More leftist insurrection in Portland.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
When will Pedo Joe's Justice Dept start holding these leftist terrorists accountable for their insurrection?

When will Pedo Joe's Justice Dept start holding these leftist terrorists accountable for their insurrection?

Life is so fluid, Nos. Back when the capitol protest was fresh, libs here wanted them all taken out and shot. Notice how now they got NOTHING to say about these vermin!

Had Trump WON the election and those capitol protesters had been rioting to stop the certification of Trump instead of Biden, these same people would have been counting the rioters as patriots!

Kammy Harris would have been bailing them out!
IMHO, the absolute top priority for Leftists is Political Power. What do we need to do to stay in office and gain more power? And whatever that is, we'll do it no matter what the cost to anybody else, even our own constituents. Oh, we'll spout lip service and denounce the violence, but we won't do shit about it.

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