More And More Black Leaders Are Admitting They're Bigots/Racists


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.

Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.

This current bigotry is just showing that maybe the KKK and other racists groups had a point. The pendulum has swung back the other way.....and racists on the other side are now willing to show us their true colors.....and maybe they just might be chomping at the bit to get some payback for the imagined slights of the past.


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There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.
You need to do better than that for proving your point.
Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.
Obama may have gone to South Africa once before Mandela died, because Madela did not like Obama, because like all of the other educated Black American (lawyers), they rather cry "racism" in America and march across another bridge, than help organize a country for the liberation of black people. Mandela is probably the one who arranged for the phony hand-signing guy at Obama's speech at Mandela's funeral.

I do not remember Hillary ever going to South Africa, but I am sure it happened, since she was State Secretary.
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I'm sure they will calm down when they can enslave another race
That's the really funny thing. They do not realize how inefficient slavery is. They think it is free labor.

I think we will eventually have to have a constitutional convention that guarantees black people a state, and we can provide them with white criminals for slave labor.
I'm sure they will calm down when they can enslave another race
That's the really funny thing. They do not realize how inefficient slavery is. They think it is free labor.

I think we will eventually have to have a constitutional convention that guarantees black people a state, and we can provide them with white criminals for slave labor.
Blacks already use whites for labor, look at all the modern things they would never have without whites

Blacks are not going to use slaves for labor, they just want to beat and rape them.
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Over-compensation------an ego defense
Please elaborate.
they really don't mean it------but they have to play
in order to keep their constituents. Even a jerk like
Lori knows that here comment about black, brown and
white makes no sense----but it got her votes
Uh.....I think she means it.
She's a black woman....
She's a lesbian....
She's an incompetent that got the job because the last guy was a disaster...or was #METOO'd out of office.
She has decimated Chicago.
Bill DeBlasio is the same. Total dirtbag.

This same scenario has played out all over the US. It's even going on here in Nashville. He raised property taxes 37% after promising not to during the campaign.....and he's a replacement for the last Democrat jerk who was a replacement for a female mayor that got caught screwing her security chief.

KY has a governor that demonized the previous governor as AG....and now he's turning KY into a socialist state. Same thing can be said in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and anywhere that BLM or ANITFA is happened there. They brainwashed the electorate to get a Democrat scumbag elected....and now they're paying a price for it.
There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.

Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.

This current bigotry is just showing that maybe the KKK and other racists groups had a point. The pendulum has swung back the other way.....and racists on the other side are now willing to show us their true colors.....and maybe they just might be chomping at the bit to get some payback for the imagined slights of the past.


And you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get house, you still get the car, you're family doesn't get their brains blown out and the cops go free, you can still travel anywere in the world and have no problem.

So tell me - How are all these evil black racist affecting your life ?
There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.

Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.

This current bigotry is just showing that maybe the KKK and other racists groups had a point. The pendulum has swung back the other way.....and racists on the other side are now willing to show us their true colors.....and maybe they just might be chomping at the bit to get some payback for the imagined slights of the past.


All blacks are racists and anti-white...always have been....even the so-called "good blacks" are anti-white and racist.....they just pretend to be decent people.... they may even say things that Real Americans taught them to say -- but so what...

Can you really trust them?
And you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get house, you still get the car, you're family doesn't get their brains blown out and the cops go free, you can still travel anywere in the world and have no problem.
It's that fucking WHITE SKIN. I tell you, it is MAGIC. Makes money grow on trees. Get's work done automatically, by magic.

People with white skin can travel teleportation.

White skin is the best. People with black skin should invest in makeup, bleach, or paint. I'm telling you. This white skin life is BLISS!!!

And you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get house, you still get the car, you're family doesn't get their brains blown out and the cops go free, you can still travel anywere in the world and have no problem.
It's that fucking WHITE SKIN. I tell you, it is MAGIC. Makes money grow on trees. Get's work done automatically, by magic.

People with white skin can travel teleportation.

