Mitt Romney wants Lockerbie bomber back in U.S. to face justice.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -
Another Romney gaffe. He clearly has not looked into the case.. if he had, he would never ever want the accused in a US court of law or any other court of law in the west.

The case against this guy is so flawed that you could never win without buying off the judge. The evidence has been tampered with and manipulated, the witnesses bought off by the FBI and coached at that and evidence has been withheld. Hell many British victim families who followed the case very closely dont think he did it.
Obama gonna get him back...
Lockerbie bomber case may reopen with new Libyan government
August 30, 2011 - Lockerbie bomber: the US is calling for the Libyan transitional government to look at the Lockerbie bomber case while Abdel Baset al-Megrahi reportedly fades in and out of consciousness.
The Obama administration has asked Libya's opposition to review the case of the ailing former Libyan intelligence agent convicted of the Lockerbie bombing who has been living in Tripoli since his release from a Scottish prison two years ago, the State Department said Monday. The department said it wants the opposition to look into the handling and terms of Abdel Baset al-Megrahi's return to Libya. Al-Megrahi was released on compassionate grounds in 2009 and returned home to a hero's welcome from supporters of Moammar Gadhafi. He is now near death and slipping in and out of consciousness, according to his brother. His release by Scottish authorities was loudly protested by the U.S., as were the circumstances of his return to Libya.

State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said U.S. officials have spoken to senior members of Libya's Transitional National Council about the case. She said the TNC had agreed to look into it once it consolidates control over the country and establishes a fully functioning government. "We asked the TNC to, as soon as it can, take a hard look at what it thinks ought to happen with Mr. Megrahi, and it is committed to do that," she told reporters. "This is a new day in Libya," Nuland said. "This is a guy with blood on his hands, the lives of innocents. Libya itself under Gadhafi made a hero of this guy. Presumably, a new, free, democratic Libya would have a different attitude towards a convicted terrorist. So it is in that spirit that the TNC will look at this case."

Also Monday, White House spokesman Jay Carney said the U.S. has no indication that Gadhafi has left Libya. The Algerian foreign ministry said Gadhafi's wife and other relatives fled to Algeria. Libyan rebels have effectively ended Gadhafi's rule, but have yet to find the longtime leader. Carney said the administration is continuing to work with rebels and NATO partners as the situation in Libya unfolds and would pass on information about Gadhafi's whereabouts if it had them. Calls for al-Megrahi to be returned to prison have increased in the U.S. and Europe since rebel forces seized control of Tripoli last week, but it is not clear whether that could happen. The Scottish government says it has no plans to ask for him to be returned, and al-Megrahi's brother says he is so close to death that there would be little point.

The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

Wait a minute - fearful Rightwingers in government are on record as not wanting to bring terrorists to U.S. soil for trial.

Why is this guy different?
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

So what? Wow, that's an easy call, isn't it?

Romney's a sure fire loser... the sooner we get him off the stage, the better.
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

So what? Wow, that's an easy call, isn't it?

Romney's a sure fire loser... the sooner we get him off the stage, the better.

You could not be more wrong about Romney. He's one of the very few Republicans that the independents would vote for. Wanna win? Run a candidate that can win the independents.
If Romney is on the ticket and Obama cant pull off a miracle, im voting for Romney. First GOP vote of my 31 year old life. Hes a smart and savvy Business man who seems to side step the hard core right wing nonsense. I really like that. Obama cant get the job done, someone else needs a shot.

this particular topic is good fodder but im not going to really worry about that happens to the Lockerbie bomber.
If Romney is on the ticket and Obama cant pull off a miracle, im voting for Romney. First GOP vote of my 31 year old life. Hes a smart and savvy Business man who seems to side step the hard core right wing nonsense. I really like that. Obama cant get the job done, someone else needs a shot.

this particular topic is good fodder but im not going to really worry about that happens to the Lockerbie bomber.

If Romney is the nominee, I will vote for Obama.

Because I don't see any difference between them on policy, and he belongs to a cult whose motives I don't trust.

So for the first time in my 50 year life, I'll vote for a Democrat...
how is Romney a cult leader and Perry is not? Im not assuming you like Perry, cause I don't know. Im just using him as an example.

is it Romney's religious belief that don't attract you?
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

So what? Wow, that's an easy call, isn't it?

Romney's a sure fire loser... the sooner we get him off the stage, the better.

You could not be more wrong about Romney. He's one of the very few Republicans that the independents would vote for. Wanna win? Run a candidate that can win the independents.

22% won't vote for a Mormon, including 18% of Republicans and 19% of independents.

