More people lost insurance than signed up under Obamacare


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
They claimed there were 40 million uninsured when they rammed this unconstitutional law through. When you deducted the illegals, the people who didn't want to buy insurance yet and those who simply didn't need insurance to pay their bills, the actual estimate of people who wanted insurance and couldn't afford it was maybe 4 million.

So, if that were true, why didn't those 4 million sign up immediately as soon as they had the chance? Apparently, they didn't really need or want it.

Now we have more uninsured people and the price of a policy is higher than ever before. Those who are insured got subsidies, which us tax payers will have to pay for.

How can Obama, who would never lower himself to actually sign up for his own signature legislation, sit back and watch the suffering cause by Obamacare and still insist that he will not repeal it? Clearly, it's not about helping people or he and the Dems would have stopped this train wreck already. It's about the new powers they granted themselves and that fact becomes clearer with every new hardship caused by Obamacare.

Obamacare, Day One: 2.6 Million More Cancellations Than Sign-Ups | Independent Journal Review
More people lost insurance than signed up under Obamacare... this point in time. any point in time.

You have 6 million people out of insurance; 2.1 million have supposedly enrolled. Meaning simply that yes, more people have lost insurance than signed up for Obamacare. Oh, one other thing. Those 2.1 million people may not be from the same pool of people who lost their insurance because of Obamacare. Tough for you isn't it?

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