More faux nouvelles/fake news!


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
"Trump threatens N.K. with a "'Murrican Hurrican", his equivalent of 'shock and awe'. An overwhelming deluge of precision weapons that take out the leadership, then allow the people remaining to put together their own government. In any case, they would have to do it in communication with South Korea. Border control is to be resolved."
Thus, the policy is amazingly similar to what Obama's predecessor did regarding Iraq (though, one hopes, with fewer civilian casualties).
"Trump threatens N.K. with a "'Murrican Hurrican", his equivalent of 'shock and awe'. An overwhelming deluge of precision weapons that take out the leadership, then allow the people remaining to put together their own government. In any case, they would have to do it in communication with South Korea. Border control is to be resolved."
Thus, the policy is amazingly similar to what Obama's predecessor did regarding Iraq (though, one hopes, with fewer civilian casualties).
Sorry Obama's policy of "let them shoot us first" has been redacted.
Uh, they ARE shooting! But Trump said any threat wold be met with a lot of unpleasant stuff!

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