Most famous person you have ever met?

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
In the mid 1960's on a saturday morning, at the age of 12, I went with my father who was a Lt. Col in the US Army to the military airport on the base. He was with a group of top brass, including generals and politicians to see off Robert McNamara the Sec. of Defense under Pres. Kennedy.

I was standing next to my father in awe of all the tall military bigwigs in uniform surrounding me as they shook hands with Sec. McNamara. When suddenly he turn to me, shook my hand, asked me how I was doing, then headed to board his airplane.

Sec. of Defense was the architect of the Vietnam War under both presidents Johnson and Kennedy, and little did I know I had just shaken the hand of the man who in a few years would dramatically impact my life and destiny.

Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met? ... :cool:
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In the mid 1960's on a saturday morning, at the age of 12, I went with my father who was a Lt. Col in the US Army to the military airport on the base. He was with a group of top brass, including generals and politicians to see off Robert McNamara the Sec. of Defense under Pres. Kennedy.

I was standing next to my father in awe of all the tall military bigwigs in uniform surrounding me as they shook hands with Sec. McNamara. When suddenly he turn to me shook my hand, asked me how I was doing, then headed to board his airplane.

Sec. of Defense was the architect of the Vietnam War under both presidents Johnson and Kennedy, and little did I know I had just shaken the hand of the man who in a few years would dramatically impact my life and destiny.

Who is the most famous or infamous person have ever met? ... :cool:
/----/ For me, I was 9 when I met Gen Mark Clark, and NBC Today anchor Frank Blair. Both had dinner at our home, but not on the same night. As a young adult, in the 1970s, I met Billy Joel and Madonna, before they were famous.
Famous -- Margaret Thatcher, The Dick Cheney, Milton Friedman, Alberto Gonzalez, John Breaux, Arlen Specter, Ray Nagin, Marc Morial, Jim Mora, Robert Bork, P.J. O'Rourke, Jerry Brown, John Forsythe, Suzanne Somers, Alec Baldwin, Captain Kangaroo, David Ossman, Ken Burns, Doctor John, Dave Bartholomew, Irma Thomas, Alex Chilton, Caetano Veloso, Rosa Passos, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Margot Adler, James Carville and Mary Matalin, prolly the most famous would be John F. Kennedy.

Some party that was :eusa_shifty:

Also dressed up as Ernie K-Doe one Hallowe'en. Met him but not that night. And I got Irv Cross' authograph when I was a wee sprout.

Shortly after I evacuated to Carolina from Katrina I stopped by the local Wednesday night pickin' party at the storefront. Bobby Hicks drove up in his Cadillac, pulled out a Martin guitar and handed it to me. "Here, play that". "Twist my arm" I said. Bobby had heard there was a Katrina refugee who left his guitar back home.

Then there were famous people I happened to get on the same elevator with. Mark Shields was one. And then in California a couple got in the elevator with me, I didn't know who they were until she said something and he answered her, whereupon I recognized his voice -- it was Barry White.

Infamous: TNHarley (just on the board, social distancing yanno)
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I lived next door to Mickey Gilley before he had his house built in Pasadena- I've met Gene Watson and Danny Shirley. I met Eddie Hill and Bob Glidden and Joe Gibbs and Matt Hines, John Force- Steve Kinser, Karl Kinser, Sammy Swindell, Donny Schatz, Mark Kinser, Kenny Woodruff, Bobby Davis Jr, Kenny Shrader, Hal Needham, Harry Gant. Ron Shaver is probably my most favorite -oh, I just remembered, Ann Margaret- and the cast of that silly spy show in the 60's.
Reagan, Bill Buckley, Henry Kissinger, Bob Dole, and many other political leaders.

Also Sigourney Weaver, Johnny Cash, and Charlie Daniels. I caught Matthew Broderick staring at my wife's ass on Broadway.
In the mid 1960's on a saturday morning, at the age of 12, I went with my father who was a Lt. Col in the US Army to the military airport on the base. He was with a group of top brass, including generals and politicians to see off Robert McNamara the Sec. of Defense under Pres. Kennedy.

I was standing next to my father in awe of all the tall military bigwigs in uniform surrounding me as they shook hands with Sec. McNamara. When suddenly he turn to me, shook my hand, asked me how I was doing, then headed to board his airplane.

Sec. of Defense was the architect of the Vietnam War under both presidents Johnson and Kennedy, and little did I know I had just shaken the hand of the man who in a few years would dramatically impact my life and destiny.

Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met? ... :cool:

I have spent 35 years of my life working with the most famous and greatest musicians of my lifetime. I was also the photographer for the Seattle International Film Festival for about a decade. So I've worked with actors, writers, directors and producers.

I also worked with sports stars and politicians.

The list of famous people I've met, worked with and become working friends is just way too long. My list of musicians photographed has over 500 names on it.

There are just too many to list.
I met Bush Senior and also Ronald Reagan. Ive met a few musicians like Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, Matt Cameron and Mark Lanegan. I met Melisa Gilbert too, and Michael Damien. Plus some local celebs in Seattle.
grandpa munster,,

Ah you mean Leo Schauzer.
we called him grandpa munster,,,didnt care what his real name was,,,

he used to do stage work here in KC once a yr back in the early 70's and stayed at a hotel by our house,,
first time we saw him was while riding our bikes and he was going for a walk,,,

it was freaky at first but being dumb kids we said HEY arent you grandpa munster??

so we ended up talking to him every yr when he came back,,
one yr it was around halloween and the hotel was next to a TG&Y and he bought us all costumes,,,

kinda kool for dumb kids,,,
Eric Estrada
Leif Garret
Lou Ferigno
annd a few others I Can't think of at the moment...
grandpa munster,,

Ah you mean Leo Schauzer.
we called him grandpa munster,,,didnt care what his real name was,,,

he used to do stage work here in KC once a yr back in the early 70's and stayed at a hotel by our house,,
first time we saw him was while riding our bikes and he was going for a walk,,,

it was freaky at first but being dumb kids we said HEY arent you grandpa munster??

so we ended up talking to him every yr when he came back,,
one yr it was around halloween and the hotel was next to a TG&Y and he bought us all costumes,,,

kinda kool for dumb kids,,,

Al Lewis. "Leo Schnauzer" was the character he played on TV in his first notable role in Car 54 Where Are You.
grandpa munster,,

Ah you mean Leo Schauzer.
we called him grandpa munster,,,didnt care what his real name was,,,

he used to do stage work here in KC once a yr back in the early 70's and stayed at a hotel by our house,,
first time we saw him was while riding our bikes and he was going for a walk,,,

it was freaky at first but being dumb kids we said HEY arent you grandpa munster??

so we ended up talking to him every yr when he came back,,
one yr it was around halloween and the hotel was next to a TG&Y and he bought us all costumes,,,

kinda kool for dumb kids,,,

Al Lewis. "Leo Schnauzer" was the character he played on TV in his first notable role in Car 54 Where Are You.
yes it was,,,
Many years ago, either in the late 1990s or early 2000s, my wife and I were in an antique store in Goleta, California, when my wife struck up a conversation with another woman who was browsing old magazines with her. As the two of them chatted, I noticed that the other woman resembled a famous person that I knew of, and as I started to mention this fact, along with the fact that I thought this other woman looked much too young to be the person of whom I was thinking (she looked to be about my age, and the person I was thinking is about my parents' age), I noticed that she was wearing a name tag that identified her as “Ruthy” and as a participant in the Concourse De'Elegance car show that was taking place nearby.

It turns out that this woman was, in fact, Ruth Buzzi.

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