More than 1,200 Google workers condemn firing of AI scientist Timnit Gebru


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
More than 1,200 Google employees and more than 1,500 academic researchers are speaking out in protest after a prominent Black scientist studying the ethics of artificial intelligence said she was fired by Google after the company attempted to suppress her research and she criticized its diversity efforts.

Timnit Gebru, who was the technical co-lead of Google’s Ethical AI team, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that she had been fired after sending an email to an internal group for women and allies working in the company’s AI unit.

The email, which was first published by the tech newsletter Platformer, referenced a dispute over a research paper, but more broadly expressed frustration at Google’s diversity programs. In it, Gebru argued that “there is zero accountability” or real incentive for Google leadership to change. “Your life gets worse when you start advocating for underrepresented people, you start making the other leaders upset,” Gebru wrote. “There is no way more documents or more conversations will achieve anything.”

Gebru is one of the most well-known and respected Black female scientists working in AI. Before joining Google, she co-authored a widely cited 2018 paper that found higher error rates in facial analysis technology for women with darker skin tones. She also co-founded the non-profit Black in AI that aims to increase representation of people of color in the field.

Google decides what information is important. Notoriously so.
It's a shitty company. In bed with the chi-coms and actually does nothing productive. All it does is provide a search engine and advertising. I hope the feds break it up, and I'm usually opposed to them doing that sort of thing.
We (me and the mouse in my pocket) keep thinking it's going down but it's like some horror flic where the vines reach through the ground and grab your ankles.
Timnit Gebru, who was the technical co-lead of Google’s Ethical AI team, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that she had been fired after sending an email to an internal group for women and allies working in the company’s AI unit.
What about Marissa Mayer who was so cruelly mocked as "GooGirl" before she left Google for Yahoo?
Guys surf porn on Google, there's a brotherhood of good old boys, that's what it's all about, to them.
At the same time, it sounds like a bunch of office ladies getting a little bit ahead of themselves with so-called “Artificial Intelligence” to call it “ethical” or to concern themselves with the ethics of it, without delving into the technical details of it --- which of course they are leaving to the guys.
Timnit Gebru, who was the technical co-lead of Google’s Ethical AI team, wrote on Twitter on Wednesday that she had been fired after sending an email to an internal group for women and allies working in the company’s AI unit.
What about Marissa Mayer who was so cruelly mocked as "GooGirl" before she left Google for Yahoo?
Guys surf porn on Google, there's a brotherhood of good old boys, that's what it's all about, to them.
At the same time, it sounds like a bunch of office ladies getting a little bit ahead of themselves with so-called “Artificial Intelligence” to call it “ethical” or to concern themselves with the ethics of it, without delving into the technical details of it --- which of course they are leaving to the guys.

Academics are world's 2nd largest narcissists and primadonnas. Second only to politicians... :abgg2q.jpg:

There's ALWAYS a pea under their bed (see "Princess and the Pea") or some drama going down based on envy or ego...,

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