Most pedo / rapists by religious background per capita are?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

Last edited:
Check out public school personnel records for sexually abusing children.

Mind boggling
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

Thanks for showing that it sure seems to be a religion thing.
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  • #6
Victims of D.C. ‘Peeping Rabbi’ Win More Than $14 Million in Settlement Deal

The $100 million class action was brought against Barry Freundel’s synagogue, the Rabbinical Council of America, the Beth Din of America and the mikveh

Judy Maltz Aug 28, 2018 7:34 PM
A settlement has been reached in a $100 million class-action suit against an Orthodox synagogue in Washington whose rabbi secretly videotaped naked women immersing themselves in a mikveh

Victims of D.C. ‘peeping rabbi’ win more than $14 million in settlement deal
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  • #7

Feds Charge Rabbi Aryeh Goodman with Sex Trafficking a Minor


In February, Rabbi Aryeh Goodman of East Brunswick, New Jersey, was charged with using an underage prostitute. Earlier this week the US Department of Justice (NJ office) took over the case and charged Goodman with sex trafficking. The 35-year-old repeatedly transported the girl over state lines in 2015 for their encounters, making it a federal crime.

According to news reports, In 2013, Goodman was accused of inappropriately touching a boy at a youth camp in Pennsylvania in 2001 where he worked as a counselor. He was charged with 12 counts of indecent assault. Pennsylvania court records show he was convicted of two counts of indecent assault of a child under age 13 and in October 2015 was sentenced to up to two years in prison. He is now already a registered sex offender.

Feds Charge Rabbi Aryeh Goodman with Sex Trafficking a Minor
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  • #8
North Miami Beach Chabad Accepts Ark Curtain from Convicted Child Molester Daniel (Gug) Hayman




Hanging in the place of honor, in front of the Torah ark, is a paroches (curtain) donated by convicted child molester, Daniel (Gug) Hayman. On the last line of the embroidered gold dedication is his name in Hebrew.

Hayman’s crimes were covered up for many years by Chabad in Australia, and the subsequent cover up was faciliated by Debbie Fox, who heads Magen Yeladim (children’s shield).

According to the Australian Jewish News, when he was a 24 year-old counselor in a Jewish camp he molested a child he lured off into the woods and engaged in prolonged skin-to-skin contact of a sexual nature. He was convicted of “indecent assault” of a fourteen-year-old boy. Hayman also made payments in the past to buy secrecy and immunity from civil suits.


R. Yosef Marlow

Locals objected this paroches from Hayman to the head of Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach, Rabbi Yosef Y. Marlow. But their pleas fell on deaf ears.

North Miami Beach Chabad Accepts Ark Curtain from Convicted Child Molester Daniel (Gug) Hayman
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  • #9
Serial Pedophile Sentenced to 24 Years

Zvi Harel
The Tel Aviv District Court yesterday sentenced convicted pedophile Itay Leibovitch to 24 years in prison for the rape of two girls and the sexual abuse of several others.

Leibovitch was convicted three months ago, after confessing to the charges against him. He was convicted with raping a nine-year-old and an eleven-year-old girl.

The judges rejected Leibovitch's claims that his actions were a direct result of the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. Leibovitch claimed that through his actions,

Serial pedophile sentenced to 24 years
3 Israelis arrested in Colombia in sex trafficking bust
15 other suspects arrested for suspected involvement in sex ring that exploited 250 women and girls as young as 14 and forced them to have sex with tourists; Israeli-owned hostel one of 13 sites raided in weekend crackdown.
Itamar Eichner and Reuters|Published: 07.31.18 , 10:46
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Those arrested include foreigners, hotel owners, policemen, a navy captain who forced his victims to tattoo his name on their bodies, and a Colombian woman known as "Madame" who authorities say led a sex trafficking ring.

Local media reports said that Colombia had asked Interpol to arrest Israeli citizen Assi Ben-Mosh, who was deported last November from the South American country on suspicion of his involvement in running the underage sex ring.

(Photo: AFP)" titlecredit="" style="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; vertical-align: baseline; position: relative;">

(Photo: AFP)

Authorities claimed that even after his expulsion, he continued to manage his illicit operations in Colombia from afar.

Colombian authorities said that Mosh had harmed the security of the state and its citizens. Reports identified Mosh, who owns the Benjamin Hostel near Santa Marta in northern Colombia, and local news sites accused him and his associates of tax fraud, drug offenses and inciting children to prostitution.

Suggested Topics
The Benjamin Hostel was one of 13 sites raided by police on Friday night after dozens of Israelis staying there finished saying Kiddush. Drugs were found and confiscated during the raid and police ordered the closure of the hostel.

Mosh denies any connection to the tourism sex ring and is currently waging a legal battle in order to return to Colombia.

Charges against the 18 suspects include recruiting and selling girls aged 14 to 17 into the sex trade in Cartagena and abroad, and forcing them to have sex with locals and tourists.

Cartagena, on the country's Caribbean coast, attracts hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists a year to visit its colonial-era ramparts and squares.

But the three-day sting operation, which ended on Sunday, has also exposed rampant child sex abuse.

"We will not allow Cartagena to become a sexual tourism destination," Duque tweeted on Monday, promising to "attack human trafficking and the exploitation of women in our cities and tourist destinations."

In separate tweets, Duque, who takes over the presidency on August 7, said those found guilty should receive the maximum prison sentences possible—up to 40 years—to help prevent such "atrocious" crimes from recurring.

