MLK/Obama.....I had a Dream - vers - I have a Scheme

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
MLK, in spite of his personal short comings, died trying to unselfishly advance our society and nation for the good of all people.

Obama on the other hand, is all about political manipulation and underhanded dealings to achieve his warped agenda regardless of how it impacts the country and divides it's citizens.
MLK, in spite of his personal short comings, died trying to unselfishly advance our society and nation for the good of all people.

Obama on the other hand, is all about political manipulation and underhanded dealings to achieve his warped agenda regardless of how it impacts the country and divides it's citizens.

Actually more comparable people would be Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who have failed miserably at being the next Martin Luther King. These two clowns have no shame or humility..
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are just small fry rank amateurs compared to Obama's machiavellian inspired style of ruling the nation. ... :doubt:

Of course, the libs have hijacked MLK's message and they twist it to fit their current agenda.

MLK wanted minorities to get an education and chase the American dream. He wanted this country to truly offer equal opportunity and for all to take advantage of it. It was unfair for anyone to stand in someone's way or deny them opportunity because of their race.

Of course, todays liberals are more interested in getting even for past sins. Sharpton and Jackson are nothing but angry race baiters and sometimes I think they'd like an all out race war. Having equal rights isn't enough. They want whites to pay.

Obama, like other liberals, has tried to legislate revenge. Obama was key in getting money for black farmers who claimed they were treated unfairly and they received a big settlement. The case was reopened years later and more money was awarded. Problem was that the number of recipients far exceeded the actual number of farmers.

Encouraging welfare is seen as kindness by liberals, yet it would be far more benevolent to encourage independence. Equal opportunity means everyone has a chance, at least that is how the founders intended. Government interference and crony capitalism has tilted the playing field.

Today's liberals balk at equal opportunity and act as if no minority can possibly succeed without the aid of government. When many do succeed, the way Herman Cain or Ben Carson did, they are impugned and called traitors. Liberals now believe in equal outcomes and they intend to accomplish that via wealth redistribution. They pat themselves on the back for passing job killing legislation and doubling the welfare rolls. They measure success by how many people need them, not by how many people don't need them. And those who manage to build a life without being coddled by bureaucrats are often belittled and called greedy. It's not even the wealthy that they label with such harsh terms, it's the average American who works and pays their own bills without being subsidized. Reid claims we want to pay even more in taxes. He's full of shit.

It's average Americans who will bear the brunt of Obamacare. Most of the people who signed up at the site already had insurance and shopped for a better deal. Most of the young people suffered sticker shock and didn't sign up.

Liberals called it a crisis, yet those who were supposedly in dire need are saying no thanks to the government solution.

The liberal mindset of today bears little resemblance to MLK's message years ago. MLK was right and he wanted to encourage people to get up and act to make their lives better and to fight against anyone who would seek to hold them down. The thing that is holding people down now isn't the racists, it's government.

Government programs tend to chip away at the old fashioned pride that inspired people to do what they needed to get by. The new message is give up, sit tight and let government take care of you from cradle to grave.

Compare that to parenting. If parents teach their children that actions have consequences and that they need to earn their way, the children likely grow up to be self-sufficient.

If parents don't teach their children about personal responsibility through example, expect nothing of them and constantly bail them out when they make stupid choices, they will take care of those children the rest of their lives because they won't have the skills to make it on their own. It's the parents who teach children how to function as adults. Now that government has taken over the roll of father for a great many children, they are dropping the ball and not teaching personal responsibility.

I don't think MLK would be impressed with that after minorities fought so hard for so many years to be equal. He would expect much more from people and wouldn't approve of this entitlement mentality. People are capable of doing great things and it's sad when they never even try. People in the past didn't fight for opportunity so future generations could waste it.
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MLK, in spite of his personal short comings, died trying to unselfishly advance our society and nation for the good of all people.

Obama on the other hand, is all about political manipulation and underhanded dealings to achieve his warped agenda regardless of how it impacts the country and divides it's citizens.

Actually more comparable people would be Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who have failed miserably at being the next Martin Luther King. These two clowns have no shame or humility..

at least MLK was a real minister who graduated from a theological seminary......Jackson and Sharpton are pretty much fakes...and Obama doesn't appear to be that much of a Christian....

black liberation theology which has marxist roots is probably the closest common denominator of all four....
King wanted to unite people - Obama wants to divide.

King wanted people to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin - Obama wants people to be judged by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.

King wanted blacks to be able to get jobs and support themselves - Obama wants whites to have jobs so they can support blacks on welfare.
King might have had a dream.


Lacks the imagination to dream.

But Obama's daddy had a dream.....

A dream based in African anti-colonialism. The kind of dream that inspired a lot of shit that came down in Kenya in the days of Jomo Kenyatta.

Sadly it seems to have been all OKP learned from dear old dad.
King might have had a dream.


Lacks the imagination to dream.

But Obama's daddy had a dream.....

A dream based in African anti-colonialism. The kind of dream that inspired a lot of shit that came down in Kenya in the days of Jomo Kenyatta.

Sadly it seems to have been all OKP learned from dear old dad.

yup....Obama's daddy was an anti-colonial communist Muslim....

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