Diana M. Poranski
Diana M. Poranski
Over the years, liberals have managed to bastardize the terms discrimination, racism, rights, equality and diversity; these words are now used as tools by the left to suppress conservatives and stop thoughtful debate. Conservatives need to borrow the courage of Rosa Parks and move conservative debate to the front of the bus, thus asserting that the words discrimination, racism, rights, equality and diversity be used inclusively. Applying liberal logic and using these weakened words exposes the hypocrisy of the left.
Young students with conservative backgrounds are finding the college campus hostile to their ideology. Intolerant professors with more progressive worldviews willingly use teaching platforms to intimidate and suppress conservative thought. Diversity of thought does have place on college campuses; college conservatives should be able express their opinions openly and without fear of retaliation or discrimination. Should those professors intent on suppressing conservative thought should be subject to sensitivity training?
In an effort to alleviate religious intolerance and bring about religious equality, the liberal leaning ACLU practices selective discrimination. The religious freedoms of some are elevated via the vehicle of tolerance, while suppressing the freedoms of Christians. How does one intellectually seek to bring about religious equality for some while systematically discriminating against others? Equality and freedom to practice religion are rights that should be afforded all Americans, not merely the selective groups the ACLU deems more deserving. Should intolerant ACLU lawyers be mandated by the court to take Christian acceptance and inclusion courses?
Educated and intellectually aware, more and more black Americans are choosing to align themselves with the ideals of the Republican Party. Those that dare to think independently are subjected to bitter, hate filled racism. The party that champions diversity and equality chooses bigotry and discrimination when black Americans embrace conservatism. Black Americans have a right to choose their political party affiliations without being subjected to racial slurs, ridicule and intolerance by those on the left. The Democratic Party does not hold the sole right to the black mind, or any mind for that matter, black, white, brown or yellow.
Congress will soon begin the vetting process for the next Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Currently there are rumblings regarding a possible filibuster from Senate Democrats to undermine this nomination. Many on the left voice opposition to Mr. Alito based on his opinion regarding abortion. Mr. Alito is not running for a political position, his qualifications for Supreme Court should be based solely on past experience and his ability to interpret Constitutional law. His value system and opinion on abortion should not disqualify this nominee. Mr. Alito will be the subject of discrimination if the Democrats in congress base their decision for or against this man based on his personal opinions. Are Democrats suggesting he doesnt have a right to his opinion?
On a lesser note but still reflective of the subtle discriminatory practices used against conservatives; discrimination can be found at the bookstore. Books by conservative authors or with conservative content have been relegated to back of the store, bottom shelf. A truly compassionate bookstore manager, one that understands the need for diversity of thought, would put integrity first and place all political books together. Strategic placement of some books while burnishing others to the back of the store is blatant inequality. Black authors would never be relegated to the back of the bookstore, shouldnt conservative authors be afforded the same respect?
Liberals tend to use the words discrimination, racism, rights, equality and diversity to stifle and suppress conservative debate. In seeking equality for conservative ideals, it is important that conservatives not become like those with which they disagree. Although it is important to point out the hypocrisy of the left by using their tactics against them, the table of thoughtful political debate must be respectful, inclusive and accepting of all points of view. Conservatives would benefit greatly by adopting the following epigram of Edwin Markham entitled Outwitted:
He drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, a rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!
In closing, may conservatives take courage from Rosa Parks and respectfully assert that equality is a right that should be afforded to all Americans. By using the bastardized word tools of the left, hypocrisy is forefront and the inequity of society is on display, one where some seem more equal than others.