3 Israelis arrested in Colombia in sex trafficking bust

Over six months leading up to the bust, police and prosecutors collected evidence using hidden cameras in tourist areas, including hotels, squares and streets.

It was one of the biggest operations to combat child sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Cartagena, authorities said.

In a statement, the attorney general's office described the victims as "real slaves of the 21st century."

"Madame" is charged with trafficking girls and young women abroad,
After Shamai received his sentence, teachers held a discussion with students to explain to them the outcome of the trial.

MAY 23, 2018 15:02

2 minute read.


Classroom. (photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

The Tel Aviv District Israel Police opened another investigation against school teacher and convicted pedophile Shaul Shamai on Wednesday, to probe additional complaints by multiple students of sexual offenses.

On Monday, Shamai, a 49-year-old resident of Rishon Lezion, was sentenced to seven years in prison for sexual assault and statutory rape involving six girls, some of whom were his students at a school in north Tel Aviv and two others who received private lessons from him.

Police probe sexual assault accusations against convicted pedophile teach
The ‘sex slave’ scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
By Maureen Callahan

October 9, 2016 | 7:08am

Modal Trigger

Jeffrey Epstein denies allegations by underage girls who say they were lured to his Palm Beach mansion to give him "massages" in exchange for money.Splash News/AP
'Sex slave' wants Epstein to explain how Prince Andrew allegedly met her

Trump rape accuser abruptly cancels press conference

Alleged Epstein madam sells $16M Manhattan townhouse

Clinton fundraiser held next door to Jeffrey Epstein's house
In 2005, the world was introduced to reclusive billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, friend to princes and an American president, a power broker with the darkest of secrets: He was also a pedophile, accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls into a sex-slave network, buying their silence and moving along, although he has been convicted of only one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor. Visitors to his private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,” have included Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Stephen Hawking.
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.
The ‘sex slave’ scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein
By Maureen Callahan

October 9, 2016 | 7:08am

Modal Trigger

Jeffrey Epstein denies allegations by underage girls who say they were lured to his Palm Beach mansion to give him "massages" in exchange for money.Splash News/AP
'Sex slave' wants Epstein to explain how Prince Andrew allegedly met her

Trump rape accuser abruptly cancels press conference

Alleged Epstein madam sells $16M Manhattan townhouse

Clinton fundraiser held next door to Jeffrey Epstein's house
In 2005, the world was introduced to reclusive billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, friend to princes and an American president, a power broker with the darkest of secrets: He was also a pedophile, accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls into a sex-slave network, buying their silence and moving along, although he has been convicted of only one count of soliciting prostitution from a minor. Visitors to his private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,” have included Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Stephen Hawking.
Prince Andrew's sex abuser friend Jeffrey Epstein kept a list nicknamed 'The Holy Grail'

Epstein's little black book had 14 phone numbers for Donald Trump, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman.
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.

Do they have good statistics backing up the Catholic clergy pedophilia either?
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.

Do they have good statistics backing up the Catholic clergy pedophilia either?

I have not seen anyone claim Catholics are the highest per capita pedophiles like you did with Jews.

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.
Most people would probably say Catholics.

There's nearly 100 Catholics in the World, for every Jew, so of course it does seems much bigger.

But, I'd say Jews in disproportionate, or rather in per capita terms

They have a diverse perverse profile for their small numbers including celebrities like Harvey Weinstein, Jared Fogle, James Toback,,Dustin Hoffman,Roman Polanski, Brett Ratner, Woody Allen, and Bryan Singer.

Including clergy pedophiles like Rabbi Avrohom Mondrowitz, Rabbi Lewis Brenner, Rabbi Ephraim Bryks, Shlomo Aviner, Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Rabbi Perry Ian Cohen,Rabbi Yitzchak Cohen, Rabbi Ephraim Goldberg, Rabbi/Cantor Sidney Goldenberg, Rabbi Israel Grunwald, Rabbi Solomon Hafner, Rabbi (Alan J.) Shneur Horowitz, Rabbi Ze'ev Kopolevitch, Rabbi Pinchas Lew, Rabbi Michael Ozair.

Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

Which Catholic state has harbored so many Pedos?

Israel becoming a 'refuge for pedophiles,' warns advocate for child sex abuse victims'

Which Catholic clergy said the pedophile victim may have wanted it?

Australian rabbi apologizes for saying sex abuse victims may have consented

Let's not forget Jews have a pedophile tradition called Metzitzah B'peh.

Metzitzah B'peh, Blood-Sucking Jewish Circumcision Ritual, Debated By NYC Mayoral Candidates (VIDEO) | HuffPost

Which Catholic community called for a fundraiser for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholic community called for a Mafia style bribery for clergy pedophiles?

Which Catholics have poured bleach on those who attempt to expose clergy pedos?

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.

Do they have good statistics backing up the Catholic clergy pedophilia either?

I have not seen anyone claim Catholics are the highest per capita pedophiles like you did with Jews.

So other than your nazi tendencies, you have no statistical data to back up your bullshit.

Look at Zwi Migdal, and tell me they're not more sexually deviant for their smaller numbers?
What if pedophilia isn't a sin according other societies? What if the Muslem religion sanctions pedophilia and the sodomy of young boys? Does that make the Catholic and Jewish sin seem worse?
It's really awesome how Americans KEEP allowing their children to be raped by Jews & by Catholics but Americans have no problem by the 'arabs' that 'supposedly' did 9/11.

Americans seem to be very beta; like pussies, kinda.

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