More News From the Growing Police State

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
Just another disgusting denial of constitutional rights.

To consider taping the fucking pigs to be on par with rape and murder is beyond moronic but hey, what more could we expect from our benevolent government?

What about news media that does the same thing?
The title of this thread is right on.

The law this man is accused of violating was enacted specifically to prevent wiretapping. This expedient application is obviously being adapted for the purpose of concealing improper or unlawful police conduct. Unfortunately, because of the increasingly authoritarian nature of our government there is little hope the Congress will intervene by revising the eavesdropping law to limit its application to its intended purpose.

Public officials who function in the public domain should have no expectation of privacy. But the Supreme Court that appointed President George W. Bush and enabled "Citizens United" is not likely to act on the People's behalf. So I'm afraid Big Brother will prevail in this latest outrage.
That's wrong. That's just plain wrong. What's the difference between a dude with a video camera and a "witness" starting sentences under oath with phrases like "Then he (the cop) said....." and "About that time I saw..." besides the accuracy of the testimony? :dunno:
It's Illinois. Who is surprised by this? Illinois is undoubtedly the most corrupt state in this country and has been for generations.
This is why I automatically support all cop killers until it's proven the cop shouldn't have been shot,. Because most cops are crooked, abusive, fascists who deserve it when they get shot. If this were not true, then they wouldn't be using these laws to try to stop people from recording them on duty, because they'd have nothing to hide.
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That's wrong. That's just plain wrong. What's the difference between a dude with a video camera and a "witness" starting sentences under oath with phrases like "Then he (the cop) said....." and "About that time I saw..." besides the accuracy of the testimony? :dunno:

What's the difference? Simple. A video cannot be denied. It cannot be accused of lying. The cops can do NOTHING to refute what is in a video. Testimony by a witness, even though it is in court and under oath, can be disputed. Without a video, it's the witness's word against the cops' word. And guess who wins that one most of the time?

This is what police have relied upon for decades, if not hundreds of years, and will continue to rely on. If it boils down to a defendant's word against their word, with no independent witnesses, no video, no other objective evidence to counter their version of what happened, the police know they can do whatever they want, because they know they are going to win the credibility contest.

Only five states have laws requiring confessions to be tape or video recorded as a prerequisite to admitting them into evidence at trial. In the rest of the states, police can claim a suspect confessed at the station house (or wherever), and that pretty much closes the book.

How our society and our legal system can be so naive and so stupid is beyond me.
The prosecution of this guy was a perversion of justice. I'm glad it was overturned, but rather horrified that there was so much corruption that it was allowed to go as far as it did.

Now if someone would just do the same to get the video confiscated by the Fullerton police after they beat a man to death in front of a couple dozen witnesses, I'd be ever so grateful.
Wisconsin Gestapo wrongly arresting citizens for the "crime" of video taping a public session.

Wisconsin State law specifically allows the taping of public session.

19.90  Use of equipment in open session. Whenever a governmental body holds a meeting in open session, the body shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate any person desiring to record, film or photograph the meeting. This section does not permit recording, filming or photographing such a meeting in a manner that interferes with the conduct of the meeting or the rights of the participants.
History: 1977 c. 322.

But the fucking State pigs arrest and brutalize citizens regardless of the law

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School cop fatally shoots 14 yr old boy for fighting

Courthouse News Service

SAN ANTONIO (CN) - A 14-year-old boy got into a fight at a school bus stop and the school district's police officer responded by shooting him to death, the boy's mother says. She says the cop had been reprimanded 16 times in the previous 4 years, suspended without pay 5 times, and "recommended for termination for insubordination," but the school kept him on the force
If this is the case.... and it stands..... why cant we sue for being watched by the state?

They dont have my permission to monitor my every fucking move!


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