Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaaawd-d says Establishment Republicans will be voting for Hillary Clinton.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Here we have Rush Limbaugh already trying to distance himself from the monster that he and other right wing talk show hosts have created. Including those on FOX news.
Limbaugh: GOP Establishment Will Vote Hillary to Keep 'Their Fiefdoms'

They have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces, by filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, full of 1/2 truths, misinformation, while purposefully leaving out critical information. Shows that are totally designed for the minority right wing of the party. They have incited this anger within the Republican party. They have continually promoted candidates, such as Ted Cruz who in no way could win the White House. While they've been doing that they have been attacking other Republicans, continually breaking Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican." That didn't stop them from doing it.

So the writing is on the wall and Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaaaaawdd-d has finally figured it out. That this is going to come back hard on him and all the others if he doesn't say something 'intelligent: now. In this way he is clearing himself from any blame or negligence what-so-ever. So today-New York primary day with Trump looking at another big win, and with gloom and doom headed into Cleveland-- "The Great One" states. The establishment aka the majority of the Republican party will not vote for either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. They'll be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton. He's right they will.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

So what have these right wing talk show hosts NOT told you.

Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners the truth as why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE You were told by all of them that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough. That statement could not be farther from the TRUTH.

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The Evangelical wing of the party dragged us into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration/deportation/amnesty. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters? NOPE
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) or 23 million Hispanics are now in Hillary Clinton's column? NOPE
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House. Did Limbaugh or any other mention that Cruz is too far right on abortion, and that he wouldn't be able to win the woman vote?--NOPE A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
8. Did Rush Limbaugh ever mention that Ted Cruz's eligibility was certain to be challenged should he be the nominee.

Not a reason to worry, they'll all be there for the Hillary Clinton hangover. They'll spew out another B.S reason as to why you lost, and they'll help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020.

Someday--you listeners might want to consider what is the worst thing that could happen to those "Obscene profit breaks." The worst thing that could happen to all of them, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election, and they don't have her to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.

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The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.
I totally agree with that. I can't figure out why a guy who said something akin to all gooks should die is allowed to be senator. NOt one newspaper has ripped him for that.
Go Trump or Cruz !! If neither of those 2 I vote for the dem .
Romney won the independent vote and still lost. He lost for two reasons. One, he was a weak candidate that would not fight back, and two, repubs wasted money on consultants and dems spent money on ground game. Lessons learned: nice guys finish last, lies work, organization matters, the media will always actively support,the dems, you can't take anything for granted, and liberals will do ANYTHING to win.
The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.

Trump and Cruz are EXACTLY what right wing radio has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy what they wanted
The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.

Trump and Cruz are EXACTLY what right wing radio has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy what they wanted
----------------------------------------- Trump or Cruz , it'll be better than what we have had these last 7 years Bulldog .
The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.

Trump and Cruz are EXACTLY what right wing radio has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy what they wanted
----------------------------------------- Trump or Cruz , it'll be better than what we have had these last 7 years Bulldog .

Only if you believe all the right wing lies.
Well, he DID say he wasn't going to carry the GOPs water any more....

Yeah right. Limbaugh has claimed on several occasion to be the "voice of the Republican party." He never has been, he is the voice of the "Tea Party--aka anti-Establishment groupie." And like little lambs he is leading his core audience right into a slaughter on election night.

Right now--he see's what going to hit him right between the legs, and he's trying to admonish himself from any guilt or negligence by stating that when they get their ass's kicked it was because the "establishment" Republicans aka the majority of the Republican party, (who would have never voted for a Cruz or Trump nominee in the first place)--that it's their fault. It's odd that he didn't inform his listeners of this tidbit of information 7-8 months ago--LOL

Here we have Rush Limbaugh already trying to distance himself from the monster that he and other right wing talk show hosts have created. Including those on FOX news.
Limbaugh: GOP Establishment Will Vote Hillary to Keep 'Their Fiefdoms'

They have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces, by filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, full of 1/2 truths, misinformation, while purposefully leaving out critical information. Shows that are totally designed for the minority right wing of the party. They have incited this anger within the Republican party. They have continually promoted candidates, such as Ted Cruz who in no way could win the White House. While they've been doing that they have been attacking other Republicans, continually breaking Reagan's 11th commandment--"Thou shall not speak ill of any fellow Republican." That didn't stop them from doing it.

So the writing is on the wall and Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaaaaawdd-d has finally figured it out. That this is going to come back hard on him and all the others if he doesn't say something 'intelligent: now. In this way he is clearing himself from any blame or negligence what-so-ever. So today-New York primary day with Trump looking at another big win, and with gloom and doom headed into Cleveland-- "The Great One" states. The establishment aka the majority of the Republican party will not vote for either Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. They'll be casting a vote for Hillary Clinton. He's right they will.
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

So what have these right wing talk show hosts NOT told you.

Did Rush Limbaugh or any of other right wing talk show host tell their listeners the truth as why Republicans lost in 2012? NOPE You were told by all of them that Romney lost because he wasn't conservative enough. That statement could not be farther from the TRUTH.

