More evidence of controlled demolitions on 9/11

I think it was Jewish Space Lasers

So riddle me this. If it was a controlled demolition, HOW did they pull it off? How did they sneak hundreds, if not thousands of charges into the office buildings, and drill the holes, and seal it up so no one would notice, over a period of months without anyone in either building noticing? It makes no logical sense. And then they "hire" arabs to hijack planes and hit the WTC? In flight phone calls from the flights that hit the towers don't deny it was terrorists that hijacked the planes....

I don't care what some attention seeking failed "engineer" says with money pressed to her nose. I have eyes. I know what happened.
You can't have two perfectly symmetrical collapses from two 110 story buildings each with dramatically different asymmetrical damage on opposite sides.

Sure you can

They are of identical design and would exhibit the same mode of failure

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