White skin is the best. People with black skin should invest in makeup, bleach, or paint. I'm telling you. This white skin life is BLISS!!!

Now all you need is black skin and have one of your kids resist arrest and get shot trying to get away and just won $27 million Dollars.
And you still get the job, you still get the loan, you still get house, you still get the car, you're family doesn't get their brains blown out and the cops go free, you can still travel anywere in the world and have no problem.
It's that fucking WHITE SKIN. I tell you, it is MAGIC. Makes money grow on trees. Get's work done automatically, by magic.

People with white skin can travel teleportation.

White skin is the best. People with black skin should invest in makeup, bleach, or paint. I'm telling you. This white skin life is BLISS!!!

I just WIGGLE MY NOSE-----and the dished get done and the laundry IRONS ITSELF
Now all you need is black skin and have one of your kids resist arrest and get shot trying to get away and just won $27 million Dollars.

If you are upset about the settlements that some blk ppl get when white supremacist cops unjustly kill blk people then solution is simple

White people need to railly round and stop encouraging cops 2 kill innocent Blks

The problem is your own. White people are the ones who support cops killing blacks. White people are the ones who always try to find reason as to why the black person deserved it

And here's the real kicker

Those settlements come from you !! They come directly from the taxes. Not from the Cops or law enforcement. So they don't give a shit. Thus, property taxes go up to cover this nonsense.

Look Black people have little power over your life. Every person who has power over your life is white. Even on personal I've always said that I don't want blk ppl to hate white ppl. I want blk ppl to stop loving them so much.

White people get too much fkin love from black and non white people and if I'm wrong take a trip to China, India and go with a black person and watch who the doors will open for, watch who the women will spread their legs for. Same is true in Africa.

Are their blk ppl who hate whites ? You better believe it.

But whites make sure they live as far away from blk ppl as possible and they make sure that blk ppl have zero influence over them and again if I'm wrong

Name me one thing that black people have stopped white people from doing that they had a right to ? (Like buy a home, live in a area, get certain jobs)
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There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.

Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.

This current bigotry is just showing that maybe the KKK and other racists groups had a point. The pendulum has swung back the other way.....and racists on the other side are now willing to show us their true colors.....and maybe they just might be chomping at the bit to get some payback for the imagined slights of the past.


Racist groups like the KKK and neo-Nazis, are no different than racist blacks. Those elements on both sides are disgusting.
I'm sure they will calm down when they can enslave another race
That's the really funny thing. They do not realize how inefficient slavery is. They think it is free labor.

I think we will eventually have to have a constitutional convention that guarantees black people a state, and we can provide them with white criminals for slave labor.
" slavery, gets shit done".
There seems to be a new movement in the Black community....OPEN RACISM AGAINST WHITES.

Blacks in positions of power are trying set up blatant systemic racism in government against whites.....and some of them feel empowered to openly voice their deep rooted bigotry.....bigotry that they have been afraid to admit to unless they were with other blacks. All of the sudden more and more of them are coming out of the closet...they appear to want to make it fashionable to be a racist. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot admitted to it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden back 'equity policies' that favor people of color over whites.

Now you may understand why Hillary and Obama made so many visits to South Africa a few years ago. Perhaps they were looking for pointers on how to carry out reverse racism/systemic racism (equity policies) without alarming the public.

This current bigotry is just showing that maybe the KKK and other racists groups had a point. The pendulum has swung back the other way.....and racists on the other side are now willing to show us their true colors.....and maybe they just might be chomping at the bit to get some payback for the imagined slights of the past.


All blacks are racists and anti-white...always have been....even the so-called "good blacks" are anti-white and racist.....they just pretend to be decent people.... they may even say things that Real Americans taught them to say -- but so what...

Can you really trust them?
You ain't black unless you voted for Biden.
You ain't black unless you wear your mask. Only Trump supporters go maskless outdoors.
Racist groups like the KKK and neo-Nazis, are no different than racist blacks. Those elements on both sides are disgusting.

OK. So name me one racist black group that has had a history of hanging and lynching white people ?

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