Republicans lost in 2012 because they lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points. The Evangelical wing of the party dragged us into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, to what is legal-legitimate rape questions. The campaign in 2012 was also about immigration/deportation/amnesty. The last President to win was G.W Bush and he captured 44% of the Hispanic vote. Romney lost with 27%.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

1. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing talk show host say STOP to Trump supporters? NOPE
2. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other tell them that at least 40% of the Hispanic vote is required to win the Presidency? NOPE
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
3. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, tell them that now an additional 17% of the population, (Hispanics) or 23 million Hispanics are now in Hillary Clinton's column? NOPE
4. Did Rush Limbaugh or any other, explain to them that Republicans in the entire Southwest of this country depend on Hispanics to win elections. And that there is a high possibility that Republicans will lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. NOPE & NOPE
GOP gains traction among Hispanic voters with aggressive outreach campaigns
The Ballooning Importance Of The 'Latino Vote,' In 3 Charts
5. Did Rush Limbaugh ever inform his listeners that the Republican party is the minority party today at around 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents (who won't vote for far right candidates) are the largest voting block in this country today, representing 40% of the electorate? NOPE
6. What does Rush Limbaugh spend most of his time doing? Attacking other Republicans with his anti-establishment rhetoric.
7. Who is Rush Limbaugh promoting now. Ted Cruz, another candidate that he knows with 100% certainly, doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning the White House. Did Limbaugh or any other mention that Cruz is too far right on abortion, and that he wouldn't be able to win the woman vote?--NOPE A Race to the Bottom on Women's Rights
8. Did Rush Limbaugh ever mention that Ted Cruz's eligibility was certain to be challenged should he be the nominee.

Not a reason to worry, they'll all be there for the Hillary Clinton hangover. They'll spew out another B.S reason as to why you lost, and they'll help you blow your noses and wipe your tears, and then they'll start the process all over again for 2020.

Someday--you listeners might want to consider what is the worst thing that could happen to those "Obscene profit breaks." The worst thing that could happen to all of them, is that Hillary Clinton loses this election, and they don't have her to talk about for the next 4 to 8 years.

Which left wing source did you use for your information on this?
Romney won the independent vote and still lost. He lost for two reasons. One, he was a weak candidate that would not fight back, and two, repubs wasted money on consultants and dems spent money on ground game. Lessons learned: nice guys finish last, lies work, organization matters, the media will always actively support,the dems, you can't take anything for granted, and liberals will do ANYTHING to win.

Horseshit: When you chase off the largest voting block in this country--(women) you're going to get your ass kicked in a voting booth by them.

Mitt Romney's fate was sealed long before he ever became the nominee of the party, by the Evangelical wing dragging the party into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legal legitimate rape questions. Then sent women running into Barack Obama column, younger women by a whopping 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

Add to that----that the debate stage was full of immigration/deportation/amnesty--and it also sent Latino's running into Obama's column. Romney only collected 27% of this block, when the GOP nominee since Reagan has had to capture 40% of this block to win the White House.
New data suggest GOP 2016 nominee will need to win nearly half of Latino vote

Until the Republican party stops chasing off large voting blocks,they will continue to lose National elections, from here on out.

"Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump"

It doesn’t mean moderate republicans will vote for HRC, but many will simply stay home, which is the next best thing for Clinton.
The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.

Trump and Cruz are EXACTLY what right wing radio has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy what they wanted
Be careful what you wish for.

There's no chance of either one of them winning the White House. Any moron that continues to put their faith into these right wing talk show hosts--deserves everything they get.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. With these numbers it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and several state down ballot races for governors, state house seats all the way down the ticket.
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"Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump"

It doesn’t mean moderate republicans will vote for HRC, but many will simply stay home, which is the next best thing for Clinton.

It doesn't matter if they vote for Hillary Clinton, or cast a default vote by voting for a 3rd party or just staying home. It's still a vote for Hillary Clinton.

But since Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history, it wouldn't surprise me to see millions of Republican women crossing the party line to cast a vote for her.
"Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump"

It doesn’t mean moderate republicans will vote for HRC, but many will simply stay home, which is the next best thing for Clinton.

It doesn't matter if they vote for Hillary Clinton, or cast a default vote by voting for a 3rd party or just staying home. It's still a vote for Hillary Clinton.

But since Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history, it wouldn't surprise me to see millions of Republican women crossing the party line to cast a vote for her.
------------------------------------------------ Hilary , if she wins is the proper punishment for the MODERATE republican voter and the 'gop' Oreo . And I was a republican since about 1970 till about 2006 .
The GOP created the Crump (cruz+trump). Now they don't know how to deal with their creation. Hillary WAS beatable. But the is devouring itself from within.

Trump and Cruz are EXACTLY what right wing radio has been demanding for years. I hope they enjoy what they wanted
Be careful what you wish for.

There's no chance of either one of them winning the White House. Any moron that continues to put their faith into these right wing talk show hosts--deserves everything they get.

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. With these numbers it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the Senate a ton of seats in the house, and several state down ballot races for governors, state house seats all the way down the ticket.

^^^^^What He Said^^^^^^^^

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