of those crimes. not just anon people. and then we called up names and let them testify. the dems are calling out names like carter page and roger stone as evidence of the russia collusion - but they won't let them testify.

if you think this is just payback - say so. if you think there is a real russia connection - say so. you can't believe both.
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
and as it does, meanwhile all the left will scream GUILTY just the same, even though when pressed for hard evidence they will quickly say "duh - it's ongoing and we don't know!"

"we don't know" - yet, GUILTY!!!

funny, the left.

Much like the right did with HRC and the Ben-Gotcha witch hunt.... The Dems just need to drag him back and fourth through the mud for 6 years.... a trick they learned from the GOP
what's funny though is we had evidence of those crimes. not just anon people. and then we called up names and let them testify. the dems are calling out names like carter page and roger stone as evidence of the russia collusion - but they won't let them testify.

if you think this is just payback - say so. if you think there is a real russia connection - say so. you can't believe both.

Evidence of "crimes"?

No, it's not "payback", but the party that kept having investigation after investigation into Benghazi now needs to STFU and let this one happen.

No Democrat is saying about Trump:

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”
Meanwhile, the investigation continues.
and as it does, meanwhile all the left will scream GUILTY just the same, even though when pressed for hard evidence they will quickly say "duh - it's ongoing and we don't know!"

"we don't know" - yet, GUILTY!!!

funny, the left.

Much like the right did with HRC and the Ben-Gotcha witch hunt.... The Dems just need to drag him back and fourth through the mud for 6 years.... a trick they learned from the GOP
what's funny though is we had evidence of those crimes. not just anon people. and then we called up names and let them testify. the dems are calling out names like carter page and roger stone as evidence of the russia collusion - but they won't let them testify.

if you think this is just payback - say so. if you think there is a real russia connection - say so. you can't believe both.

Evidence of "crimes"?

No, it's not "payback", but the party that kept having investigation after investigation into Benghazi now needs to STFU and let this one happen.

No Democrat is saying about Trump:

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”
ok - not sure your point here.
she's untrustable - check. do you trust her?
no one would have known it happened - would they? obama was blaming a freaking video.

at least the right went after something she physically did and everyone knew it. for trump you have talk. rumors. and made up facts from a few years of obama spying.
This just in,
Rachel Maddow orders "Russian" dressing on her salad.
Wait it gets worse, she ordered 2 sides of Russian dressing when her collegues
get only 1.

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