And frankly, where does this "electability" thing come from? Romney lost to Ted Kennedy in 1994, a year when the voters were stringing up Democrats on principle. By 17 points.

He barely beat a Democratic Non-entity in 2002 and still didn't get over 50% of the vote after spending 7 million of his own money. Then he opted out of running for re-election because he was trailing Devall Patrick by double digits in 2006 polls.

In 2008, he spent 43 million of his own money to run for the Republican nomination. He came in third place behind RINO John McCain and Mike Huckabee. He lost primaries in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida, California, Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, and Maryland. He won only three states that had primaries. Utah, where the Mormons run things, Massachusetts, where he was governor, and Michigan where his dad was governor and the other Republicans didn't contest it because they were holding an unauthorized early primary. And even there, he only edged out John McCain because he promised he would bail out the auto industry.

The only reason why Romney is a formidable candidate his willingness to spend the money he garnered over the years putting working folks out of good paying jobs. (Another reason he is absolute electoral poison.)

Good article on the subject here...

Romney’s “Core Constituency”
how is Romney a cult leader and Perry is not? Im not assuming you like Perry, cause I don't know. Im just using him as an example.

is it Romney's religious belief that don't attract you?

Yes, cults started by petty con men who wanted to deflower 14 year old girls tend to turn me off... as do idiots who insist on believing in them after they've been debunked.

Mormonism is Scientology plus 150 years. Does Evil Space Lord Xenu live on Planet Kolob?

Now, just to clarify, I'm an agnostic and I have nothing but contempt for all organized religion.

But the difference between a religion and a cult is that a cult seeks to control every aspect of the lives of their members. Mormonism falls into the latter category while evangelicals (who have a lot of silly ideas) do not. Evangelicals have a wide variety of beliefs and disagreements on scriptures.
Okay, you don't like Romney, fair enough.

at this point, hes the only guy who can beat Obama. Perry will be picked apart and have to answer some questions. And hes from Texas, as a born and raised Florida boy, Texas can suck my golden nutz

I just like Romney's disposition a lot more than any other Republican candidate. Huntsman is also impressive so far.
Okay, you don't like Romney, fair enough.

at this point, hes the only guy who can beat Obama. Perry will be picked apart and have to answer some questions. And hes from Texas, as a born and raised Florida boy, Texas can suck my golden nutz

I just like Romney's disposition a lot more than any other Republican candidate. Huntsman is also impressive so far.

Guy, the very fact that you are a liberal who thinks that Romney and Huntsman are the bee knees is probably a good reason for conservatives to be wary of them.

I don't worry about a straight up between Perry and Obama. Obama's record has been so abyssmal, he really doesn't have much of an argument. No one can get re-elected with 9% unemployment, a 38% approval rate, etc.

The biggest danger I see with a Romney candidacy (which I think can only happen is if the Establishment cheats, and what would be the chances of that happening) is that the TEA Party and other conservatives get behind a third party candidate and allow Obama to win. I know I'll be looking at a third party if we are stuck with a choice between these two libs.
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

Wait a minute - fearful Rightwingers in government are on record as not wanting to bring terrorists to U.S. soil for trial.

Why is this guy different?

Why is he different? He's the only rightwinger that has successfully implemented government mandated healthcare.
If Romney is on the ticket and Obama cant pull off a miracle, im voting for Romney. First GOP vote of my 31 year old life. Hes a smart and savvy Business man who seems to side step the hard core right wing nonsense. I really like that. Obama cant get the job done, someone else needs a shot.

this particular topic is good fodder but im not going to really worry about that happens to the Lockerbie bomber.


What evidence from Willard's career would make you say something this dumb?
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

So what? Wow, that's an easy call, isn't it?

Romney's a sure fire loser... the sooner we get him off the stage, the better.

You could not be more wrong about Romney. He's one of the very few Republicans that the independents would vote for. Wanna win? Run a candidate that can win the independents.

They didn't vote for him in 2008. Why would they vote for him in 2012?
The below video is of Mitt Romney stating he wants the Lockerbie bomber back in the U.S. to finally face justice after killing hundreds in a bombing of a Pan Am air jet. This is the man that claimed he had cancer so they let him go back to Libya--where Khadafy welcomed him with a parade.

Good interview with Mitt Romney on the market and jobs also.

Romney: Lockerbie Bomber Needs to Face Justice - Fox News Video -

Wait a minute - fearful Rightwingers in government are on record as not wanting to bring terrorists to U.S. soil for trial.

Why is this guy different?

Why is he different? He's the only rightwinger that has successfully implemented government mandated healthcare.
No, the Lockerbie Bomber.

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