Mitch McConnell says get vaccinated or else!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Mitch has just come out and said that Americans need to get vaccinated or face another shut down

In other words, Trump supporters who do not get vaccinated will be blamed for the next shut down as government will run a hate campaign against them with the American people, just like they did successfully with January 6th.

It will be all their fault.

Mitch has just come out and said that Americans need to get vaccinated or face another shut down

In other words, Trump supporters who do not get vaccinated will be blamed for the next shut down as government will run a hate campaign against them with the American people, just like they did successfully with January 6th.

It will be all their fault.
Whoever shuts it down will be. Not sure his authority however, there’s that
not true. and it is also not true that it is only trump supporters not getting the fauci Jab.

Rich elites in California don't get their kids vaccinated for school and yetttt you've never complained about that have ya? Feds have gone after cigarettes and yet millions still smoke. You have volunteered for an experimental drug. EXPERIMENTAL. It's not approved. I and millions and millions of others...prefer to see the end results of your experiment. Carry on.
News flash. It was already their fault. 99% of the deaths from the Rona are people that are not vaxxed.
Tell that to the Pelosi staffers that tested positive from the vaccinated fleeing Democrats from TX....Who were also btw, supposed to be vaccinated....

For the record I have had both shots, but I believe it is up to each person to decide for themselves...
Mitch can hug my nuts.

I'll decide on which intrusive medical procedures I will or won't undergo. Not the central government.

Their last 'shutdown' didn't affect my day in any meaningful way, so why should I fear another one? Heh heh.

In fact, it gave me more time to drive my V8 sports car around polluting up the environment.

Maybe the next shutdown will give me more time to shop around for another one.
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Yeah but this time it's the governments and big businesses turn to shut down.


Tell that to the Pelosi staffers that tested positive from the vaccinated fleeing Democrats from TX....Who were also btw, supposed to be vaccinated....

For the record I have had both shots, but I believe it is up to each person to decide for themselves...
Any of those vaxxed Dems die or even have serious symptoms? If not the vax works.
Mitch can hug my nuts.

I'll decide on which intrusive medical procedures I will or won't undergo. Not the central government.

Their last 'shutdown' didn't affect my day in any meaningful way, so why should I fear another one? Heh heh.

In fact, it gave me more time to drive my V8 sports car around polluting up the envronment.

Maybe the next shutdown will give me more time to shop around for another one.
The shutdown hurt lots of people, namely small business owners who in many cases operate day to day....I think another shutdown would be devistating...
Having a once-trusted media that would work on behalf of ALL Americans turn into a propaganda arm for one political party is what led to this level of distrust. They can now deal with the consequences of their actions going forward. These people are losing their minds over a virus that has a 98-99 percent survival rate. They are pushing cash and prizes as rewards for people to take their vaccine and they appear desperate to get 70+ percent of us jabbed. If people were actually dying in the way these doom crows are acting, they wouldn't NEED any enticements.

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