More Republican Tyrranny and Laws To Behave Like Them, (No Yoga Pants)


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
"Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway," Moore said after the hearing.

This statement after he was upset a group of naked bicyclists pedaled through Missoula.

Reminds me of Anne Coulter, "'She Ought to Be in Prison for Wearing a Hijab'"

I'm a Conservative SPENDER. But these Conservatives today are Pro-War hate mongering Bigots who obsess about Controlling others. They even can't deal with the recoil of controlling others after that control and wonder how the situation got that bad.

Now we are supposed to ban yoga pants in public? Republican Freedom is in their own bubble.

Montana Lawmaker Wants to Outlaw Yoga Pants
Note; I don't go nude in public. I don't cuss in public. But the POWER DRIVEN people who started this notion that these are bad things are a few hundred years old. Most don't even know who made certain words cuss words even though others have the exact same meaning. They just repeat what they are taught.
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.

"Complain" vs. "Force via Law" is the big issue.

Religion and Government is supposed to lead by example. It's in the Constitution and the Bible, directly.

Watching people attack Michelle Obama for telling people they should drink more water and hearing Fox News idiots say she's being a Tyrannical Oppressor is idiocracy.
A government so small it can fit in your yoga pants...
^Republicans preach small Gov., then use Corporate funding to control all.

(edit; They don't know until they get into office that they have to work for their donor. So many talk a brilliant talk, then once in office. Have to walk the walk for their donor)
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.

"Complain" vs. "Force via Law" is the big issue.

Religion and Government is supposed to lead by example. It's in the Constitution and the Bible, directly.

Watching people attack Michelle Obama for telling people they should drink more water and hearing Fox News idiots say she's being a Tyrannical Oppressor is idiocracy.

You know as well as I do that people will follow the direct authority of those in power to some degree. If you don't believe me try not treating a cop like he can't tell you what to do. Some people just obey because those in power have power so they follow them. I'm not saying that most people do this but there are enough people in this country who will follow the example, commands, or whatever of those in power for whatever reason such that those in power can have a lot of sway over how society is.
A government so small it can fit in your yoga pants...
^Republicans preach small Gov., then use Corporate funding to control all.

(edit; They don't know until they get into office that they have to work for their donor. So many talk a brilliant talk, then once in office. Have to walk the walk for their donor)

Is that like subsidies for the medical industry? Bailouts? I'm just wondering what you are talking about.
A government so small it can fit in your yoga pants...

But the camel toe protrudes. :beer:
Those pussies have value, unlike the ones here like SD...

I disagree. I think everyone is formed out of a situation. Some of the better situational humans wonder why some of the bad situational humans wonder why they act just like them.

How many Hillbilly Rednecks wonder what it would be like to be born into a family of crack heads in the inner city today and wonder what their life would be like. < THIS is why most artists (artists see things that aren't there and use them for a future painting/art) are Left Wing, because they can imagine things that aren't there. It's also why every republican faced with this type of challenge in real life changes their perspective.
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.

This is one of the wedge concepts that Faux News uses too evil success. The portray conservatives as being 'looked down on by the intelligent, the professors, the University types'. It works well because conservatives have a built in inferiority complex. Faux activates the angry response in conservatives to this projected 'elitism' by saying, "we are all Americans and in America everyone is equal".

Its a fallacious argument but the uneducated think this whole paradigm makes sense.

In reality they aren't looked down as 'less than' but they are less educated and therefore cannot put forth intelligent arguments.

Its a very sneaky snakeoil salesman way of herding conservatives into the Faux News bubble but it works.
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.

This is one of the wedge concepts that Faux News uses too evil success. The portray conservatives as being 'looked down on by the intelligent, the professors, the University types'. It works well because conservatives have a built in inferiority complex. Faux activates the angry response in conservatives to this projected 'elitism' by saying, "we are all Americans and in America everyone is equal".

Its a fallacious argument but the uneducated think this whole paradigm makes sense.

In reality they aren't looked down as 'less than' but they are less educated and therefore cannot put forth intelligent arguments.

Its a very sneaky snakeoil salesman way of herding conservatives into the Faux News bubble but it works.

Faux news creates elites that want to tell everyone else what to eat....did they create science in the public interest? Your entire post is filled with I am better than you because everyone else is "uneducated". There is no hubris in that. I've known plenty of educated people who are not that bright in many many ways. Fox News did not create you or other elitist organizations such as science in the public interest so argument fail.

It use to be that liberals had tolerance and allowed everyone else to make up there own mind about things. You can find John Wayne's speech about the new liberals of the fifties and sixties. Now liberals, and I use that word sparingly, seem to be more concerned about making sure everyone thinks exactly as everyone else.
"Yoga pants should be illegal in public anyway," Moore said after the hearing.

This statement after he was upset a group of naked bicyclists pedaled through Missoula.

Reminds me of Anne Coulter, "'She Ought to Be in Prison for Wearing a Hijab'"

I'm a Conservative SPENDER. But these Conservatives today are Pro-War hate mongering Bigots who obsess about Controlling others. They even can't deal with the recoil of controlling others after that control and wonder how the situation got that bad.

Now we are supposed to ban yoga pants in public? Republican Freedom is in their own bubble.

Montana Lawmaker Wants to Outlaw Yoga Pants

Get back to us when the governor signs the law, then it might actually have political relevance.
I can't understand a philosophy that believes we should be dictated to by elites such as science in the public health can have the nerve to complain that other people are telling them what to do.

This is one of the wedge concepts that Faux News uses too evil success. The portray conservatives as being 'looked down on by the intelligent, the professors, the University types'. It works well because conservatives have a built in inferiority complex. Faux activates the angry response in conservatives to this projected 'elitism' by saying, "we are all Americans and in America everyone is equal".

Its a fallacious argument but the uneducated think this whole paradigm makes sense.

In reality they aren't looked down as 'less than' but they are less educated and therefore cannot put forth intelligent arguments.

Its a very sneaky snakeoil salesman way of herding conservatives into the Faux News bubble but it works.

Faux news creates elites that want to tell everyone else what to eat....did they create science in the public interest? Your entire post is filled with I am better than you because everyone else is "uneducated". There is no hubris in that. I've known plenty of educated people who are not that bright in many many ways. Fox News did not create you or other elitist organizations such as science in the public interest so argument fail.

It use to be that liberals had tolerance and allowed everyone else to make up there own mind about things. You can find John Wayne's speech about the new liberals of the fifties and sixties. Now liberals, and I use that word sparingly, seem to be more concerned about making sure everyone thinks exactly as everyone else.

Nah, you are projecting onto other people your belief that they claim 'better than' status. Exactly part of my point. It is simply stating fact that if you aren't educated in say geology, that someone that is educated in geology knows more than you do. Are they 'better' than you, as in perhaps their life is more valuable? No.
But many conservatives have a lot of trouble separating these things. Scientists 'seem' to be talking down to them because anyone with lesser knowledge on a subject will generally feel inadequate when someone else knows a lot more than they do. A healthy person just admits 'this person KNOWS more than I do on this'. They wouldn't take it as being 'inferior' or that the other person is trying to be 'superior'. Conservatives seem to always frame things as us vs them, good or bad. When you think like this then the knowledge-ignorance paradigm becomes personal and demeaning, even though it isn't.

Funny how conservatives don't hold this same view with medical doctors, they simply defer to superior knowledge without also engaging in 'this guy thinks he's better than me'.

Faux News uses this tendency to self-flagellation in conservatives to present anyone that is more KNOWELDGEABLE as an 'elite', out to prove their superiority. Thus they get conservatives to view intelligent people as someone to be opposed and demonized.

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